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Management flow using PBS system to analyze sequencing data from Illumina Novaseq6000


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LInk mANagemenNt systEm

This application manage the Bioinformatic workflow for "Programma di profilazione genomica dei tumori FPG500

It's designed for the analysis of panel Illumina TruSight Oncology 500 sequenced using the Illumina Novaseq6000 sequencer.

The Variant calling is performed using Illumina Local App and uploaded on PierianDX Clinical Genomics Workspace (CGW) for the variant interpretation. For these steps is compulsory to have an agreement with Illumina for the Lacal App usage and a licensed account on PierianDX.

It is also use Lianne for coverage analysis using only the analysis coverage jobs

All sh scripts are designed for PBS scheduler installed on CentOS operative system, if it doesn't available on your system the scripts can be used deleting the PBS parameters part



Lianne System works in Conda environment, to install Conda follow:

The conda packages to install are listed in conda_packages_list.txt


It also use Singularity v3.7.4 for the Illumina Local App


The coverage analysis use VarHound available on GitHub at:


First usage

Insert the absolute path of the confPath.ini file in the CONF variable at the beginnign of the file.

CONF = absolutePath/confPath.ini

Parameters and arguments

usage: [-h] -i RUNINPUT [-l1 SELECT] [-l2 NCPUS] [-l3 MEM]
                 [-e EMAIL] [-m SENDMODE] [-N NAME] [-q QUEUE]

Link Management System - Lianne

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i RUNINPUT, --runInput RUNINPUT
                        NovaSeq output sequencing path
  -l_select SELECT, --select SELECT
                        Select the number of chunks to send on PBS cluser -
  -l_ncpus NCPUS, --ncpus NCPUS
                        Select the number of ncpus to require - Default=24
  -l_mem MEM, --mem MEM
                        Select the amount of memory to require - Default=128
  -e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
                        Insert the email -
                        [email protected]
  -m SENDMODE, --sendMode SENDMODE
                        Insert the sending email mode - Default=ae
  -N NAME, --name NAME  Insert the job name - Default=lianne
  -q QUEUE, --queue QUEUE
                        Insert the queue to send job - Default=workq
  -d, --debug           Run the script in debug mode No jobs will be send No
                        file will be written - Default=False
  -f, --fastqc          Perform FastQC analysis on fastq files - Default=False


Starting Lianne using the default parameters the scrit needs only the path folder of sequencer output.


The demultiplexing results are stored in a temporary folder with the following name analysis_runName where runName is the name of sequencing output folder

Lianne performs:

  1. A check if the samplesheet exists. If the samplesheet not exists, Lianne returns a warning and exit. If the samplesheet has another name, Lianne makes a copy in the temporary using SampleSheet.csv as file name

  2. Sends the demultiplexing job using Illumina TruSight Oncology 500 Local App with the following command line:

#! /bin/bash 

#PBS -o /temporaryFolder/analysis_runName/stdout_demultiplex
#PBS -e /temporaryFolder/analysis_runName/stderr_demultiplex
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=24:mem=128g
#PBS -M [email protected]
#PBS -m ae
#PBS -N lianne_demultiplex
#PBS -q workq

module load singularity/3.7.4
module load openmpi/4.1.1
cd /apps/trusight/2.2.0

./ \
--analysisFolder /temporaryFolder/analysis_runName/runName \
--resourcesFolder /apps/trusight/2.2.0/resources \
--runFolder /data/novaseq/Diagnostic/NovaSeq/SequencerOutput/runName \
--engine singularity \
--sampleSheet /temporaryFolder/analysis_runName/SampleSheet.csv \
--isNovaSeq \

Local App

The Illumina TruSigth Oncology Local App v2.2.0 is used for the local variant calling analysis.

Lianne sends in queue the Local App using a sh script containing the following command line and PBS parameters:

#! /bin/bash 

#PBS -o /data/novaseq_results/runName/stdout_LocalApp
#PBS -e /data/novaseq_results/runName/stderr_LocalApp
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=24:mem=128g
#PBS -M [email protected]
#PBS -m ae
#PBS -N lianne_LocalApp
#PBS -q workq

module load singularity/3.7.4
module load openmpi/4.1.1
cd /apps/trusight/2.2.0

./ \
--analysisFolder /data/novaseq_results/runName \
--resourcesFolder /apps/trusight/2.2.0/resources \
--runFolder /data/novaseq/Diagnostic/NovaSeq/SequencerOutput/runName \
--engine singularity \
--sampleSheet /temporaryFolder/analysis_runName/SampleSheet.csv \


It needs to have a PiarianDX account

#! /bin/bash 

#PBS -o /yourTmp/analysis_220314_A01423_0026_AHGGJNDRXY/stdout_cgwUpload
#PBS -e /yourTmp/analysis_220314_A01423_0026_AHGGJNDRXY/stderr_cgwUpload
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=5:mem=80g
#PBS -M [email protected]
#PBS -m ae
#PBS -N lianne_cgwUpload
#PBS -q workq

module load corretto/
cd /PathTo/CGWRunUploader/

java -jar -Dloader.main=com.pdx.commandLine.ApplicationCommandLine RunUploader-1.13.jar --commandLine --runFolder=/yourTmp/analysis_220314_A01423_0026_AHGGJNDRXY/220314_A01423_0026_AHGGJNDRXY --sequencer=Illumina --sequencerFileType=fastq


It expects the fastq files in:


#! /bin/bash 

#PBS -o /yourTmp/analysis_220314_A01423_0026_AHGGJNDRXY/stdout_FastQC
#PBS -e /yourTmp/analysis_220314_A01423_0026_AHGGJNDRXY/stderr_FastQC
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=10:mem=20g
#PBS -M [email protected]
#PBS -m ae
#PBS -N lianne_FastQC
#PBS -q workq

module load anaconda/3
init bash
source ~/.bashrc
conda activate /PathTo/condaEnv/lianne

/PathTo/lianne/Lmodules/ -f /yourResults/220314_A01423_0026_AHGGJNDRXY/Logs_Intermediates/FastqGeneration/*/*.fastq.gz


It expects the bam file as following:

snv: /output_analysis/Logs_Intermediates/StitchedRealigned/Sample_ID/Sample_ID.bam cnv: /output_analysis/Logs_Intermediates/DnaRealignment/Sample_ID/Sample_ID.bam rna: /output_analysis/Logs_Intermediates/RnaMarkDuplicate/Sample_ID/Sample_ID.bam

This analysis is performed using mosdepth package

#! /bin/bash 

#PBS -o /yourResults/220314_A01423_0026_AHGGJNDRXY/stdout_cvLaunch
#PBS -e /yourResults/220314_A01423_0026_AHGGJNDRXY/stderr_cvLaunch
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=1g
#PBS -M [email protected]
#PBS -m ae
#PBS -N lianne_cvLaunch
#PBS -q workq

cd /PathTo/lianne/
python3 Lmodules/ -o /yourResults/220314_A01423_0026_AHGGJNDRXY -e [email protected] -p snv
python3 Lmodules/ -o /yourResults/220314_A01423_0026_AHGGJNDRXY -e [email protected] -p rna
python3 Lmodules/ -o /yourResults/220314_A01423_0026_AHGGJNDRXY -e [email protected] -p cnv


This analysis is performed using R

module load anaconda/3
init bash
source ~/.bashrc
conda activate /PathTo/condaEnv/lianne
cd /yourResults/220314_A01423_0026_AHGGJNDRXY

cd /PathTo/lianne/
python3 VarHound/ /yourResults/220314_A01423_0026_AHGGJNDRXY/snv_coverage 
python3 VarHound/ /yourResults/220314_A01423_0026_AHGGJNDRXY/rna_coverage
python3 VarHound/ /yourResults/220314_A01423_0026_AHGGJNDRXY/cnv_coverage