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This is my bioinformatics research project. In this project I created a workflow to identify protein cavities and and compare variants.

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A workflow to Discover the variant on Cavities Surface of Proteins


Cavity is one sort of protein structure features, and it looks like a void inside of protein and it could connect to outside through tunnel or it could be totally closed. This kind of special protein structures make it have significantly biological function, for example binding sites for enzyme or molecule transportation and so on. And, the variants in protein cavities might influent the biological function. The insight of protein cavities and regulation of variants in protein cavities might be still unclear enough. To discover the feature of protein cavities and the feature of variants in cavities, we use experimentally validated amino acid substitution mutation dataset from VariBench as sample and detect protein cavities in mutation-containing protein structures through CICLOP, then discover the feature of protein cavities found by CICLOP. We will also map the variant to protein structures to get variants that locate on the surface of protein cavities, and get insight of these amino acid substitution. This project is a workflow that include couple of programs.

Package and environment

conda   22.9.0
python  3.9
pandas  1.4
numpy   1.21
bs4     4.11.1   
beautifulsoup4  4.11.1 


Firstly, clone this repository in local computer

mkdir cavity
cd cavity
git clone [email protected]:luhuim/Variant_in_cavity.git

Then running following command: (command should be run in root directory cavity/ indefault.)

mapped uniprot ID to PDB structure

One Uniprot ID could be mapped to couple of PDB structures.

python scr/ data/uniprot_segments_observed.tsv scr/All_species_train.csv collect_PDB/first_parse.tsv

only keep the proteins that have PDB structure in sample variant dataset.

python scr/ data/All_species_train.csv result/collect_PDB/first_parse.tsv result/variant_info/variant.tsv

Organizing PDB information, making the information for same chains merge in one row.

python scr/ result/collect_PDB/first_parse.tsv result/PDB_one_chain_one_line/merge_data_1.tsv 

removing identitical chains under same protein entity

python scr/ result/PDB_one_chain_one_line/merge_data_1.tsv result/PDB_and_entities/merge_data_11_23.tsv

download CICLOP in result/CICLOP/

wget --page-requisites --span-hosts --convert-links --no-directories --directory-prefix=output ''

Download PDB files and fasta files, getting cavities information through CICLOP

Getting a list of PDB IDs

cut -f 1 result/PDB_and_entities/merge_data_11_23.tsv|sort|uniq > result/CICLOP/dist/PDB_list.tsv 

The parameter content that should write in result/CICLOP/dist/ciclop_parameters.txt

PDB_File_Name: PDB.pdb                                                                                                                                        
FASTA_FILE_NAME: PDB.FASTA                                                                                                                                    
Alignment: 1                                                                                                                                                  
Cons_score: NO                                                                                                                                                
Rate_inf_method: EB                                                                                                                                           
Evo_model: JCamino                                                                                                                                            
E_value: 10                                                                                                                                                   
Blast_method: j                                                                                                                                               

In result/CICLOP/dist, running to get cavities information. Here is the content of

cat PDB_list.tsv |while read line; 
do wget$line.pdb;                                          
   wget$line -O $line.fasta;                                                                              
   python $line ciclop_parameters.txt; #fill parameter file
   ./CICLOP; # the software "CLCLOP" must be run in dist/ folder

In result/CICLOP/dist

bash scr/

The output file is in another folder calledresult/CICLOP/dist/Upload_pdbs/.

copy all PDB files that marked by CICLOP into another folder

Copy all pdb files *-inner_surface_marked.pdb into directory: result/CICLOP/all_inner_surface/. The command below must run in result/CICLOP/.

find ./dist/Uploaded_pdbs/*/ -name "*-inner_surface_marked.pdb" -exec cp {} all_inner_surface/ \;

For every -inner_surface_marked.pdb files, only leaving the rows of atom that have cavity mark. And count the amino acid amount in cavity

The command below must run in result/CICLOP/.

nohup python ../PDB_and_entities/merge_data_11_23.tsv all_inner_surface/ only_cavity/ ../Count_every_cavity/Amino_Acid_Count.tsv > choose_cavity.log 2>&1 &             

Seperate merge_data_11_23.tsv into ten files

Because later Mapping step takes to much CPU, so we plan to seperate merge_data_11_23.tsv into ten files, then do the mapping steps.
Open folder /home/inf-31-2021/Research_Project/test_2022_11_14/test_2022_11_23/

cd /home/inf-31-2021/Research_Project/test_2022_11_14/test_2022_11_23/

And there will generete 10 parts.

Amino acid distribution in cavities and setting "threshold"

Run this command in root directory

nohup python scr/ result/PDB_and_entities/merge_data_11_23.tsv result/CICLOP/all_inner_surface/ result/CICLOP/only_cavity/ result/Amino_Acid_Distribution/Amino_Acid_Count.tsv > choose_cavity.log 2>&1 &                  

Adding threshold and run again:

nohup python scr/ result/PDB_and_entities/PDB_ID_list.tsv 3 result/CICLOP/only_cavity/ result/Amino_Acid_Distribution/Cavity_Amino_acid_3.tsv > Threshold_3.log 2>&1 &
nohup python scr/ result/PDB_and_entities/PDB_ID_list.tsv 2 result/CICLOP/only_cavity/ result/Amino_Acid_Distribution/Cavity_Amino_acid_2.tsv > Threshold_2.log 2>&1 &
nohup python scr/ result/PDB_and_entities/PDB_ID_list.tsv 1 result/CICLOP/only_cavity/ result/Amino_Acid_Distribution/Cavity_Amino_acid_1.tsv > Threshold_1.log 2>&1 &

Mapping variant with cavities

The command below is to mapping the variant amino acids on cavities found before.
This program should run in root directory

cd ~

Run this command below:

for i in 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 ; 
do nohup python -u scr/ result/variant_info/variant.tsv PDB_and_entities/merge_data_part_$i result/CICLOP/only_cavity/ result/mapping_variant/merge_data_part_${i}_output.tsv > result/mapping_variant/merge_data_part_$i.log 2>&1 &;  done  

And the result is ten files. To merge the ten output files together, here is following step:

cd result/mapping_variant/

The result variant_cavities.tsv is the ouput files. This file include all amino acid variants that locate in cavities.

Making variant distribution table

Select Uniprot ID that have variant on cavity surface, and add these ID into a text file, called Variant_Uniprot.tsv This command should be run in home directory

cut -f 3 result/mapping_variant/variant_cavity.tsv |tail -n +2 |sort|uniq > result/mapping_variant/Variant_Uniprot.tsv

Compare the amount of Uniprot IDs between original file variant.tsv and Variant_Uniprot.tsv

#The amount of Uniprot ID in variant.tsv
cut -f 3 result/variant_info/variant.tsv |tail -n +2 |sort|uniq|wc -l 
#The amount of Uniprot ID in Variant_Uniprot.tsv
cat result/mapping_variant/Variant_Uniprot.tsv |wc -l

The cavity variant distribution table can be generated through the command below: Amino acids on column label means original amino acid in cavities. Amino acids on raw lable means variant amino acid in cavities.

python scr/ result/mapping_variant/variant_cavity.tsv result/Variant_distribution/Variant_Summary.xlsx

Statistical analysis

This part was done by R, these program should be run in Windows system Here is the list of R program used in this project:

scr/Barchart_of_Threshold.R  #to make a plot showing amino acid distribution of cavities, and adding the threshold.
scr/Statistics_Analysis.Rmd  #to do statistical test
scr/GO_Enrichment_Analysis_in_Variant.Rmd #to do GO enrichment analysis


This is my bioinformatics research project. In this project I created a workflow to identify protein cavities and and compare variants.






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