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daenen-next Build Status

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The react-powered webpage of based on next.js


  1. Make sure you have nvm installed. http:
  2. Switch to correct node version: $ nvm install
  3. Install dependencies: $ npm install
  4. Start development server $ npm run dev
  5. Open in local browser: $ open http:https://localhost:3000

You now have a fully working local development server. All your changes are hot reloaded instantly.

Additional NPM-Commands

  • npm run build - will create a startable distribution of the project. Usually not needed in itself but the basis for turning the app into a static version with npm run export
  • npm run export - will turn the page into static html-pages
  • npm start - start command for the distribution created by next build - not needed
  • npm test - run the e2e-tests in your local browsers. Development-Server must be running for this to work
  • npm run test:ci - run the e2e-tests as if on the CI-system in headless chrome. Project must have been exported before.

Updating Data

All data is held in the json-files in the data-directory. Take note how the existing data is structured and use it as template for the changes you wish to make.


An updated version is automatically deployed into production whenever you commit into master. Tests are run and will stop you if you break any fundamental functionality, but make sure that things look good. Cloudfront-Caches are automatically purged when you deploy, which after a while costs money, so bundle your commits


The webpage of powered by next.js







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