- fffaraz/awesome-cpp
- CppCon/CppCon2017 CppCon2017会议资料
- fenbf/AwesomePerfCpp A curated list of awesome C/C++ performance optimization resources.
- facebook/folly c++ lib,大杂烩,什么都有
- facebook/proxygen c++ http lib
- facebook/wdt c++ lib 嵌入的高速数据同步库
- facebook/fatal c++ template lib, 可以学习用
- facebook/libphenom 高性能事件驱动框架
- facebookarchive/flashcache Kernel模块,块设备加速方案,linux 2.6.x
- spdk/spdk Intel 存储优化
- google/highwayhash hash 算法
- google/re2 高效正则库
- google/cctz 时间、日期运算库
- google/mathfu 高效数学算法库
- google/gemmlowp 矩阵乘法库
- cameron314/concurrentqueue 无锁并发队列
- 01org/tbb Intel 并行算法库,提供支持高并发的数据结构、算法等
- nlohmann/json 更现代语法实现的json库
- fmtlib/fmt 更现代的c++格式化输出库
- 01org/soft-crc crc库
- 01org/isa-l Intel存储加速库,提供一些crc、压缩算法等
- 01org/isa-l_crypto Intel 加密算法加速库
- 01org/intel-ipsec-mb ipsec优化算法
- 01org/base64 Intel base64加速算法
- 01org/libstructure 提供一种数据结构(没仔细看)
- lpereira/gomoku 将golang翻译成c++的工具
- preshing/junction 并发数据结构
- H-EAL/oqpi c++14 多线程辅助类
- mjansson/rpmalloc Public domain cross platform lock free thread caching 16-byte aligned memory allocator implemented in C
- yuanzhubi/call_in_stack 以指定内存作为函数的栈空间来调用函数的hack
- Tessil/hat-trie 内存型HAT-trie
- vinniefalco/Beast HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11
- vurtun/nuklear A single-header ANSI C gui library
- chriskohlhoff/executors c++委员的Executors/Timers/Channels等实现,可能会c++标准
- chriskohlhoff/networking-ts-impl c++委员的纯模板网络库,实验性质的
- jedisct1/libsodium 知名加密算法库
- AnthonyCalandra/modern-cpp-features 现代CPP特征
- isocpp/CppCoreGuidelines C++ Core Guidelines are a set of tried-and-true guidelines, rules, and best practices about coding in C++
- bazelbuild/bazel google 工程构建工具(比makefile优化很多)
- pfultz2/Linq c++ Linq library
- danmar/cppcheck cpp 静态分析工具
- Microsoft/checkedc 静态、动态分析C程序
- facebook/infer cpp 静态分析工具
- Morgan-Stanley/hobbes A language and an embedded JIT compiler
- Tencent/TscanCode A static code analyzer for C++, C#, Lua
- namhyung/uftrace The uftrace tool is to trace and analyze execution of a program written in C/C++
- google/wuffs 代码生成工具:编写解析格式,自动生成安装的解析代码,用以解析不安全的输入文件
- cesanta/mjs JavaScript 引擎
- ChaiScript/ChaiScript (CPP) 一个C++脚本引擎,可以直接调用进程内的C++函数
- p12tic/libsimdpp libsimdpp is a portable header-only zero-overhead C++ low level SIMD library.
- aguinet/dragonffi C Foreign Function Interface and JIT using Clang/LLVM
- pmed/v8pp Bind C++ functions and classes into V8 JavaScript engine
- foonathan/type_safe Zero overhead utilities for preventing bugs at compile time
- tpircher/pycrc 可以生成多种优化的CRC算法的代码生成器
- ridiculousfish/libdivide (C) 高效除法库
- orlp/pdqsort 头文件实现的快排算法
- willemt/raft C implementation of the Raft Consensus protocol
- davisking/dlib a modern C++ toolkit containing machine learning algorithms
- wbhart/bsdnt Bignum Library
- samhocevar/lolremez Polynomial Approximations using the Remez Algorithm
- savoirfairelinux/opendht A C++11 Distributed Hash Table implementation
- kroitor/gjk.c 检测物体碰撞的算法
- OpenGenus/cosmos (C) Algorithms that run our universe.
- neverchanje/yaraft C++11 实现的raft算法库,移植与etcd的raft实现
- RaftLib/RaftLib c++ raft protocol 实现
- Qihoo360/floyd raft算法实现
- brpc/braft 百度基于brpc实现的raft算法
- muesli/kmeans K邻近算法
- lemire/simdpcg Vectorized version of the PCG random number generator
- google/randen Fast backtracking-resistant random generator
- nothings/stb 一些只有头文件的库
- RandyGaul/tinyheaders 一些只有头文件的库
- facebook/fatal 包含大量模板元编程的库
- FFmpeg/FFmpeg FFmpeg
- xtaci/algorithms 一些算法和数据结构
- srdja/Collections-C generic data structures
- google/farmhash c++ lib 一系列hash函数,包含优化
- google/cpp-frp 依赖c++14,提供现代变成语法概念,
等 - google/infact 动态创建object,数据结构
- tesseract-ocr/tesseract Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine
- facebookresearch/fastText 快速文本处理库
- kr/beanstalkd a simple, fast work queue
- LPD-EPFL/ASCYLIB a concurrent-search data-structure library
- 01org/hyperscan 支持多正则表达式一次匹配的高效模式匹配库
- boostorg/callable_traits CallableTraits is a C++11 header-only library for the inspection, synthesis, and decomposition of callable types.
- hyrise/sql-parser SQL Parser for C++
- tudordavid/libslock Cross-platform atomic operations and lock algorithm library
- abseil/abseil-cpp Abseil Common Libraries (C++)
- boostorg/container STL-like containers from Boost
- cesanta/slre 超轻量级的正则表达式库
- concurrencykit/ck 并发库,提供一些并发原语和数据结构
- google/cpu_features 获取CPU类型及支持的功能
- ferruccio/dynamic-cpp cpp动态类型
- Microsoft/GSL 一些基本库
- gabime/spdlog Super fast C++ logging library.
- google/glog c++ log 库
- https://github.com/muellan/clipp cpp 命令行参数解析库,看起来还不错
- sailormoon/flags 只有头文件的flag解析库
- libfuse/libfuse Linux FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) interface
- mbrossard/threadpool A simple C thread pool implementation
- v8/v8 v8 engine
- openresty/openresty openresty
- baidu/shuttle 百度的Map Reduce计算框架
- hyrise/nvm_malloc 显卡内存分配库
- efficient/nvram Tools for safe management of persistent main memory.
- trigonak/ssmp ssmp is a highly optimized message passing library built on top of the cache-coherence protocols of shared memory processors
- cloudwu/buddy Buddy memory allocation
- pmem/pmdk 持久化内存管理库
- Snaipe/libcsptr C语言的智能指针
- google/fruit 依赖注入框架
- libuv/libuv
- Tencent/libco coroutine library
- yyzybb537/libgo libgo - 协程库、并行编程库
- scylladb/seastar c++14 高性能时间框架、用户态协议栈、任务调用
- F-Stack/f-stack 用户态协议栈+协程
- facebook/libphenom an eventing framework for building high performance and high scalability systems in C
- apache/incubator-brpc baidu rpc框架
- Microsoft/rDSN Robust Distributed System Nucleus (rDSN) is an open framework for quickly building and managing high performance and robust distributed systems.
- Naios/continuable C++14 asynchronous allocation aware futures (supporting then, exception handling, coroutines and connections)
- uWebSockets/uWebSockets Tiny WebSockets
- arut/nginx-rtmp-module nginx rtmp 流媒体插件
- alibaba/nginx-backtrace Nginx module to dump backtrace
- fastos/fastsocket mod kernel to improve tcp transmition
- facebook/wangle Wangle is a library that makes it easy to build protocols, application clients, and application servers
- nghttp2/nghttp2 HTTP/2 C Library and tools
- pkelsey/libuinet 用户态协议栈(FreeBSD's TCP/IP stack)
- chenshuo/4.4BSD-Lite2 用户态协议栈(4.4BSD-Lite2)
- luigirizzo/netmap (C) 用户态数据包IO框架,没有协议栈实现
- madeye/tcp_china 一款TCP拥塞算法
- hzarch/ngx_ssl_session_cache_module Use redis or memcached to store ssl session to achieve cross-machine ssl session reuse
- ldcsaa/HP-Socket High Performance TCP/UDP Socket Component
- vinniefalco/httpkit http 解析库
- facebook/openr (C) 分布式数据传输/路由层,用户可以实现自己的应用而不关心其节点间部署的网络环境
- jiangwenyuan/nuster 基于HAProxy的高性能HTTP缓存服务器和RESTful NoSQL缓存服务器
- efficient/rdma_bench A framework to understand RDMA performance
- efficient/fasst Fast, scalable, and simple transactions over RDMA.
- fungos/cr cpp plugin/reload 解决方案
- efficient/rankselect Space-Efficient, High-Performance Rank & Select Structures on Uncompressed Bit Sequences
- efficient/ffbf Feed-forward Bloom filters
- efficient/cuckoofilter Cuckoo Filter
- efficient/libcuckoo A high-performance, concurrent hash table
- efficient/fast-succinct-trie fast-succinct-trie
- dcjones/hat-trie This a ANSI C99 implementation of the HAT-trie data structure
- songhongwei/libdatrie Double-Array Trie Library 支持中文字符
- greg7mdp/sparsepp A fast, memory efficient hash map for C++
- Tessil/hopscotch-map A C++ implementation of a fast hash map using hopscotch hashing
- ot/ds2i 倒排索引所需的数据结构
- CGCL-codes/DCF Dynamic Cuckoo Filter
- STEllAR-GROUP/hpx HPX is a C++ Standard Library for Concurrency and Parallelism.
- sears/bLSM Read- and latency-optimized log structured merge tree
- mettienne/tiered-vector Highly optimized implementation of tiered vectors
- skarupke/flat_hash_map A very fast hashtable
- efficient/SuRF First Practical and General-purpose Range Filter
- urcu/userspace-rcu 用户态RCU操作实现
- simongog/sdsl-lite Succinct Data Structure Library 2.0(整数数组、前缀树、后缀树等)
- vinniefalco/NuDB header-only的append-only, key/value store
- Netflix/dynomite a thin, distributed dynamo layer for different storage engines
- BohuTANG/nessDB A very fast transactional key-value, embedded database storage engine
- percona/tokudb-engine Percona TokuDB is a high-performance, write optimized, compressing, transactional storage engine
- XeLabs/tokudb Next Generation DBMS TokuDB, based on Percona Server 5.7 with more features
- stephentu/silo Multicore in-memory storage engine
- Cavalia/Cavalia A transactional main-memory database on multicores.
- kohler/masstree-beta a fast, multi-core key-value store.
- hyrise/hyrise In-Memory Hybrid Storage Engine
- baidu/palo MPP data warehouse
- XeLabs/tokudb Next Generation DBMS TokuDB, based on Percona Server 5.7 with more features
- greenplum-db/gpdb The Greenplum Database (GPDB) is an advanced, fully featured, open source data warehouse.
- tellproject/tellstore A in-memory storage manager
- Tencent/paxosstore PaxosStore is a distributed-database initially inspired by Google MegaStore.
- fpgasystems/doppiodb A hardware accelerated database
- JRHZRD/swapdb A redis compatiable storage which support data exchange between memory and disk.
- efficient/mica MICA: A Fast In-memory Key-Value Store (see isca2015 branch for the ISCA2015 version)
- efficient/mica2 A fast in-memory key-value store
- efficient/memc3 MemC3 is an in-memory key-value cache, derived from Memcached
- efficient/cicada-engine fast multi-core in-memory transactions
- XiaoMi/pegasus Pegasus是小米云存储团队开发的一个分布式Key-Value存储系统
- SequoiaDB/SequoiaDB SequoiaDB is a document-oriented NoSQL Database
- TileDB-Inc/TileDB TileDB manages data that can be represented as dense or sparse arrays. It can support any number of dimensions and store in each array element any number of attributes of various data types.
- RedisLabsModules/RediSearch Redis模块,文本搜索功能
- yxymit/DBx1000 DBx1000 is an single node OLTP database management system (DBMS)
- ermia-db/ermia CC for modern main-memory OLTP systems
- tarantool/tarantool (C) Tarantool is an in-memory database and application server.
- priitj/whitedb (C) WhiteDB is a lightweight database library operating fully in main memory. Disk is used only for dumping/restoring database and logging.
- percona/PerconaFT (C) a high-performance, transactional key-value store, used in the TokuDB storage engine for Percona Server and MySQL, and in TokuMX, the high-performance MongoDB distribution.
- malbrain/database (C) Key-Value/Document store database library with btree and ARTree indexing methods
- cruppstahl/upscaledb A very fast lightweight embedded database engine with a built-in query language.
- YugaByte/yugabyte-db a high-performance, transactional database for building distributed cloud services.
- utsaslab/pebblesdb 优化写放大的leveldb改进版
- cloudflare/kyototycoon a handy cache/storage server
- hypertable/hypertable A flexible database focused on performance and scalability
- MonetDB/MonetDB a high-performance database kernel for query-intensive applications.
- pmem/pmemkv (CPP) 依赖持久化内存实现的KV存储
- google/berrydb An Experimental Key-Value Store
- qicosmos/ormpp cpp db orm 支持mysql
- firehol/netdata 监控展示系统
- antirez/disque Disque is a distributed message broker
- alexazhou/VeryNginx VeryNginx base on openresty which provide WAF, Control Panel, and Dashboards
- baidu/Familia 开源项目包含文档主题推断工具、语义匹配计算工具
- willemt/ticketd A distributed durable unique 64bit ID server
- vespa-engine/vespa the open big data serving engine
- google/googletest Google Test framework,包含下面2个
- google/googlemock c++ mock 框架
- google/benchmark c++ benchmark 框架
- google/capture-thread Framework for loggers, tracers, and mockers in multithreaded C++ programs.
- dndx/mockeagainxx hook network相关syscall,模拟syscall结果
- philsquared/Catch native, header-only, framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD
- DhavalKapil/libdheap hook malloc/free 方法,帮助分析内存问题
- Dor1s/libfuzzer-workshop Materials of "Modern fuzzing of C/C++ Projects" workshop.
- trailofbits/deepstate fuzz单测工具
- miloyip/rapidjson A fast JSON parser/generator
- google/protobuf protobuf
- nanopb/nanopb 纯C实现的protobuf
- google/flatbuffers 一个快速的多语言序列化
- lemire/MaskedVByte Fast decoder for VByte-compressed integers in C.
- lemire/simdcomp A simple C library for compressing lists of integers using binary packing
- google/libnop 一个C++对象序列化库,只包含头文件,不需要额外生成代码
- ttroy50/cmake-examples cmake示例
- avelino/awesome-go
- gopherchina/meetup gopherchina会议
- Checkmarx/Go-SCP golang 安全编码手册
- teh-cmc/go-internals go内部揭秘
- cch123/golang-notes go实现解析
- hackstoic/golang-open-source-projects
- abadojack/whatlanggo golang 自然语言识别库,支持84种语言
- google/jsonapi json http api 框架
- uber-go/zap with struct logger 支持hook等,性能较高
- go-playground/statics golang http fs 通过web查看文件目录
- go-playground/pool goroutine pool
- go-playground/spoon golang 进程热更新库,listener不间断
- go-playground/form url to/from form
- cenkalti/backoff 提供几种 backoff 算法
- kardianos/osext 扩展OS包
- fsnotify/fsnotify 文件系统通知
- ponzu-cms/ponzu CMS 框架
- goruby/goruby an implementation of Ruby written in Go
- derekparker/delve golang debugger
- go-kit/kit golang 微服务框架
- fardog/secureoperator https dns
- hashicorp/go-rootcerts http client 加载本地证书的库
- mitchellh/go-homedir 获取进程当前目录的库,不适用cgo
- mitchellh/copystructure struct deep copy
- mitchellh/mapstructure 将一个
类型数据赋值给一个指定类型struct的库 - adamzy/cedar-go A go implemention of efficiently-updatable double-array trie
- golang/dep golang依赖管理工具
- GoASTScanner/gas Go AST Scanner
- Go-zh/gccgo gccgo 错误信息翻译
- kisielk/godepgraph go 依赖可视化工具,画出依赖图谱
- dominikh/go-tools go 代码静态分析工具
- alecthomas/gometalinter 并行跑多种分析工具
- google/fchan-go 实验性质的channel实现,比原生的更快
- google/grumpy Grumpy is a Python to Go source code transcompiler and runtime
- dominikh/go-staticcheck go 代码静态分析工具
- nickng/dingo-hunter golang 静态分析工具,检查死锁
- haya14busa/reviewdog go 代码自动review CI工具
- tmrts/go-patterns go 设计模式
- hoohack/DesignPattern 设计模式
- dpolansky/go-poet 帮助实现go代码generate的工具
- huandu/goroutine 比较hack的方式获取goroutine id
- zxh0/jvm.go golang 实现的jvm,实验性质的。
- robertkrimen/otto JavaScript 解释器,可以嵌入go程序中
- dop251/goja ECMAScript 5.1(+) implementation written in Go
- jingweno/godzilla ES2015代码到go的翻译和运行时
- glycerine/zygomys go实现的类似Lisp的脚本语言
- milochristiansen/lua A Lua 5.3 VM and compiler written in Go.
- yuin/gopher-lua lua 虚拟机
- Shopify/go-lua lua 引擎/虚拟机
- go-interpreter/wagon a WebAssembly-based Go interpreter, for Go.
- rhysd/gocaml GoCaml is subset of OCaml in Go based on MinCaml using LLVM.
- cznic/99c Command 99c is a c99 compiler targeting a virtual machine.
- knq/xo 根据database schema生成go代码的工具
- rjeczalik/interfaces 根据class的export func生成对应interface的代码生成器
- josharian/impl 根据interface定义,生成对应class声明的代码生成器
- msoap/go-carpet 显示代码测试覆盖率的工具
- goccmack/gocc golang 解析代码生成器,通过BNF来生成解析语法
- bjwbell/gensimd simd/sse2相关go代码生成工具
- fwessels/go-cv-simd low-level Go Assembly part of the go-cv wrapper around Simd
- yesuu/simd SIMD for Golang
- minio/asm2plan9s 将GNU汇编转换为plan9汇编
- minio/c2goasm C to Go Assembly
- client9/misspell 分析代码,检查拼写错误。
- campoy/embedmd 分析代码,将注释等信息生成markdown文档
- fatih/gomodifytags 修改struct tag的工具
- ardanlabs/gotraining go 课程
- awalterschulze/goderive 泛型代码生成工具
- 360EntSecGroup-Skylar/goreporter A Golang tool that does static analysis, unit testing, code review and generate code quality report.
- go-functional/core Core utilities for functional Programming in Go
- jgautheron/goconst 加查重复较多的字符串,建议变为const
- benbjohnson/tmpl a command line interface to Go's text/template library
- jteeuwen/go-bindata 将文件嵌入代码的代码生成器
- petermattis/fastcgo Fast (but unsafe) Cgo calls via an assembly trampoline
- grofers/go-codon Workflow based REST framework code generator
- fatih/structtag struct tag解析方法
- bouk/monkey GO动态补丁实现
- matthewmueller/joy 将GO源码编译为JS的工具
- irifrance/gini A fast SAT solver
- emicklei/proto pb源文件解析库
- timtadh/lexmachine Lexical Analysis Framework for Golang
- vektah/gqlgen 快速创建graphql数据结构、类型声明等代码
- dave/jennifer 辅助代码生成器的库
- mwitkow/go-proto-validators protobuf生成器插件,帮助生成数据结构校验函数
- cosmos72/gomacro go解析器
- sirkon/ldetool 生成日志解析代码
- opennota/re2dfa 将正则表达转换为有限状态机代码
- xuri/toml-to-go 将TOML配置转为go代码工具
- dearplain/goloader 运行时加载go代码
- mvdan/gogrep Search for Go code using syntax trees.
- karalabe/xgo 交叉编译工具,一次性编译出各个平台的版本
- mitchellh/gox Go cross compile tool
- mvdan/goreduce go 代码简化工具
- klauspost/asmfmt go汇编格式化工具
- alexkohler/prealloc go代码静态分析工具,发现那些slice/map可以预先分配大小
- d4l3k/go-pry go 解释器
- m-zajac/json2go 根据输入的json生成go struct结构
- gotpl/gtfmt 格式化go目标文件的工具
- cheekybits/genny 泛型代码生成工具
- taylorchu/generic 泛型代码生成工具
- joeshaw/gengen 泛型代码生成工具
- elliotchance/c2go 将c代码翻译成go代码
- haya14busa/goverage go test -coverprofile for multiple packages
- mdempsky/unconvert 帮忙移除代码中不必要的类型转换
- lafolle/flen 统计函数长度
- alexkohler/cfmt 格式化go代码中的注释,重新排版到指定长度
- TrueFurby/go-callvis 生成函数调用图
- maruel/panicparse 将go panic输出还原成代码中的函数调用
- KyleBanks/depth 输出项目包依赖
- golangci/awesome-go-linters
- blevesearch/bleve 文字索引查询
- vladimirvivien/automi 流式处理逻辑框架
- ahmetb/go-linq LINQ-like query methods for Go 流式处理逻辑
- chrislusf/glow 流式处理框架 map/reduce
- minio/highwayhash HighwayHash is not a general purpose cryptographic hash function (such as Blake2b, SHA-3 or SHA-2) and should not be used if strong collision resistance is required
- tidwall/murmur3 Murmur3 hash in Go
- tidwall/algo go runtime的hash算法
- stathat/consistent 一致性hash
- buraksezer/consistent 一致性hash
- eapache/go-resiliency 提供一些通讯中弹性容错的实现(breaker/deadline/semaphore)
- rubyist/circuitbreaker 断路器实现
- hashicorp/raft consul的raft算法实现
- ailidani/paxi PAXOS协议框架
- peterbourgon/caspaxos A Go implementation of the CASPaxos protocol
- efficient/epaxos EPaxos is an efficient, leaderless replication protocol.
- efficient/qlease Go implementation of Quorum Read Leases
- seiflotfy/hyperbitbit 基数估计算法
- armon/go-chord p2p hash 查找算法
- secondbit/wendy 分布式hash table
- anacrolix/dht dht is used by anacrolix/torrent, and is intended for use as a library in other projects both torrent related and otherwise
- anacrolix/torrent Full-featured BitTorrent client package and utilities
- libp2p/go-libp2p golang p2p lib
- couchbaselabs/vellum golang 有限状态机(FSM)的实现
- smartystreets/mafsa golang 有限状态机(FSM)的实现
- antage/ragel-go 将自动状态机转成go代码的工具
- cloudflare/ahocorasick Aho-Corasick ac自动机字符串匹配
- NebulousLabs/merkletree merkletree 算法实现
- remyoudompheng/bigfft Big integer multiplication library
- petar/GoLLRB GoLLRB is a Left-Leaning Red-Black (LLRB) implementation of 2-3 balanced binary search trees in Go Language.
- tmthrgd/atomic128 (GO) 128bit数据原子操作
- tmthrgd/go-memset (GO) memset
- tmthrgd/go-sem (GO) POSIX semaphore library for Golang
- tmthrgd/go-base64 (GO) base64 加速
- myfreeweb/go-base64-simd (GO) base64 加速
- tmthrgd/shm-go (GO) A high-performance shared memory communications library for Go
- tmthrgd/go-bitwise (GO) Efficient bitwise (xor/xnor/and/and-not/nand/or/nor/not) implementations for Golang.
- tmthrgd/go-hex (GO) An efficient assembly hexadecimal implementation for Golang.
- minio/sha256-simd (GO) sha256算法加速
- shawnsmithdev/zermelo (GO) Radix sorting library
- cchamplin/gocrush Implementation of the CRUSH Algorithm in Go
- moovweb/rubex Super Fast Regexp for Go
- dchest/siphash Go implementation of SipHash-2-4
- weaveworks/mesh (GO) Mesh implements a gossip protocol that provide membership, unicast, and broadcast functionality with eventually-consistent semantics.
- influxdata/tdigest 计算第x大的等算法
- rivo/duplo 图片哈希算法,判断相似图片
- jinzhu/now 时间相关方法
- templexxx/xor XOR in Go, more than 10GB/s per core
- tjfoc/gmsm 基于Go语言的国密SM2/SM3/SM4加密算法库
- tmthrgd/chacha20 An AVX/AVX2/x64/pure-Go implementation of the ChaCha20 stream cipher for Golang.
- klauspost/reedsolomon 所罗门编码
- templexxx/reedsolomon 所罗门编码
- ArteMisc/libgodium Pure Go implementation of cryptographic APIs found in libsodium
- silkeh/ipcipher 加解密IP地址的库
- cznic/mathutil Utilities supplemental to the Go standard "rand" and "math" packages
- go-hep/fit 数据拟合
- cpmech/gosl Go scientific library.
- montanaflynn/stats 一些统计计算算术
- anthonynsimon/bild A collection of parallel image processing algorithms in pure Go
- gonum/gonum a set of numeric libraries
- uber-go/zap fast, structured, leveled logging
- sirupsen/logrus Structured, pluggable logging for Go
- thoas/go-funk A modern Go utility library which provides helpers (map, find, contains, filter, ...)
- Workiva/go-datastructures 多种数据结构
- emirpasic/gods 多种数据结构
- fatih/set 集合运算库,子集、差集等运算
- deckarep/golang-set 集合运算库
- google/btree 内存中的btree数据结构实现
- hashicorp/go-immutable-radix immutable radix tree
- hashicorp/golang-lru Golang LRU cache
- dgryski/go-s4lru an implementation of Quadruply-segmented LRU cache
- yasushi-saito/rbtree A red-black tree with an API similar to C++ STL's
- beeker1121/goque Persistent stacks and queues for Go backed by LevelDB
- eapache/queue Fast golang queue using ring-buffer
- armon/go-radix Golang implementation of Radix trees
- ncw/gotemplate go 数据结构代码生成器
- Kentik/patricia Garbage collector-sensitive patricia tree for IP/CIDR tagging
- efficient/go-cuckoo A high-performance, memory-efficient concurrent hash table
- tylertreat/BoomFilters Stable Bloom Filters, Scalable Bloom Filters, Counting Bloom Filters, Inverse Bloom Filters, Cuckoo Filters
- orcaman/concurrent-map (GO) 一个线程安全的支持并发的map,采用hash分片的方式
- cloudfoundry/go-diodes (GO) 应用内部传递数据的ring buffers
- yourbasic/graph (GO) Golang library of basic graph algorithms
- bradleyjkemp/memviz 数据结构可视化库
- tidwall/fastlane 高效多生成者单消费者队列实现
- xueqiu/rdr redis rdb解析库
- axiomhq/hyperloglog HyperLogLog with lots of sugar (Sparse, LogLog-Beta bias correction and TailCut space reduction)
- irfansharif/cfilter Cuckoo Filter implementation in Go, better than Bloom Filters
- murphy214/geohashtree 高性能GEO哈希
- golang/geo geo hash
- mmcloughlin/geohash geo hash
- libp2p/go-libp2p-kad-dht A Kademlia DHT implemention on go-libp2p
- cornelk/hashmap A Golang lock-free thread-safe HashMap optimized for fastest read access.
- docker/libchan Like Go channels over the network
- google/netstack IPv4 and IPv6 userland network stack
- grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway grpc-json api相互转化的网关
- pressly/chi http router framework
- vulcand/oxy http middleware (Ratelimit/Connlimit/Trace/Circuit Breaker)
- devsisters/goquic QUIC protocol support for Go (有一年没更新了)
- lucas-clemente/quic-go QUIC implementation in pure go
- ekr/minq (GO) QUIC协议实现
- facebookgo/grace Graceful restart & zero downtime deploy for Go servers
- gobwas/graceful A library for graceful restarts in Go
- dghubble/gologin 提供多个知名网站的登录认证(OAuth1, OAuth2)
- casbin/casbin An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Golang
- RangelReale/osin Golang OAuth2 server library
- ory/hydra 提供OAuth2 and OpenID的server/client逻辑
- go-oauth2/oauth2 OAuth 2.0 server library for the Go
- go-authboss/authboss Authboss is a modular authentication system for the web
- tdewolff/minify 读取html/xml/css/js等根据配置,输出精简后的内容
- apcera/libretto 对接各个云平台创建虚拟机的SDK
- jpillora/chisel A fast TCP tunnel over HTTP
- ipfs/go-ipfs ipfs 实现,可以参考IPFS:替代HTTP的分布式网络协议
- PuerkitoBio/goquery http client and brings a syntax and a set of features similar to jQuery to the Go language
- o3ma/o3 Open-source implementation of the Threema protocol in Go
- ginuerzh/gost GO语言实现的安全隧道
- graphql-go/graphql An implementation of GraphQL for Go / Golang
- AsynkronIT/protoactor-go 跨平台的actor模式实现
- fatih/pool golang 链接池
- skywind3000/kcp A Fast and Reliable ARQ Protocol
- hashicorp/yamux golang tcp connection 复用器
- hashicorp/mdns Simple mDNS client/server library in Golang
- hashicorp/go-getter 下载工具,支持多种协议(http/git/hg/s3)
- kataras/iris Fast, cross-platform HTTP/2 Web Framework for Go
- zenazn/goji Goji is a minimalistic web framework
- PuerkitoBio/rehttp 实现了
,支持重试等 - google/go-querystring golang lib url query 参数序列化库
- coreos/zetcd zookeeper to etcd 转换的proxy
- tidwall/redcon Redis compatible server framework for Go
- millken/dpdk-go cgo dpdk binding
- miekg/dns dns library
- medcl/gopa golang 爬虫
- looterz/grimd dns 代理
- gobwas/ws Tiny WebSocket library for Go.
- juju/ratelimit ratelimit
- gliderlabs/ssh Easy SSH servers in Golang
- nathanjsweet/zsocket Zero-copy sockets for Linux in Golang
- dropbox/godropbox Common libraries for writing Go services/applications.
- v2ray/v2ray-core 一个模块化的代理软件包
- soheilhy/cmux tcp 复用器
- yl2chen/cidranger Fast IP to CIDR lookup in Golang
- facebookgo/httpcontrol allows for HTTP transport level control around timeouts and retries.
- osrg/gobgp BGP implemented in the Go Programming Language
- coyove/goflyway HTTP tunnel in Go
- henrylee2cn/teleport high-performance and flexible TCP socket framework
- andrewarrow/paradise_ftp 纯go实现的ftp下载工具
- secsy/goftp FTP client for golang
- uber/tchannel-go Go implementation of a multiplexing and framing protocol for RPC calls
- uber/ringpop-go Ringpop is a library that brings cooperation and coordination to distributed applications. It maintains a consistent hash ring on top of a membership protocol and provides request forwarding as a routing convenience. It can be used to shard your application in a way that's scalable and fault tolerant.
- uber/arachne Arachne is a packet loss detection system and an underperforming path detection system.
- julienschmidt/httprouter A high performance HTTP request router
- buaazp/fasthttprouter 优化后的FAST HTTP路由器
- valyala/fasthttp FAST HTTP框架
- valyala/quicktemplate FAST HTTP模板渲染器
- grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-middleware GRPC中间件
- mwitkow/grpc-proxy GRPC代理,可以定制丰富地路由策略
- lileio/lile GRPC工具集
- goiiot/libmqtt MQTT library in pure Go
- beevik/ntp 一个简单的NTP客户端
- gcinterceptor/gci-go 一个手动控制GC的HTTP框架,避免GC对API响应时间的影响,在没有请求时主动GC
- soniah/gosnmp An SNMP library written in GoLang.
- google/netboot 网络启动、DHCP等协议库
- mitchellh/go-server-timing HTTP插件,加入chrome-timing分析HEADER,辅助分析服务耗时分布
- sparrc/go-ping ping 实现
- go-ldap/ldap ldap client
- pforemski/dingo https-dns client
- intel-go/nff-go NFF-Go -Network Function Framework for GO
- henson/proxypool (GO) Golang实现的IP代理池
- gregjones/httpcache A Transport for http.Client that will cache responses according to the HTTP RFC
- cloudflare/fgbgp (GO) BGP协议库
- NebulousLabs/go-upnp (GO) upnp协议库
- go-swagger/go-swagger Swagger 2.0 implementation for go
- pions/webrtc 纯GO实现的WebRTC的API
- songgao/water TUN/TAP library written in native Go
- kavu/go_reuseport golang reuseport 支持
- edsrzf/mmap-go a portable mmap package for the golang
- hanwen/go-fuse FUSE bindings for Go
- jacobsa/fuse A Go package for implementing a FUSE file system.
- traetox/goaio Kernel based asynchronous IO library in pure golang
- tidwall/evio Fast event-loop networking for Go
- cznic/memory 一个内存分配器,通过mmap来分配内存,可以绕过gc扫描
- shirou/gopsutil 获取系统指标(CPU/MEM/DISK等)
- denisbrodbeck/machineid 获取机器唯一ID
- tobert/pcstat 获取文件pagecache的状态
- upper/db 多种db driver
- Shopify/sarama kafka client
- bsm/sarama-cluster Cluster extensions for Sarama
- go-sql-driver/mysql go mysql driver
- linkedin/Burrow kafka消费延时监控
- fsouza/go-dockerclient docker client
- graymeta/stow Cloud storage abstraction package for Go
- olivere/elastic Elasticsearch client for Go
- go-xorm/xorm Simple and Powerful ORM for Go, support mysql,postgres,tidb,sqlite3,mssql,oracle
- xormplus/xorm 本库是基于原版xorm的定制增强版本,为xorm提供类似ibatis的配置文件及动态SQL支持,支持AcitveRecord操作
- jinzhu/gorm ORM library for Golang
- volatiletech/sqlboiler Generate a Go ORM tailored to your database schema.
- jirfag/go-queryset 100% type-safe ORM for Go (Golang) with code generation and MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sqlite3, SQL Server support. GORM under the hood.
- uber-go/dosa DOSA is a data object abstraction layer
- alexflint/go-restructure 将正则匹配的结构赋值给对应的struct field,有点像ORM的做法
- docker/libkv 对接多种分布式K-V存储的驱动
- docker/leadership Distributed Leader Election using docker/libkv
- Luxurioust/excelize Golang library for reading and writing Microsoft Excel™ (XLSX) files
- tealeg/xlsx Google Go (golang) library for reading and writing XLSX files
- baliance/gooxml Pure go library for creating Office Open/OOXML/ECMA-376 documents
- signintech/gopdf A simple library for generating PDF written in Go lang
- jung-kurt/gofpdf A PDF document generator with high level support for text, drawing and images
- knq/chromedp 浏览器驱动库,通过api来控制浏览器,可以用来当爬虫等
- skatiyar/cri Type safe go bindings to interact with chrome remote interface.
- samuel/go-zookeeper zookeeper client
- grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-prometheus go-grpc的prometheus插件
- XeLabs/go-mydumper A multi-threaded MySQL backup and restore tool
- mailru/go-clickhouse Golang SQL database driver for Yandex ClickHouse
- araddon/qlbridge (GO) SQL引擎、运行时
- xwb1989/sqlparser SQL Parser implemented in Go
- pubnative/mysqlproto-go go实现的mysql协议层
- xelabs/go-mysqlstack MySQL protocol library implementing in Go
- vcabbage/amqp AMQP 1.0 client library for Go
- gocql/gocql Cassandra CQL客户端
- Vertamedia/chproxy ClickHouse http proxy and load balancer
- h2non/imaginary Fast HTTP microservice for high-level image processing
- appleboy/gorush A push notification server written in Go
- docker/go-redis-server A Go implementation of the Redis server protocol
- uber/cherami-server Distributed, scalable, durable, and highly available message queue system(基于rocksdb)
- eleme/banshee 监控、异常检测报警系统
- go-gitea/gitea git 服务
- Qihoo360/poseidon 百亿级日志检索系统
- travisjeffery/jocko Kafka implemented in Golang with built-in coordination
- adohe/kube2haproxy 部署在k8s上的流量发现代理
- caicloud/cyclone A cloud native CI/CD platform built for container workflow
- TykTechnologies/tyk Open Source API Gateway written in Go
- golang/groupcache a caching and cache-filling library, intended as a replacement for memcached in many cases
- bmizerany/noeqd 容忍网络错误的发号器
- Netflix/chaosmonkey 测试分布式系统的辅助工具,制造错误情况
- mozilla-services/heka 数据收集系统,支持嵌入lua脚本
- spf13/hugo 静态网站生成工具,常用博客
- open-falcon/falcon-plus 可定制的企业级监控系统
- mattermost/platform Golang and React 实现的仿照Slack的服务
- hashicorp/vault A tool for managing secrets
- fatedier/frp 一个高性能的反向代理应用,可以帮助您轻松地进行内网穿透,对外网提供服务
- leonlau/initialser-http 通过用户信息生成头像的服务
- nsqio/nsq A realtime distributed messaging platform
- blackbeans/kiteq 基于go+protobuff实现的多种持久化方案的mq框架
- huichen/zerg 分布式爬虫
- grafana/grafana 监控数据展示面板
- google/seesaw Seesaw v2 is a Linux Virtual Server (LVS) based load balancing platform
- containous/traefik a modern reverse proxy
- fabiolb/fabio a fast, modern, zero-conf load balancing HTTP(S) and TCP router for deploying applications managed by consul
- ezotrank/logsend log 推送工具,类似Logstash
- mholt/caddy Fast, cross-platform HTTP/2 web server with automatic HTTPS
- oklog/oklog 日志收集平台
- nareix/joy4 Golang audio/video library and streaming server
- franela/goblin A BDD testing framework for golang
- google/slowfs golang 库,模拟慢速文件系统
- golang/mock a mocking framework for the golang
- h2non/gock HTTP mocking
- jarcoal/httpmockHTTP mocking for Golang
- gavv/httpexpect End-to-end HTTP and REST API testing for Go
- DATA-DOG/go-sqlmock sql mock package
- stretchr/testify testing util
- coreos/gofail 失败错误注入工具
- cweill/gotests test case 生成工具
- mwitkow/go-conntrack Go middleware for net.Conn tracking
- uber/go-torch 利用go-pprof生成火焰图
- bluele/factory-go 生成相关测试数据
- dvyukov/go-fuzz 解析函数的自动暴力测试工具
- google/gofuzz GO 数据结构随机填充库
- brianvoe/gofakeit GO 数据结构随机填充库
- emicklei/zazkia 用于模拟网络异常的TCP代理
- vektra/mockery go mock interface 生成工具
- mschoch/smat State Machine Assisted Testing (use gofuzz)
- cznic/bench 另一个go benchmark 测试工具,可以使多个benchmark之间相互隔离
- anishathalye/porcupine A fast linearizability checker written in Go
- uber-go/goleak goroutine泄露检测工具
- viant/dsunit Datastore Testibility
- malisit/kolpa 随机数据生成库
- dimiro1/banner 绘制命令行banner的库
- jroimartin/gocui 命令行UI库
- abiosoft/ishell 交互命令行库
- mkideal/cli A package for building command line app with go
- go-playground/ansi shell文字颜色const
- motemen/gore 一个go语言的解释器,验证小的测试时可以使用
- gosuri/uiprogress 进度条
- spf13/cobra A Commander for modern Go CLI interactions
- gizak/termui Golang terminal dashboard
- docopt/docopt.go A command-line arguments parser that will make you smile
- chzyer/readline go实现的readline
- alexflint/go-arg Struct-based argument parsing in Go
- aybabtme/rgbterm RGB colors for your terminal
- c-bata/go-prompt cli中"自动提示/补全"功能实现
- etano/graphscii Print ASCII graphs in the terminal.
- olekukonko/tablewriter ASCII table in golang
- google/goterm Go Terminal library with PTY support and colors
- manifoldco/promptui 命令行交互、提示/模糊匹配
- posener/complete 命令行交互、提示/模糊匹配
- guptarohit/asciigraph ASCII折线图、波形图
- go-vgo/robotgo Golang 跨平台自动化系统,控制键盘鼠标位图和读取屏幕,窗口句柄以及全局事件监听
- hpcloud/tail golang库,实现持续读取一个文件的功能,类似tail -f
- mholt/archiver Easily create and extract .zip, .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tar.xz, .tar.lz4, .tar.sz, and .rar (extract-only) files with Go
- google/gops 识别机器上运行的go代码程序和版本
- google/gopacket go 抓包、处理库
- rainycape/dl (go1.8已经支持插件功能,但是其中一些反射绑定、汇编值得参考)Runtime dynamic library loader (dlopen / dlsym) for go
- cookieo9/goffi golang ffi
- uber-common/cpustat 系统数据采集工具(监控)
- spf13/afero A FileSystem Abstraction System for Go
- thejerf/suture Suture provides Erlang-ish supervisor trees for Go. "Supervisor trees" -> "sutree" -> "suture"
- hacdias/filemanager Web File Manager which can be used as a middleware or standalone app.
- h2non/filetype 通过文件magic等检查文件的类型
- intel-go/cpuid 获取CPU类型及支持的功能
- cznic/fileutil 一些常用文件操作(Fadvise、Falloc等)
- ftrvxmtrx/fd 进程间传递文件描述符
- google/nftables 纯GO实现的Linux nftables操作库
- go-yaml/yaml yaml
- gorhill/cronexpr crontab 表达式解析
- go-ozzo/ozzo-validation data validation with configurable and extensible validation rules 不太推荐使用
- go-validator/validator 检验数据有效性的库,采用struct注释来实现,实现的方式比较简单,但是现在已经不怎么维护了
- asaskevich/govalidator 检验数据有效性的库,采用struct注释来实现,比较推荐使用,buildin方法很多。
- json-iterator/go A high-performance 100% compatible drop-in replacement of "encoding/json"
- campoy/jsonenums 枚举类型的Json的(M|Unm)arshalJSON interface生成器
- buger/jsonparser json schema-less decoder
- mreiferson/go-ujson json schema-less decoder
- a8m/djson json schema-less decoder
- Jeffail/gabs json schema-less decoder
- tidwall/gjson json schema-less decoder/queryer
- pquerna/ffjson json serialization (比easyjson慢很多,不推荐使用)
- mailru/easyjson json [en|de]coder 推荐使用
- ugorji/go 一个序列化库,包含json和其他的
- glycerine/zebrapack serialization in Go
- src-d/proteus 将go struct数据结构生成protobuf文件
- znly/protein schemaless的protobuf库
- boltdb/raw 生成go raw memory layout方法的代码生成器
- pascaldekloe/colfer Colfer is a binary serialization format optimized for speed and size.
- tinylib/msgp a code generation tool and serialization library for MessagePack.
- nelz9999/stream-vbyte-go A port of Stream VByte to Go
- arangodb/go-velocypack a fast and compact format for serialization and storage
- thrift-iterator/go 通过tag来(反)序列化thrift数据,免去了thrift IDL和生成代码
- tidwall/sjson 快速修改JSON指定数据
- guregu/null 更好的处理各种null值,支持json、sql等
- tidwall/buntdb an embeddable, in-memory key/value database with custom indexing and geospatial support. 支持事务、自定义索引、TTL。通过redis-aof文件来实现持久化。代码 比较精简,一共2000行。
- boltdb/bolt An embedded key/value database. 采用B-TREE文件页索引实现 K-V数据库,支持MVCC、事务。事务Commit时直接将数据写入对应的文件页,因此不需要binlog。采用mmap将文件映射 到内存空间,提供随机读取。
- coreos/bbolt coreos fork的
,增加了一些优化措施 - hashicorp/go-memdb in-memory database built on immutable radix trees
- patrickmn/go-cache 嵌入程序的简单缓存实现
- golang/leveldb golang 实现的leveldb,未完工,停滞状态
- dgraph-io/badger An embeddable, persistent, simple and fast key-value (KV) store
- jmhodges/levigo leveldb golang binding
- influxdata/influxdb 时序数据库,常用来存储监控信息
- coreos/torus distributed storage coordinated through etcd
- HouzuoGuo/tiedot 一个文档型数据库
- couchbase/moss a simple, fast, ordered, persistable, key-val storage, 不怎么推荐
- allegro/bigcache Efficient cache for gigabytes of data written in Go
- coocood/freecache A cache library for Go with zero GC overhead
- hashicorp/consul consul
- cznic/db implements some data structures found in database implementations. (Work in Progress)
- cznic/lldb Package lldb implements a low level database engine
- Everlag/naive-columstore A simple column store in golang
- prometheus/tsdb the new Prometheus storage layer that will be used in its 2.0 release.
- couchbase/nitro (GO) A high performance in-memory index storage engine
- cayleygraph/cayley (GO) An open-source graph database
- Restream/reindexer 嵌入式的文档型数据库,支持SQL
- alpacahq/marketstore (GO) 财务时序数据库
- robfig/cron cron library for go
- go-tomb/tomb (GO) 启动/终止goroutine/task的简单实现
- cstockton/go-conv 增强strconv
- huandu/xstrings 增强strings,有很多有用的方法
- fatih/camelcase 按驼峰命名方式切分字符串方法
- mwitkow/go-flagz 增强的flag库,可以通过etcd等存储动态修改flag
- juju/errors 增加errors,内置很多常见错误
- funny/slab Slab allocation memory pools for Go
- dchest/captcha 生成图片、声音类型的验证码
- libeclipse/memguard 内存保护、防篡改
- davecgh/go-spew 帮助打印各种数据结构,比
可读性更好 - dustin/go-humanize 辅助表达一些人们可读的数据信息
- coreos/go-semver 语义化版本(semver)解析库,还提供比较方法
- bradfitz/latlong 根据地理位置信息转换对应时区
- axgle/mahonia 各种文字编码转换gbk/utf-8/big5
- jolestar/go-commons-pool 对象池
- segmentio/ksuid KSUID生成库,另一种UUID
- lafikl/consistent 一致性hash
- russross/blackfriday Markdown 解析库
- wcharczuk/go-chart go 图标库,根据数据生成图标
- mmcloughlin/globe 地球仪经纬线、区域绘制库
- jdkato/prose A Golang library for text processing, including tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, and named-entity extraction.
- gobwas/glob Go Globbing Library
- muesli/crunchy 检查密码强度
- nbutton23/zxcvbn-go 密码强度检查库
- xlzd/gotp Golang One-Time Password Library
- mvdan/sh A shell parser, formatter and interpreter (POSIX/Bash/mksh)
- alecthomas/chroma A general purpose syntax highlighter in pure Go
- src-d/go-git A highly extensible Git implementation in pure Go.
- xitongsys/parquet-go Golang version of Read/Write parquet file
- asticode/go-astits MPEG数据包解析/解复用库
- hybridgroup/gocv The GoCV package provides Go language bindings for the OpenCV 3 computer vision library.
- XeLabs/go-jepsen 分布式mysql系统验证工具
- klauspost/pgzip 并行gzip压缩
- klauspost/compress 优化过的gzip/zip/zlib
- mojocn/base64Captcha (GO) 验证码生成库
- src-d/enry 程序源码语言识别库
- google/zoekt 代码搜索工具
- nyaruka/phonenumbers 电话号码解析库
- requilence/integram 集成Telegram到工作项目中
- dimchansky/utfbom 检测文本文件的BOM
- martingallagher/runes Fast Go standard library-compatible Unicode functionality
- alecthomas/participle 文本解析库
- imdario/mergo 合并不同的数据结构中的数据
- gosimple/slug 将各种文字转成英文字母,支持汉字转拼音,方便将各种内容生成URL
- rainycape/unidecode unidecode转换库,尝试将非ascii字符转换为ascii字符
- mingrammer/commonregex 常用正则表达式
- DHowett/go-plist 苹果MACOS中plist配置解析
- matcornic/hermes 生成HTML5邮件内容
- esimov/pigo 人脸识别
- open-policy-agent/opa 开源策略引擎
- jinzhu/copier 反射实现的深拷贝,支持不同类型之间的深拷贝
- nrc/r4cppp Rust book for C++ programmers
- rust-lang/book The Rust Programming Language
- mre/idiomatic-rust 地道的rust
- rust-lang/rust-by-example Learn Rust with examples
- jameysharp/corrode C to Rust translator
- phildawes/racer Rust Code Completion utility
- AtheMathmo/cpuprofiler Rust bindings to google's cpuprofiler
- AdamNiederer/faster SIMD for humans
- gsingh93/trace A Rust syntax extension for tracing function execution
- iron/iron An Extensible, Concurrent Web Framework for Rust
- SergioBenitez/Rocket A web framework for Rust
- lambdastackio/tokio-http2 HTTP/2 Rust library
- stepancheg/rust-http2 HTTP/2 implementation in Rust/tokio
- hyperium/hyper An HTTP library for Rust
- faern/rips A userspace IP stack written in Rust
- carllerche/mio Metal IO library for Rust
- stepancheg/grpc-rust grpc for rust
- AgilData/gibbs-mysql-spyglass mysql 嗅探
- pingcap/raft-rs raft算法实现
- m-labs/smoltcp a standalone, event-driven TCP/IP stack that is designed for bare-metal, real-time systems
- substantic/rain 分布式流处理框架
- spacejam/sled A pre-alpha modern embedded database.
- mozilla/sccache Shared Compilation Cache
- stepancheg/rust-protobuf rust-protobuf
- pikkr/pikkr JSON parser which picks up values directly without performing tokenization
- mpeterv/luacheck lua 代码静态分析工具
- lijin-THU/notes-python 中文 Python 笔记
- google/yapf python代码格式化工具
- douban/dpark Python clone of Spark, a MapReduce alike framework in Python
- chineking/cola A high-level distributed crawling framework
- SnakeHacker/QA-Snake 基于多搜索引擎和深度学习技术的自动问答
- pandolia/qqbot 基于腾讯 SmartQQ 协议的 QQ 机器人
- asciimoo/searx Privacy-respecting metasearch engine
- uwdb/Cosette 证明SQL等价的工具
- Featuretools/featuretools 自动提取特征工程
- facebook/mcrouter c++ 实现的 memcached 的代理程序
- google/tlsrouter TLS SNI 代理程序。
- google/proto-quic QUIC协议c/c++实现
- awslabs/s2n an implementation of the TLS/SSL protocols
- eunyoung14/mtcp 用户态协议栈
- sumory/orange 基于OpenResty的监控、WAF
- lionsoul2014/ip2region geo ip 库
- klaxa/mkvserver_mk2 流媒体服务器
- inconshreveable/ngrok 将内网机器暴露到公网的隧道工具
- Kickball/awesome-selfhosted a list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally.
- rumpkernel/drv-netif-dpdk DPDK interface driver for userspace TCP/IP stack
- envoyproxy/envoy C++ front/service proxy
- tsenart/vegeta HTTP load testing tool and library
- meshbird/meshbird distributed private networking
- gravitational/teleconsole 分享unix终端的工具
- ntop/PF_RING kernel module to capture network packet
- shiyanhui/dht BitTorrent DHT Protocol && DHT Spider
- ccsexyz/kcpraw a secure tunnel based on kcp and rawcon with N:M multiplexing
- discourse/discourse 一个BBS实现
- gilbertchen/duplicacy A new generation cloud backup tool
- zerotier/ZeroTierOne (CPP) 企业级智能路由
- alibaba/LVS (C) lvs
- iqiyi/dpvs (C) DPVS is a high performance Layer-4 load balancer based on DPDK
- facebookincubator/katran (CPP) 高性能L4包转发负载均衡
- efficient/cuckooswitch (C) 使用DPDK和Cuckoo hash的软件交换机
- opendp/dpdk-ans (C) dpdk加速的tcp协议栈
- opendp/dpdk-nginx (C) dpdk加速的nginx
- libmoon/libmoon (C) 依赖DPDK and LuaJIT的高速数据包处理库
- tenta-browser/tenta-dns (GO) A full-fledged DNS solution, including DNSSEC and DNS-over-TLS, it provides a DNS server suite comprising an authoritative DNS serve
- facebookincubator/dhcplb (GO) dhcplb is Facebook's implementation of a DHCP v4/v6 relayer with load balancing capabilities.
- jedisct1/dnscrypt-proxy (GO) DNS代理,支持HTTPS-DNS、加密DNS等
- coredns/coredns (GO) DNS服务,支持插件化,提供丰富的功能支持
- SpiderClub/haipproxy 高性能、分布式 代理IP池
- nanopack/shaman (GO) DNS服务器,并提供http控制api,可以动态变更
- donkeysharp/gocho (GO) 本地文件分享服务
- kenshinx/godns (GO) 本地DNS缓存服务
- contribsys/faktory It is the repository for background jobs within your application. Jobs have a type and a set of arguments and are placed into queues for workers to fetch and execute.
- uber/cadence Cadence is a distributed, scalable, durable, and highly available orchestration engine to execute asynchronous long-running business logic in a scalable and resilient way.
- istio/istio (GO) 微服务管理平台
- twitchyliquid64/subnet Simple VPN server/client for the rest of us.
- wangyu-/UDPspeeder A Tunnel which Improves your Network Quality on a High-latency Lossy Link by using Forward Error Correction,for All Traffics(TCP/UDP/ICMP)
- wangyu-/udp2raw-tunnel A Tunnel which Turns UDP Traffic into Encrypted UDP/FakeTCP/ICMP Traffic by using Raw Socket,helps you Bypass UDP FireWalls(or Unstable UDP Environment),Anti-Replay-Attack
- wangyu-/tinyFecVPN A VPN Designed for Lossy Links, with Build-in Forward Error Correction Support. Improves your Network Quality on a High-latency Lossy Link.
- iMeiji/shadowsocks_install Auto install shadowsocks server
- xtaci/kcptun (GO) kcp隧道
- snail007/goproxy (GO) 高性能http,https,websocket,tcp,socks5代理服务器,支持内网穿透,链式代理,通讯加密,智能HTTP,SOCKS5代理,域名黑白名单,跨平台,KCP协议支持,集成外部API。
- cyfdecyf/cow (GO) COW 是一个简化穿墙的 HTTP 代理服务器。它能自动检测被墙网站,仅对这些网站使用二级代理。
- JinnLynn/genpac 基于gfwlist的多种代理软件配置文件生成工具,支持自定义规则,目前可生成的格式有pac, dnsmasq, wingy。
- PurpleI2P/i2pd (CPP) 点对点加密匿名互联网络
- zerotier/libzt (CPP) 加密SOCKET
- txthinking/brook Brook is a cross-platform(Linux/MacOS/Windows/Android/iOS) proxy software
- cybozu-go/usocksd usocksd is a SOCKS server written in Go
- ARwMq9b6/dnsproxy (GO) DNS 服务器+代理服务器,防 DNS 缓存污染,兼顾查询质量与速度
- shadowsocks/go-shadowsocks2 (GO) Next-generation Shadowsocks in Go
- shadowsocks/shadowsocks-go (GO) shadowsocks-go
- sun8911879/shadowsocksR (GO) ShadowsocksR(SSR) for Go library
- go-ignite/ignite (GO) SS(R) 多租户实现
- google/bloaty 二进制文件(ELF)分析工具
- easypki 便捷生成CA(certificate authority)文件
- stenographer 流量分析工具,将全部通讯数据写磁盘,如果有故障发生,可以将指定时间、IP等条件过滤的报文导出生成.pcap文件。
- treadmill 智能压测工具,支持memcached、thrift
- Meituan-Dianping/SQLAdvisor sql 优化工具
- google/pprof google pprof 动态追踪工具
- tmrts/boilr 创建开源项目的模板,自动生成文件目录结构、License等文件
- dbcli/mycli 带语法高亮的mysql命令行
- cs01/gdbgui gdb浏览器展示框架
- vvo/gifify 视频转为GIF图片的工具
- 01org/numatop 内存等动态追踪
- 01org/ioprof IO porf脚本
- trailofbits/algo 在云端构建私有VPN
- yhatt/marp markdown 转 ppt 的工具
- gen2brain/url2img 将url的页面转为图片的工具
- github/orchestrator mysql ha 管理工具(可视化)
- yanc0/beeping http api 探测监控工具
- google/nsjail 轻量级系统隔离工具,采用eBPF
- jinfagang/weibo_terminater weibo 爬虫
- facebook/prepack 优化精简js代码工具
- aria2/aria2 多协议支持的下载工具
- razimantv/mazegenerator 迷宫生成工具
- fate-lovely/codeposter 代码明信片生成器
- siddontang/go-mysql mysql toolkit set
- ekalinin/github-markdown-toc.go 解析markdown,生成目录的工具
- google/codesearch go实现的代码搜索工具
- ttlequals0/autovpn Create On Demand OpenVPN Endpoints on AWS
- NetEaseGame/git-webhook 快速搭建git服务
- chrissimpkins/codeface 各种等宽字体
- Moeditor/Moeditor markdown 编辑器
- knsv/mermaid markdown画流程图的JS渲染器
- yhatt/marp markdown生成ppt的工具
- so-fancy/diff-so-fancy git diff 插件,优化显示
- facebook/augmented-traffic-control 将linux tc进行封装,达到服务化、简化操作
- unbug/codelf 代码变量命名搜索
- future-architect/vuls 漏洞扫描工具
- drone/drone 持续构建平台
- 0xbug/Hawkeye GitHub 泄露监控系统(防止公司内部代码被泄露到github)
- jarulraj/sqlcheck Automatically identify anti-patterns in SQL queries
- junegunn/fzf (GO) fzf is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder.
- jhawthorn/fzy (C) fzy is a fast, simple fuzzy text selector for the terminal
- robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh (SHELL) 快捷安装zsh
- sharkdp/fd (RUST) 更先进了文件查找工具,可以代替find命令
- google/goexpect (GO) 实现的shell expect命令
- mlichvar/chrony (C) NTP工具,提供一些时间平滑修正的功能
- xenolf/lego (GO) Let's Encrypt客户端,用来生成HTTPS证书等
- crosbymichael/slex (GO) 能够同时链接多个机器,发送命令的SSH客户端
- lebinh/goplot (GO) 读取数据计算直方图然后展示在终端中
- git-chglog/git-chglog (GO) 根据提交记录生成CHANGELOG
- iawia002/annie (GO) a fast, simple and clean video downloader
- rs/jplot (GO) 根据JSON数据在终端画图
- tomnomnom/gron shell json解析工具
- zricethezav/gitleaks (GO) 分析项目源码是否泄露秘钥、密码
- ssh-vault/ssh-vault (GO) 使用ssh私钥加密数据
- claudiodangelis/qr-filetransfer (GO) 通过二维码文件分享文件
- hoytech/vmtouch (C) 处理linux中各文件的pagecache
- yaochao/img_to_txt (Python) 将图片转成ASCII字符表示
- uber/prototool protobuffer 工具
- nilslice/protolock (GO) 跟踪监测pb的版本迭代的兼容性
- arzzen/git-quick-stats git统计工具
- faressoft/terminalizer (JS) 记录终端的操作转换为GIF图片
- dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible (SHELL) 常用shell函数集合
- tylertreat/comcast 依赖TC等实现的,模拟差网络环境的工具
- uber/horovod Distributed training framework for TensorFlow.
- yao62995/tensorflow tensorflow 源码分析
- wagamamaz/tensorflow-tutorial tensorflow 教程
- vahidk/EffectiveTensorflow Effective Tensorflow
- plaidml/plaidml PlaidML is a framework for making deep learning work everywhere.
- google/sling SLING is a parser for annotating text with frame semantic annotations. It is trained on an annotated corpus using Tensorflow and Dragnn.
- sjwhitworth/golearn (GO) Machine Learning for Go
- gorgonia/gorgonia (GO) Gorgonia is a library that helps facilitate machine learning in Go.
- WallarooLabs/wallaroo Ultrafast and elastic data processing
- uber/storagetapper reads data from MySQL, transforms it into an Avro schema serialized format, and publishes these events to Kafka.
- Meituan-Dianping/MyFlash MyFlash是由美团点评公司技术工程部开发维护的一个回滚DML操作的工具。该工具通过解析v4版本的binlog,完成回滚操作。
- google/mtail (GO) 解析应用日志导入时序数据库的工具
- chrislusf/gleam (GO) 一个高效的map/reduce系统
- google/stenographer (GO) 网络故障分析工具,将机器流量存储于硬盘(高写入性能),提供检索查询
- git-hulk/tcpkit tcp抓包分析工具
- https://github.com/mehrdadrad/mylg 网络诊断工具
- emmericp/MoonGen 脚本化的高速数据报文生成工具,基于DPDK/LuaJIT
- Qihoo360/mysql-sniffer mysql嗅探器,通过抓包获取sql语句
- buger/goreplay capturing and replaying live HTTP traffic into a test environment
- evilsocket/xray a tool for recon, mapping and OSINT gathering from public networks.
- gy-games/smartping 机器(点)间间互PING检测工具,支持互PING,单向PING,绘制拓扑及报警功能
- uber/arachne Arachne is a packet loss detection system and an underperforming path detection system.
- EtixLabs/cameradar 摄像头扫描工具 hack
- cloudflare/bpftools 根据给定规则生成bpf过滤规则、脚本,可以适配iptable
- y123456yz/tcprstat 服务器时延统计工具(通过抓包来监控)
- snabbco/snabb 网络包处理工具
- watchman 监控文件变化,可以根据条件触发动作
- tockins/realize Go build system with file watcher, live reload and output streams
- go-ego/riot (GO) 分布式搜索引擎
- gnuhpc/All-About-Redis Redis开发运维实践指南
- Meituan-Dianping/DBProxy 基于MySQL协议的数据中间层
- flike/kingshard 高性能MySQL Proxy项目,在满足基本的读写分离的功能上,致力于简化MySQL分库分表操作
- tencent-wechat/phxsql 腾讯的HA mysql方案
- getredash/redash 能够对接多种数据引擎,提供可视化
- metabase/metabase 数据可视化、分析工具
- youtube/vitess a database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL through generalized sharding
- anse1/sqlsmith (CPP) a random SQL query generator
- improbable-eng/thanos (GO) Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities
- rqlite/rqlite The lightweight, distributed relational database built on SQLite
- cznic/ql ql is a pure Go embedded SQL database
- facebook/rocksdb c++ 实现的嵌入式k-v数据库
- weicao/cascadb 存储引擎,嵌入存储。
- google/leveldb leveldb
- basho/leveldb 修改版的leveldb
- rescrv/HyperLevelDB A fork of LevelDB intended to meet the needs of HyperDex while remaining compatible with LevelDB.
- pmwkaa/sophia c 实现的k-v存储引擎
- google/badwolf 时序图存储抽象层
- pingcap/tikv 分布式k-v存储
- pingcap/tidb 分布式mysql协议的数据库,类似F1
- transceptor-technology/siridb-server 高性能可扩展时序数据库
- scylladb/scylla 高性能列存储
- nim4/DBShield database firewall
- timescale/timescaledb 一个时序数据库
- RedBeardLab/rediSQL redis sql module
- pilosa/pilosa 分布式bitmap索引
- mapd/mapd-core 内存存储型的列数据库,GPU加速的。
- PumpkinDB/PumpkinDB Event Sourcing Database Engine
- opendp/dpdk-redis dpdk加速的redis
- facebookincubator/beringei a high performance, in-memory storage engine for time series data
- traildb/traildb 事件存储引擎
- UWSysLab/tapir 分布式事务引擎
- Terark/terichdb an open source data store based on terark engine
- prometheus/prometheus 监控系统,同时是一个时序数据库
- tidwall/tile38 空间地理信息维度的数据引擎
- rethinkdb/rethinkdb The open-source database for the realtime web
- dgraph-io/dgraph 分布式图数据库
- cockroachdb/cockroach a distributed SQL database built on a transactional and strongly-consistent key-value store
- ha/doozerd 分布式数据存储
- tidwall/summitdb In-memory NoSQL database with ACID transactions, Raft consensus, and Redis API
- cmu-db/peloton Self-Driving Database Management System
- baidu/tera baidu c++ hbase
- eventql/eventql 分布式列存储
- yandex/ClickHouse 开源列存储
- attic-labs/noms go实现的多版本、可扩展的数据库
- Qihoo360/pika redis协议的可利用磁盘空间的实现
- Qihoo360/zeppelin Yet another huge distribute kv storage
- fastio/pedis 使用seastar的redis实现
- vipshop/vire 多线程的redis
- yinqiwen/ardb 兼容redis协议可以对接多种持久化db的nosql
- sohutv/cachecloud 搜狐视频(sohu tv)Redis私有云平台
- alibaba/tair A distributed key-value storage system
- bloomberg/comdb2 Bloomberg's distributed RDBMS
- m3db/m3db A distributed time series database using M3TSZ compression
- ideawu/ssdb A fast NoSQL database, an alternative to Redis
- PlatformLab/RAMCloud RAMCloud is a new class of super-high-speed storage for large-scale datacenter applications.
- apache/kudu (CPP) 一种存储结构化数据表的存储系统
- arangodb/arangodb (CPP) 多模型的数据库,支持图、文档、K-V
- aerospike/aerospike-server (C) flash-optimized, in-memory, nosql database
- CanonicalLtd/dqlite (C) Distributed SQLite
- deepfabric/elasticell (GO) Elastic Key-Value Storage With Strong Consistency and Reliability
- apple/foundationdb (CPP) open source, distributed, transactional key-value store
- akrylysov/pogreb (GO) Embedded key-value store for read-heavy workloads written in Go
- lomik/go-carbon (GO) Golang implementation of Graphite/Carbon server with classic architecture
- lomik/carbon-clickhouse (GO) 使用clickhouse作为存储引擎的Graphite协议的时序数据库
- lomik/graphite-clickhouse (GO) 使用clickhouse作为存储引擎的Graphite协议的时序数据库集群版本
- petermattis/pebble (GO) K-V存储引擎
- Microsoft/FASTER (CPP) Fast key-value store from Microsoft Research
- baidu/BaikalDB (CPP) 一个分布式可扩展的存储系统,支持PB级结构化数据的随机实时读写。 提供MySQL接口,支持常用的SELECT,UPDATE,INSERT,DELETE语法。
- facebookincubator/LogDevice 分部式顺序数据存储(适合日志等不修改的数据)
- cswinter/LocustDB (RUST) Massively parallel, high performance analytics database that will rapidly devour all of your data.
- googleprojectzero/halfempty (C) 高速并行fuzz工具
- denandz/fuzzotron (C) TCP/UDP fuzzer
- openfip/redfi (GO) Redis错误注入代理
- openzipkin/zipkin-go-opentracing (GO) OpenTracing Tracer implementation for Zipkin in Go
- openzipkin/zipkin zipkin
- census-instrumentation/opencensus-go (GO) 分布式调用跟踪框架
- iovisor/bcc 大神的各种动态追踪脚本
- iovisor/bpftrace 基于eBPF的动态追踪脚本
- brendangregg/perf-tools 大神的pref脚本集
- openresty/openresty-systemtap-toolkit 动态追踪工具集,不仅仅能用于nginx等
- wkz/ply linux 动态追踪工具
- pingcap/tracing-tools 一些perf/systemtap 脚本
- brendangregg/FlameGraph FlameGraph
- soarpenguin/systemtap-script useful systemtap script
- Lowercases/tcprstat TCP response time analysis tool
- KDAB/hotspot The Linux perf GUI for performance analysis.
- LucaCanali/PyLatencyMap 一些采集延时生成热力图的脚本
- brendangregg/HeatMap 热力图生成工具
- brendangregg/systemtap-lwtools SystemTap Lightweight Tools
- brendangregg/wss 查看进程实际使用的内存
- LucaCanali/Linux_tracing_scripts Scripts and tools for troubleshooting and performance analysis in Linux.
- youzan/systemtap-toolkit YouZan systemtap toolkit to online analyze on production
- opentracing/opentracing-go (go) OpenTracing API for Go
- jaegertracing/jaeger (go) 分布式追踪监控系统
- Netflix/vizceral 分布式调用链可视化UI
- Netflix/vector 机器性能采集、导出agent
- ton31337/tools 一些跟踪脚本
- HewlettPackard/LinuxKI LinuxKI Toolset (Trace-based performance analysis tool)
- proywm/CCProf Lightweight Detection of Cache Conflicts
- andikleen/pmu-tools Intel PMU profiling tools
- dswarbrick/ebpf_exporter golang的eBPF库,可以用来编写自定义trace工具
- iovisor/gobpf golang的eBPF库,可以用来编写自定义trace工具
- avikivity/diskplorer 测试磁盘IO延时,输出图像
- Netflix/flamescope 记录动态追踪数据、提供可视化(火焰图、热力图)
- istio/fortio (GO) 支持多种协议的压测工具
- wg/wrk (C) 更现代的HTTP压测工具
- coreos/dbtester etcd, Zookeeper, Consul, zetcd, cetcd的benchmark
- pmwkaa/ioarena 各种存储引擎的benchmark
- julienschmidt/go-http-routing-benchmark go-http-routing-benchmark
- alecthomas/go_serialization_benchmarks golang序列化benchmark
- ceph/ceph 分布式文件系统
- baidu/bfs 百度的分布式文件系统
- rook/rook Open, Cloud Native, and Universal Distributed Storage
- minio/minio Minio is an open source object storage server compatible with Amazon S3 APIs
- alibaba/tfs a distributed file system developed by Taobao.com
- redox-os/tfs Next Generation File System in rust
- NebulousLabs/Sia 基于区块链技术的文件系统
- chrislusf/seaweedfs (go) SeaweedFS is a simple and highly scalable distributed file system.
- keybase/kbfs Keybase Filesystem (KBFS)
- yarrick/pingfs pingfs is a filesystem where the data is stored only in the Internet itself, as ICMP Echo packets (pings) travelling from you to remote servers and back again.
- facebookexperimental/eden A virtual filesystem
- GoogleCloudPlatform/gcsfuse (GO) A user-space file system for interacting with Google Cloud Storage
- openebs/openebs (GO) 容器化的块存储
- rfjakob/gocryptfs (GO) 加密文件系统层
- moby/moby docker项目改版后重新定位的产品
- vmware/harbor 企业级镜像仓库,提供一些优化(支持镜像删除)
- fboss Open Switching System
- openvswitch/ovs Open vSwitch
- 01org/dpdk-ovs Intel dpdk openvswitch
- kubernetes/kubernetes kubernetes
- openshift/origin 修改优化过的kubernetes
- 01org/ciao 可控云/虚拟化编排工程
- google/trillian Merkle tree 文件存储服务
- facebookarchive/scribe 日志传输聚合系统
- cilium/cilium Linux的网络安全管理系统,采用eBPF,提供监控、审计等
- upspin/upspin 命名/传输框架,实验性质的
- kubernetes-incubator/cri-o 基于OCI的k8s 容器运行时
- hangyan/docker-resources docker 资源汇总
- alexellis/faas Functions as a Service - a serverless framework for Docker
- shunfei/cronsun An distributed job system, similar with distributed crontab
- nats-io/gnatsd High-Performance server for NATS, the cloud native messaging system
- jpetazzo/pipework Software-Defined Networking for Linux Containers
- coreos/flannel go实现的k8s虚拟网络
- rootsongjc/kubernetes-handbook kubernetes handbook
- kubevirt/kubevirt a virtual machine management add-on for Kubernetes
- asobti/kube-monkey An implementation of Netflix's Chaos Monkey for Kubernetes clusters
- osrg/namazu 跟Chaos Monkey比较像,随机调度服务,用于测试
- syncthing/syncthing Open Source Continuous File Synchronization
- ncw/rclone "rsync for cloud storage" - Google Drive, Amazon Drive, S3
- coreos/etcd-operator k8s上控制etcd的工具
- hashicorp/serf 服务编排管理工具
- hashicorp/nomad 一个集群管理工具
- flynn/flynn A next generation open source platform as a service (PaaS)
- coreos/clair 分析容器的安全性的工具
- influxdata/kapacitor 监控agent
- haiwen/seafile an open source cloud storage system with privacy protection and teamwork features.
- oracle/smith A microcontainer builder
- bcicen/ctop Top-like interface for container metrics
- clearcontainers/runtime OCI (Open Containers Initiative) compatible runtime using Virtual Machines
- openfaas/faas-netes Enable Kubernetes as a backend for OpenFaaS (Functions as a Service)
- kubernetes/minikube Run Kubernetes locally
- fnproject/fn The container native, cloud agnostic serverless platform.
- u-root/u-root 构建linux根文件系统工具
- brendangregg/msr-cloud-tools 云服务器测试脚本
- google/metallb (GO) 适配K8S的负载均衡器
- containerd/containerd 一个开源容器运行时
- golemfactory/golem 计算力交易平台,可以将用户的一部分CPU算力放入该平台出售,购买算力的任务会被分配到出售算力的机器上运行。
- google/guetzli (CPP) JPEG 压缩库
- ageitgey/face_recognition 面部识别
- CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose 动画人物识别
- o1egl/govatar (GO) 头像生成库
- disintegration/imaging (GO) 图像处理库(旋转、填充、剪裁)
- h2non/bimg (GO) 图像处理库
- nfnt/resize (GO) 图形裁剪库
- muesli/smartcrop (GO) smartcrop finds good image crops for arbitrary sizes
- fogleman/gg (GO) 2D图形渲染库
- esimov/caire 可以感知内容的图片裁剪工具
- fogleman/rbgg (GO) 自动抠图
- jcupitt/libvips (C) A fast image processing library with low memory needs.
- Tencent/phxqueue (C++) A high-availability, high-throughput and highly reliable distributed queue based on the Paxos algorithm.
- fireworq/fireworq (GO) 轻量级高性能任务队列
- celrenheit/sandglass (GO) 分布式、持久化的消息队列
- emitter-io/emitter (GO) High performance, distributed and low latency publish-subscribe platform
- Zilliqa/Zilliqa
- hyperledger/fabric 超级账本
- lightningnetwork/lnd Lightning Network Daemon
- btcsuite/btcd
- Jeiwan/blockchain_go
- spacemeshos/go-spacemesh
- tendermint/tendermint
- chain/txvm TxVM is a virtual machine for blockchain transactions
- chaozh/awesome-blockchain-cn 收集所有区块链(BlockChain)技术开发相关资料
- wecodexyz/awesome-blockchain-articles
- LiuBoyu/blockchain 区块链 - 中文资源
- dily3825002/awesome-blockchain 区块链白皮书、书籍、交易所、币种、自媒体等资源汇总
- bitcoin/bitcoin 比特币源码
- cern-eos/eos EOS
- Jannchie/Historical-ranking-data-visualization-based-on-d3.js (JS) 能够将历史数据排名转化为动态柱状图图表
- gonum/plot (GO) 数据可视化(折线图、柱状图等)
- Arafatk/glot (GO) 数据可视化(折线图、柱状图等)
- mumuy/data_location 中华人民共和国行政区划数据【省、市、区县、乡镇街道】中国省市区镇三级四级联动地址数据
- antvis/g6 (JS) 数据可视化框架
- rhysd/vim-grammarous VIM英语语法检查插件
- SpaceVim/SpaceVim SpaceVim
- google/vim-codefmt vim 脚本,提供多种源码格式化功能
- spf13/spf13-vim The ultimate vim distribution
- cquery-project/cquery C++编辑器插件
- gaia-pipeline/gaia Build powerful pipelines in any programming language.
- mailgun/transactional-email-templates (HTML) email html 模板
- leemunroe/responsive-html-email-template (HTML) email html 模板
- iammapping/wedding 婚礼大屏互动,微信请柬一站式解决方案
- openssl/openssl (C) openssl
- google/boringssl boringssl
- n8n-io/n8n 工作流自动化工具,支持50多种事件通知、可以自定义自动化流程,UI漂亮。
- Molunerfinn/PicGo 一个用于快速上传图片并获取图片URL链接的工具,支持多种图床。
- gotgit/gotgit git book
- donnemartin/system-design-primer 设计可扩展系统入门
- nonstriater/Learn-Algorithms 算法学习
- opsnull/follow-me-install-kubernetes-cluster 和我一步步部署 kubernetes 集群
- digoal/blog PostgreSQL相关资料
- gopherchina/conference gopher-china 大会资料
- toddmotto/public-apis 免费api集合,需要获取数据的时候可以参考
- TonnyL/Awesome_APIs 免费api集合,需要获取数据的时候可以参考
- onurakpolat/awesome-analytics 数据分析集合
- keon/awesome-nlp 自然语言处理 集合
- luyishisi/Anti-Anti-Spider 反-反爬虫策略
- github/gitignore gitignore 大全
- astaxie/build-web-application-with-golang build-web-application-with-golang
- ricardobcl/Dotted-Version-Vectors 一种最终一致性算法
- kamranahmedse/design-patterns-for-humans 模式设计
- shengxinjing/programmer-job-blacklist 黑心厂商名单
- phith0n/Mind-Map 各种安全相关的思维导图
- maemual/raft-zh_cn Raft一致性算法论文的中文翻译
- sindresorhus/awesome 各种awesome的集合列表
- Developer-Y/Scalable-Software-Architecture Collection of tech talks, papers and web links on Distributed Systems, Scalability and System Design
- vhf/free-programming-books Freely available programming books
- FallibleInc/security-guide-for-developers 实用性开发人员安全须知
- julycoding/The-Art-Of-Programming-By-July 《编程之法:面试和算法心得》
- darcyliu/google-styleguide google 代码更改指南
- wnzhang/rtb-papers RTB(广告实时交易)论文
- drunkard/ceph-Chinese-doc ceph 中文文档
- yeasy/blockchain_guide 区块链介绍
- WeMobileDev/article 微信移动团队的一些文章
- emluque/golang-internals-resources golang 团队文章
- SecWiki/linux-kernel-exploits Linux平台提权漏洞集合
- byoungd/english-level-up-tips-for-Chinese 可能是让你受益匪浅的英语进阶指南
- oldratlee/translations 一些咨询文章翻译(Git工作流指南)
- github/opensource.guide 开源指南
- feiskyer/sdn-handbook sdn 网络指南
- zeeshanu/learn-regex Learn regex the easy way
- nikitavoloboev/my-mac-os a list of applications, alfred workflows and various tools that make my macOS experience even more amazing
- jolestar/kubernetes-complete-course Kubernetes 完全教程
- apachecn/MachineLearning 机器学习实战
- KeKe-Li/tutorial 机器学期算法
- mtdvio/every-programmer-should-know A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know
- TeamStuQ/skill-map 程序员技能图谱
- RomuloOliveira/commit-messages-guide commit-message指南
- enocom/gopher-reading-list go相关文章列表
- architecture.of.internet-product 互联网公司经典技术架构
- xingshaocheng/architect-awesome 后端架构师技术图谱
- chenryn/aiops-handbook AIOps 的论文、演讲、开源库的汇总手册
- aphyr/distsys-class 分布式系统介绍
- asatarin/testing-distributed-systems List of curated materials on testing distributed systems
- hedengcheng/tech database/分布式一些资料
- huoyu820125/SecondPaxos 1张图论证Paxos,比数学论证好理解的多,让你秒懂Paxos。
- spacejam/tla-rust writing correct lock-free and distributed stateful systems in Rust, assisted by TLA+
- tlaplus/Examples A collection of TLA+ specifications of varying complexities
- theanalyst/awesome-distributed-systems awesome-distributed-systems
- dgryski/awesome-consensus Awesome list for Paxos and friends
- rxin/db-readings A list of papers essential to understanding databases and building new data systems.
- mfornos/awesome-microservices
- mre/awesome-static-analysis
- ChristosChristofidis/awesome-deep-learning
- kompasim/atom-plugins atom 编辑器插件
- caesar0301/awesome-public-datasets
- ipfs/awesome-ipfs awesome-ipfs
- dastergon/awesome-chaos-engineering
- sobolevn/awesome-cryptography
- binhnguyennus/awesome-scalability
- onqtam/awesome-cmake
- GetStoryline/awesome-bots
- y123456yz/Reading-and-comprehense-linux-Kernel-network-protocol-stack linux内核网络协议栈源码阅读分析注释
- y123456yz/reading-code-of-nginx-1.9.2 nginx-1.9.2源码通读分析注释
- lichuang/Lua-5.1.4-codedump lua5.1代码注释
- kanaka/mal 各种语言实现的Lisp
- wuye9036/CppTemplateTutorial 中文的C++ Template的教学指南
- MattPD/cpplinks cpp 资料
- jeremycole/innodb_diagrams Diagrams for InnoDB data structures and behaviors
- fex-team/http2-spec http2 spec
- Microsoft/api-guidelines Microsoft api guidelines
- cocoajin/http-api-design-ZH_CN HTTP API 设计指南
- bolasblack/http-api-guide HTTP 接口设计指北
- interagent/http-api-design HTTP API Design Guide
- aisuhua/restful-api-design-references restful-api-design-references
- shieldfy/API-Security-Checklist Checklist of the most important security countermeasures when designing, testing, and releasing your API
- oopsguy/microservices-from-design-to-deployment-chinese 《微服务:从设计到部署》
- DocsHome/microservices Microservices from Design to Deployment 中文版 《微服务:从设计到部署》
- DopplerHQ/awesome-bots The most awesome list about bots ⭐️🤖
- EbookFoundation/free-programming-books 📚 Freely available programming books
- awesomedata/awesome-public-datasets A topic-centric list of HQ open datasets.
- byoungd/English-level-up-tips An advanced guide to learn English which might benefit you a lot 🎉 . 可能是让你受益匪浅的英语进阶指南。
- dbohdan/embedded-scripting-languages A list of embedded scripting languages
- denji/awesome-http-benchmark HTTP(S) benchmark tools, testing/debugging, & restAPI (RESTful)
- dgryski/go-perfbook Thoughts on Go performance optimization
- dominikh/go-structlayout
- facebookarchive/BOLT Binary Optimization and Layout Tool - A linux command-line utility used for optimizing performance of binaries
- heidihoward/distributed-consensus-reading-list A list of papers about distributed consensus.
- hylinux1024/awesome-blockchain-articles A collection of awesome blockchain articles. Good learning resources about blockchain.
- iMeiji/shadowsocks_install Auto install shadowsocks server,thanks 秋水逸冰
- ingve/awesome-clang Useful resources and samples for using Clang-related tools, or for building stuff on top of Clang.
- jeremycole/innodb_diagrams Diagrams for InnoDB data structures and behaviors
- lorin/resilience-engineering Resilience engineering papers
- microsoft/api-guidelines Microsoft REST API Guidelines
- microsoft/checkedc-clang This repo contains a version of clang that is being modified to support Checked C. Checked C is an extension to C that lets programmers write C code that is guaranteed by the compiler to be type-safe.
- newTendermint/awesome-analytics A curated list of analytics frameworks, software and other tools.
- nikitavoloboev/my-mac List of applications and tools that make my macOS experience even more amazing
- p-ranav/awesome-hpp A curated list of awesome header-only C++ libraries
- rShetty/awesome-distributed-systems Awesome list of distributed systems resources
- sdras/awesome-actions A curated list of awesome actions to use on GitHub
- veggiemonk/awesome-docker 🐳 A curated list of Docker resources and projects
- wizicer/FinancialSupportForOpenSource 开源项目挣钱实用手册
- zoidbergwill/awesome-ebpf A curated list of awesome projects related to eBPF.
- anonymouse64/asm2go Automatically generate golang assembly files from native assembly code
- intel/isa-l_crypto
- valpackett/go-base64-simd SIMD accelerated Base64 for Go
- Chikage0o0/Linux-NetSpeed 将Linux现常用的网络加速集成在一起
- JingchengLi/swapdb https://github.com/JingchengLi/swapdb/wiki
- Konstantin8105/c4go Transpiling C code to Go code
- MonetDB/MonetDB-old This is the official mirror of the MonetDB Mercurial repository. Please note that we do not accept pull requests on github. The regression test results can be found on the MonetDB Testweb https://monetdb.cwi.nl/testweb/web/status.php .For contributions please see: https://www.monetdb.org/Developers
- Pfzuo/Level-Hashing Write-Optimized and High-Performance Hashing Index Scheme for Persistent Memory (OSDI 2018, TOS 2019)
- RandyGaul/cute_headers Collection of cross-platform one-file C/C++ libraries with no dependencies, primarily used for games
- RediSearch/RediSearch A query and indexing engine for Redis, providing secondary indexing, full-text search, vector similarity search and aggregations.
- SiriDB/siridb-server SiriDB is a highly-scalable, robust and super fast time series database. Build from the ground up SiriDB uses a unique mechanism to operate without a global index and allows server resources to be added on the fly. SiriDB's unique query language includes dynamic grouping of time series for easy analysis over large amounts of time series.
- UncP/aili the fastest in-memory index in the East 东半球最快并发索引
- ansyun/dpdk-ans ANS(Accelerated Network Stack) on DPDK, DPDK native TCP/IP stack.
- ansyun/dpdk-nginx Fork from official nginx-1.12.2, and run on the dpdk user space TCP/IP stack(ANS"accelerated network stack").
- ansyun/dpdk-redis Fork from official redis-3.0.5, and run on the dpdk user space TCP/IP stack(ANS).
- aws/s2n-tls An implementation of the TLS/SSL protocols
- beanstalkd/beanstalkd Beanstalk is a simple, fast work queue.
- canonical/dqlite Embeddable, replicated and fault tolerant SQL engine.
- canonical/raft C implementation of the Raft consensus protocol
- efficient/rdma_bench A framework to understand RDMA
- facebookarchive/libphenom An eventing framework for building high performance and high scalability systems in C.
- fluent/fluent-bit Fast and Lightweight Logs and Metrics processor for Linux, BSD, OSX and Windows
- gianlucaborello/libprocesshider Hide a process under Linux using the ld preloader (https://sysdig.com/blog/hiding-linux-processes-for-fun-and-profit/)
- hnes/libaco A blazing fast and lightweight C asymmetric coroutine library 💎 ⛅🚀⛅🌞
- hzarch/ngx_ssl_session_cache_module Use redis or memcached to store ssl session to achieve cross-machine ssl session reuse
- intel/base64
- intel/ffmpeg_libyami Enable FFmpeg to use Libyami/VAAPI for hardware offload of video transcode on the Intel GPU
- intel/intel-ipsec-mb Intel(R) Multi-Buffer Crypto for IPSec
- intel/isa-l Intelligent Storage Acceleration Library
- intel/libva Libva is an implementation for VA-API (Video Acceleration API)
- intel/numatop NumaTOP is an observation tool for runtime memory locality characterization and analysis of processes and threads running on a NUMA system.
- intel/soft-crc
- ivmai/bdwgc The Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative C/C++ Garbage Collector (bdwgc, also known as bdw-gc, boehm-gc, libgc)
- jonasmr/microprofile microprofile is an embeddable profiler
- julycoding/The-Art-Of-Programming-By-July-2nd 本项目曾冲到全球第一,干货集锦见本页面最底部,另完整精致的纸质版《编程之法:面试和算法心得》已在京东/当当上销售
- koct9i/ioping simple disk I/0 latency measuring tool
- libvips/libvips A fast image processing library with low memory needs.
- madeye/tcp_china TCP China congestion control algorithm
- microsoft/checkedc Checked C is an extension to C that lets programmers write C code that is guaranteed by the compiler to be type-safe. The goal is to let people easily make their existing C code type-safe and eliminate entire classes of errors. Checked C does not address use-after-free errors. This repo has a wiki for Checked C, sample code, the specification, and test code.
- microsoft/mimalloc mimalloc is a compact general purpose allocator with excellent performance.
- morganstanley/hobbes A language and an embedded JIT compiler
- mtcp-stack/mtcp mTCP: A Highly Scalable User-level TCP Stack for Multicore Systems
- neeraj9/gperftools-httpd Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/gperftools-httpd
- netdata/netdata Monitor your servers, containers, and applications, in high-resolution and in real-time!
- scandum/binary_search A collection of improved binary search algorithms.
- skvadrik/re2c Lexer generator for C, C++, Go and Rust.
- vmware/splinterdb High Performance Embedded Key-Value Store
- wiredtiger/wiredtiger WiredTiger's source tree
- wuxb45/remixdb RemixDB: A read- and write-optimized concurrent KV store. Fast point and range queries. Extremely low write-amplification.
- yugabyte/yugabyte-db YugabyteDB - the cloud native distributed SQL database for mission-critical applications.
- microsoft/FASTER Fast persistent recoverable log and key-value store + cache, in C# and C++.
- AngoraFuzzer/Angora Angora is a mutation-based fuzzer. The main goal of Angora is to increase branch coverage by solving path constraints without symbolic execution.
- Beman/btree Proposed B-tree library for Boost.org
- BowenFu/matchit.cpp match(it): A lightweight single-header pattern-matching library for C++17 with macro-free APIs.
- ClickHouse/ClickHouse ClickHouse® is a free analytics DBMS for big data
- DuffsDevice/tiny-utf8 Unicode (UTF-8) capable std::string
- LoopPerfect/conduit High Performance Streams Based on Coroutine TS ⚡
- MaaAssistantArknights/MaaAssistantArknights 《明日方舟》小助手,全日常一键长草!| A one-click tool for the daily tasks of Arknights, supporting all clients.
- MaskRay/ccls C/C++/ObjC language server supporting cross references, hierarchies, completion and semantic highlighting
- Mellanox/libvma Linux user space library for network socket acceleration based on RDMA compatible network adaptors
- NASA-SW-VnV/ikos Static analyzer for C/C++ based on the theory of Abstract Interpretation.
- Naios/function2 Improved and configurable drop-in replacement to std::function that supports move only types, multiple overloads and more
- Neargye/nameof Nameof operator for modern C++, simply obtain the name of a variable, type, function, macro, and enum
- OpenAtomFoundation/pika Pika is a NoSQL database compatible with redis which is developed by Qihoo's infrastructure team.
- PikaLabs/floyd A raft consensus implementation that is simply and understandable
- PlatformLab/NanoLog Nanolog is an extremely performant nanosecond scale logging system for C++ that exposes a simple printf-like API.
- RafaGago/mini-async-log Non bloated asynchronous logger
- Snapchat/KeyDB A Multithreaded Fork of Redis
- Sysinternals/ProcDump-for-Linux A Linux version of the ProcDump Sysinternals tool
- Tencent/flare Flare是广泛投产于腾讯广告后台的现代化C++开发框架,包含了基础库、RPC、各种客户端等。主要特点为易用性强、长尾延迟低。
- Tencent/phxpaxos The Paxos library implemented in C++ that has been used in the WeChat production environment.
- Tencent/phxsql A high availability MySQL cluster that guarantees data consistency between a master and slaves.
- Tencent/rapidjson A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API
- aantron/better-enums C++ compile-time enum to string, iteration, in a single header file
- apache/brpc brpc is an Industrial-grade RPC framework using C++ Language, which is often used in high performance system such as Search, Storage, Machine learning, Advertisement, Recommendation etc. "brpc" means "better RPC".
- apache/incubator-pegasus Apache Pegasus - A horizontally scalable, strongly consistent and high-performance key-value store
- asg017/sqlite-vss A SQLite extension for efficient vector search, based on Faiss!
- asmjit/asmjit Low-latency machine code generation
- baidu/braft An industrial-grade C++ implementation of RAFT consensus algorithm based on brpc, widely used inside Baidu to build highly-available distributed systems.
- bombela/backward-cpp A beautiful stack trace pretty printer for C++
- boostorg/beast HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11
- boostorg/leaf Lightweight Error Augmentation Framework
- boostorg/mp11 C++11 metaprogramming library
- boostorg/mysql MySQL C++ client based on Boost.Asio
- boostorg/pfr std::tuple like methods for user defined types without any macro or boilerplate code
- bytedance/terarkdb A RocksDB compatible KV storage engine with better performance
- cachelot/cachelot Cache library and distributed caching server. Memcached compatible.
- catchorg/Catch2 A modern, C++-native, test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD - using C++14, C++17 and later (C++11 support is in v2.x branch, and C++03 on the Catch1.x branch)
- ccache/ccache ccache – a fast compiler cache
- cloudflarearchive/kyototycoon
- cmu-db/noisepage Self-Driving Database Management System from Carnegie Mellon University
- cppalliance/NuDB NuDB: A fast key/value insert-only database for SSD drives in C++11
- devsisters/libquic QUIC, a multiplexed stream transport over UDP
- doctest/doctest The fastest feature-rich C++11/14/17/20/23 single-header testing framework
- duckdb/duckdb DuckDB is an in-process SQL OLAP Database Management System
- eBay/NuRaft C++ implementation of Raft core logic as a replication library
- epfl-labos/TRIAD
- eranpeer/FakeIt C++ mocking made easy. A simple yet very expressive, headers only library for c++ mocking.
- ericniebler/range-v3 Range library for C++14/17/20, basis for C++20's std::ranges
- erpc-io/eRPC Efficient RPCs for datacenter networks
- expnkx/fast_io fast_io is a C++ general-purpose exception-safe RAII I/O library based on C++ 20 Concepts. It is at least ten times faster than cstdio or iostream.
- facebook/CacheLib Pluggable in-process caching engine to build and scale high performance services
- facebook/SPARTA SPARTA is a library of software components specially designed for building high-performance static analyzers based on the theory of Abstract Interpretation.
- facebook/hhvm A virtual machine for executing programs written in Hack.
- facebook/watchman Watches files and records, or triggers actions, when they change.
- facebookarchive/LogDevice Distributed storage for sequential data
- facebookarchive/beringei Beringei is a high performance, in-memory storage engine for time series data.
- facebookexperimental/libunifex Unified Executors
- facebookincubator/velox A C++ vectorized database acceleration library aimed to optimizing query engines and data processing systems.
- fastio/1store NoSQL data store using the SEASTAR framework, compatible with Redis
- fmtlib/dtoa-benchmark C++ double-to-string conversion benchmark
- google/tcmalloc
- greg7mdp/parallel-hashmap A family of header-only, very fast and memory-friendly hashmap and btree containers.
- heavyai/heavydb HeavyDB (formerly OmniSciDB)
- hyrise/hyrise-v1 HYRISE In-Memory Hybrid Storage Engine (archived, now developed in hyrise/hyrise repo)
- intel/hyperscan High-performance regular expression matching library
- intel/libstructure
- jacobdufault/cquery C/C++ language server supporting multi-million line code base, powered by libclang. Emacs, Vim, VSCode, and others with language server protocol support. Cross references, completion, diagnostics, semantic highlighting and more
- jupp0r/prometheus-cpp Prometheus Client Library for Modern C++
- krareT/terichdb TerichDB, an open source data store based on terark engine
- mandreyel/mio Cross-platform C++11 header-only library for memory mapped file IO
- manticoresoftware/manticoresearch Easy to use open source fast database for search | Good alternative to Elasticsearch now | Drop-in replacement for E in the ELK soon
- martinmoene/invoke-lite A single-file header-only version of C++17-like invoke() for C++98, C++11 and later
- microsoft/GSL Guidelines Support Library
- microsoft/rDSN Robust Distributed System Nucleus (rDSN) is an open framework for quickly building and managing high performance and robust distributed systems.
- mlpack/ensmallen A header-only C++ library for numerical optimization --
- muellan/clipp easy to use, powerful & expressive command line argument parsing for modern C++ / single header / usage & doc generation
- ned14/outcome Provides very lightweight outcome and result (non-Boost edition)
- nemtrif/utfcpp UTF-8 with C++ in a Portable Way
- oceanbase/oceanbase OceanBase is an enterprise distributed relational database with high availability, high performance, horizontal scalability, and compatibility with SQL standards.
- oneapi-src/oneTBB oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB)
- opencurve/curve Curve is a sandbox project hosted by the CNCF Foundation. It's cloud-native, high-performance, and easy to operate. Curve is an open-source distributed storage system for block and shared file storage.
- opengauss-mirror/openGauss-server openGauss kernel
- p-ranav/structopt Parse command line arguments by defining a struct
- protocolbuffers/protobuf Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
- qicosmos/plugincpp a modern c++ plugin library
- qicosmos/raftcpp modern c++ raft library
- rbock/sqlpp11 A type safe SQL template library for C++
- rbock/sqlpp11-connector-mysql A C++ wrapper for mysql meant to be used in combination with sqlpp11.
- rttrorg/rttr C++ Reflection Library
- scylladb/scylladb NoSQL data store using the seastar framework, compatible with Apache Cassandra
- sfu-dis/ermia ERMIA: Memory-Optimized OLTP engine for Heterogeneous Workloads (SIGMOD 2016)
- simdjson/simdjson Parsing gigabytes of JSON per second
- simdutf/simdutf Unicode routines (UTF8, UTF16, UTF32): billions of characters per second using SSE2, AVX2, NEON, AVX-512. Part of Node.js.
- skypjack/meta Header-only, non-intrusive and macro-free runtime reflection system in C++
- solodon4/Mach7 Functional programming style pattern-matching library for C++
- sparsehash/sparsehash C++ associative containers
- speedb-io/speedb A RocksDB compliant high performance scalable embedded key-value store
- system-pclub/GCatch Statically Detecting Go Concurrency Bugs
- taichi-dev/taichi Productive & portable high-performance programming in Python.
- taskflow/taskflow A General-purpose Parallel and Heterogeneous Task Programming System
- tikv/rocksdb A library that provides an embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast storage.
- tikv/titan A RocksDB plugin for key-value separation, inspired by WiscKey.
- typesense/typesense Open Source alternative to Algolia + Pinecone and an Easier-to-Use alternative to ElasticSearch ⚡ 🔍 ✨ Fast, typo tolerant, in-memory fuzzy Search Engine for building delightful search experiences
- uNetworking/uWebSockets Simple, secure & standards compliant web server for the most demanding of applications
- ucbrise/confluo Real-time Monitoring and Analysis of Data Streams
- unum-cloud/usearch Vector Search engine in a single file - supporting C++ 11, C 99, Python 3, JavaScript, Rust, Java, GoLang, Objective-C, Swift, Wolfram, Docker, and WebAssembly 🔍
- vearch/vearch A distributed system for embedding-based vector retrieval
- veselink1/refl-cpp Static reflection for C++17 (compile-time enumeration, attributes, proxies, overloads, template functions, metaprogramming).
- vesoft-inc/nebula A distributed, fast open-source graph database featuring horizontal scalability and high availability
- vmware/chap chap analyzes un-instrumented core files for leaks, memory growth, and corruption
- wangyu-/tinyfecVPN A VPN Designed for Lossy Links, with Build-in Forward Error Correction(FEC) Support. Improves your Network Quality on a High-latency Lossy Link.
- wangyu-/udp2raw A Tunnel which Turns UDP Traffic into Encrypted UDP/FakeTCP/ICMP Traffic by using Raw Socket,helps you Bypass UDP FireWalls(or Unstable UDP Environment)
- xelabs/tokudb Next Generation DBMS TokuDB, based on Percona Server 5.7 with more features
- bilke/cmake-modules Additional CMake functionality. Most of the modules are from Ryan Pavlik (https://github.com/rpavlik/cmake-modules)
- rpavlik/cmake-modules My collection of CMake modules
- smartping/smartping 综合性网络质量(PING)检测工具,支持正/反向PING绘图、互PING拓扑绘图与报警、全国PING延迟地图与在线检测工具等功能
- 99designs/gqlgen go generate based graphql server library
- AdguardTeam/dnsproxy Simple DNS proxy with DoH, DoT, DoQ and DNSCrypt support
- ContentSquare/chproxy Open-Source ClickHouse http proxy and load balancer
- DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-proxy dnscrypt-proxy 2 - A flexible DNS proxy, with support for encrypted DNS protocols.
- FeatureBaseDB/featurebase A crazy fast analytical database, built on bitmaps. Perfect for ML applications. Learn more at: https://docs.featurebase.com/. Start a Docker instance: https://hub.docker.com/r/featurebasedb/featurebase
- IBM/sarama Sarama is a Go library for Apache Kafka.
- Iceber/iouring-go Provides easy-to-use async IO interface with io_uring
- MontFerret/ferret Declarative web scraping
- RoaringBitmap/roaring Roaring bitmaps in Go (golang)
- SpectoLabs/hoverfly Lightweight service virtualization/ API simulation / API mocking tool for developers and testers
- TomWright/dasel Select, put and delete data from JSON, TOML, YAML, XML and CSV files with a single tool. Supports conversion between formats and can be used as a Go package.
- Ullaakut/cameradar Cameradar hacks its way into RTSP videosurveillance cameras
- VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics VictoriaMetrics: fast, cost-effective monitoring solution and time series database
- VividCortex/mysqlerr MySQL Server Error Constants for Golang
- XiaoMi/Gaea Gaea is a mysql proxy, it's developed by xiaomi b2c-dev team.
- XiaoMi/soar SQL Optimizer And Rewriter
- aclements/go-misc Miscellaneous Go hacks
- acln0/zerocopy Zero-copy I/O primitives and pipelines for Go. Linux-specific.
- adohe-zz/kube2haproxy High Availability HAProxy auto configuration and auto service discovery for Kubernetes.
- agiledragon/gomonkey gomonkey is a library to make monkey patching in unit tests easy
- akutz/lem a golang test framework for asserting expected escape analysis results & heap allocations
- akyoto/asm 🏃 An x86-64 assembler written in Go.
- amit-davidson/Chronos Chronos - A static race detector for the go language
- anatol/smart.go Pure-Go library to access drive's S.M.A.R.T. information
- andeya/erpc An efficient, extensible and easy-to-use RPC framework.
- andeya/pholcus Pholcus is a distributed high-concurrency crawler software written in pure golang
- andrewarrow/paradise_ftp paradise_ftp is a powerful, 100% native (golang) ftp server that is production ready.
- antonmedv/expr Expression language and expression evaluation for Go
- aregm/cpuid Intel CPUID library for Go Programming Language
- aregm/nff-go NFF-Go -Network Function Framework for GO (former YANFF)
- asynkron/protoactor-go Proto Actor - Ultra fast distributed actors for Go, C# and Java/Kotlin
- autom8ter/dagger dagger is a fast, concurrency safe, mutable, in-memory directed graph library. Also includes a number of generic, concurrency safe data-structures
- avct/uasurfer Go package for fast and reliable abstraction of browser user agent strings.
- awnumar/memguard Secure software enclave for storage of sensitive information in memory.
- axiaoxin-com/investool Golang实现财报分析、个股基本面检测、基本面选股、4433法则基金筛选与检测、基金持仓相似度、股票选基、基金经理筛选
- bluekeyes/go-gitdiff Go library for parsing and applying patches created by Git
- bluele/gcache An in-memory cache library for golang. It supports multiple eviction policies: LRU, LFU, ARC
- bradenaw/juniper Juniper is an extension to the Go standard library using generics, including containers, iterators, and streams.
- bytedance/go-tagexpr An interesting go struct tag expression syntax for field validation, etc.
- bytedance/sonic A blazingly fast JSON serializing & deserializing library
- bytewatch/dolphinbeat A server that pulls and parses MySQL binlog, pushs change data into different sinks like Kafka.
- caddyserver/caddy Fast and extensible multi-platform HTTP/1-2-3 web server with automatic HTTPS
- caddyserver/certmagic Automatic HTTPS for any Go program: fully-managed TLS certificate issuance and renewal
- ccfos/nightingale An enterprise-level cloud-native observability solution, which can be used as drop-in replacement of Prometheus for alerting and Grafana for visualization.
- cespare/reflex Run a command when files change
- cespare/ryu A Go implementation of the Ryu algorithm for converting floating-point numbers to strings
- cespare/xxhash A Go implementation of the 64-bit xxHash algorithm (XXH64)
- chaosblade-io/chaosblade An easy to use and powerful chaos engineering experiment toolkit.(阿里巴巴开源的一款简单易用、功能强大的混沌实验注入工具)
- ciao-project/ciao Ciao - Cloud Integrated Advanced Orchestrator
- cj1128/codeposter 🎉 代码明信片生成器,Generate a poster from your code!
- claudiodangelis/qrcp ⚡ Transfer files over wifi from your computer to your mobile device by scanning a QR code without leaving the terminal.
- clickvisual/clickvisual A lightweight log analytic and data visualize platform built on clickhouse.
- client9/httpmime Ensures basic mime types are installed in package mime
- cloudflare/tableflip Graceful process restarts in Go
- cockroachdb/errors Go error library with error portability over the network
- cockroachdb/pebble RocksDB/LevelDB inspired key-value database in Go
- codenotary/immudb immudb - immutable database based on zero trust, SQL/Key-Value/Document model, tamperproof, data change history
- coder/sshcode Run VS Code on any server over SSH.
- codesenberg/bombardier Fast cross-platform HTTP benchmarking tool written in Go
- common-nighthawk/go-figure Prints ASCII art from text.
- concourse/concourse Concourse is a container-based continuous thing-doer written in Go.
- coroot/coroot Coroot is an open-source eBPF-based observability tool that turns telemetry data into actionable insights, helping you identify and resolve application issues quickly
- couchbase/vellum A Go library implementing an FST (finite state transducer)
- creasty/defaults Initialize structs with default values
- cri-o/cri-o Open Container Initiative-based implementation of Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface
- cube2222/octosql OctoSQL is a query tool that allows you to join, analyse and transform data from multiple databases and file formats using SQL.
- cubefs/cubefs CubeFS is a cloud native unstructured data storage
- d5/tengo A fast script language for Go
- danderson/netboot Packages and utilities for network booting
- dave/dst Decorated Syntax Tree - manipulate Go source with perfect fidelity.
- dgraph-io/ristretto A high performance memory-bound Go cache
- dgryski/go-tsz Time series compression algorithm from Facebook's Gorilla paper
- distributedio/titan A Distributed Redis Protocol Compatible NoSQL Database
- distribworks/dkron Dkron - Distributed, fault tolerant job scheduling system https://dkron.io
- dnnrly/abbreviate Supporting your devops by shortening your strings using common abbreviations and clever guesswork
- docker-archive/go-redis-server A Go implementation of the Redis server protocol
- dragonflyoss/Dragonfly This repository has be archived and moved to the new repository https://github.com/dragonflyoss/Dragonfly2.
- dshulyak/uring Golang library for io_uring (without CGO)
- duke-git/lancet A comprehensive, efficient, and reusable util function library of Go.
- eBay/akutan A distributed knowledge graph store
- eapache/channels Golang channel helpers and special types
- eatonphil/deferlint Linter for finding defer statements in Go loops
- egonelbre/gophers Free gophers
- eleme/tedis 基于TiKV的兼容Redis协议的强一致性NoSQL数据库
- etcd-io/bbolt An embedded key/value database for Go.
- etcd-io/gofail failpoints for go
- etcd-io/raft Raft library for maintaining a replicated state machine
- etcd-io/zetcd Serve the Apache Zookeeper API but back it with an etcd cluster
- etix/stoppableListener A Go helper package to gracefully stop a net/http server.
- evanphx/json-patch A Go library to apply RFC6902 patches and create and apply RFC7386 patches
- facebookarchive/grace Graceful restart & zero downtime deploy for Go servers.
- facebookarchive/httpcontrol Package httpcontrol allows for HTTP transport level control around timeouts and retries.
- faiface/beep A little package that brings sound to any Go application. Suitable for playback and audio-processing.
- fatih/errwrap Go tool to wrap and fix errors with the new %w verb directive
- felixge/fgprof 🚀 fgprof is a sampling Go profiler that allows you to analyze On-CPU as well as Off-CPU (e.g. I/O) time together.
- felixge/gounwind Experimental go stack unwinding using frame pointers.
- flannel-io/flannel flannel is a network fabric for containers, designed for Kubernetes
- florianl/go-conntrack c-binding free API for golang to communicate with the conntrack subsystem
- florianl/go-tc traffic control in pure go - it allows to read and alter queues, filters and classes
- flyingmutant/rapid Rapid is a modern Go property-based testing library
- fortio/fortio Fortio load testing library, command line tool, advanced echo server and web UI in go (golang). Allows to specify a set query-per-second load and record latency histograms and other useful stats.
- fyne-io/fyne Cross platform GUI toolkit in Go inspired by Material Design
- genjidb/genji Document-oriented, embedded SQL database
- geziyor/geziyor Geziyor, blazing fast web crawling & scraping framework for Go. Supports JS rendering.
- gijit/gi gijit is a just-in-time trace-compiled golang REPL. Standing on the shoulders of giants (GopherJS and LuaJIT).
- gitleaks/gitleaks Protect and discover secrets using Gitleaks 🔑
- go-acme/lego Let's Encrypt/ACME client and library written in Go
- go-air/gini A fast SAT solver
- go-check/check Rich testing for the Go language
- go-chi/chi lightweight, idiomatic and composable router for building Go HTTP services
- go-delve/delve Delve is a debugger for the Go programming language.
- go-echarts/go-echarts 🎨 The adorable charts library for Golang
- go-gorm/gorm The fantastic ORM library for Golang, aims to be developer friendly
- go-graphite/carbon-clickhouse Graphite metrics receiver with ClickHouse as storage
- go-graphite/go-carbon Golang implementation of Graphite/Carbon server with classic architecture: Agent -> Cache -> Persister
- go-graphite/graphite-clickhouse Graphite cluster backend with ClickHouse support
- go-internals-cn/go-internals Chinese Translation of https://github.com/teh-cmc/go-internals
- go-martini/martini Classy web framework for Go
- go-mysql-org/go-mysql a powerful mysql toolset with Go
- go-ozzo/ozzo-dbx A Go (golang) package that enhances the standard database/sql package by providing powerful data retrieval methods as well as DB-agnostic query building capabilities.
- go-perf/go-perftuner Helper tool for manual Go code optimization.
- go-ping/ping ICMP Ping library for Go
- go-playground/validator 💯Go Struct and Field validation, including Cross Field, Cross Struct, Map, Slice and Array diving
- goccy/go-json Fast JSON encoder/decoder compatible with encoding/json for Go
- goharbor/harbor An open source trusted cloud native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content.
- gohugoio/hugo The world’s fastest framework for building websites.
- gojuno/minimock Powerful mock generation tool for Go programming language
- golang/protobuf Go support for Google's protocol buffers
- google/go-cmp Package for comparing Go values in tests
- google/go-github Go library for accessing the GitHub v3 API
- google/go-safeweb Secure-by-default HTTP servers in Go.
- google/licensecheck The licensecheck package classifies license files and heuristically determines how well they correspond to known open source licenses.
- google/renameio Package renameio provides a way to atomically create or replace a file or symbolic link.
- google/rpmpack rpmpack (tar2rpm) - package rpms in pure golang or cli
- gookit/goutil 💪 Helper Utils(700+): int, byte, string, array/slice, map, struct, dump, convert/format, error, web/http, cli/flag, OS/ENV, filesystem, system, test/assert, time and more. Go 常用的一些工具函数:数字,字符串,数组,Map,结构体,反射,文本,文件,错误,时间日期,特殊处理,格式化,常用信息获取等等
- gorilla/http Package gorilla/http is an alternative HTTP client implementation for Go.
- gorilla/schema Package gorilla/schema fills a struct with form values.
- gosnmp/gosnmp An SNMP library written in Go
- gotzmann/llama.go llama.go is like llama.cpp in pure Golang!
- grafana/loki Like Prometheus, but for logs.
- grafana/tempo Grafana Tempo is a high volume, minimal dependency distributed tracing backend.
- greyireland/algorithm-pattern 算法模板,最科学的刷题方式,最快速的刷题路径,你值得拥有~
- harness/drone Drone is a Container-Native, Continuous Delivery Platform
- hashicorp/go-plugin Golang plugin system over RPC.
- hashicorp/memberlist Golang package for gossip based membership and failure detection
- hashicorp/vault-ssh-helper Vault SSH Agent is used to enable one time keys and passwords
- heiyeluren/xmm XMM is a high performance third party memory manager for Go environments that is not affected by Gc and guarantees high performance. XMM是一个在Go语言环境中完全自主实现的第三方内存管理库,不依赖于Go本身的任何内存管理能力,纯自主实现能够应对各种场景下大小内存的 分配/释放 工作,能自主构建高性能的 链表/树/哈希表等各类数据结构,能良好完美的逃逸掉Go内置的GC机制,是构建高性能程序基础设施。
- hodgesds/iouring-go io_uring support for go
- ian-kent/go-log A logger, for Go
- ianlancetaylor/demangle C++ symbol name demangler written in Go
- iawia002/lux 👾 Fast and simple video download library and CLI tool written in Go
- icpd/subscribe2clash Clash配置转换,默认自动获取ACL4SSR路由规则。 支持v2ray\trojan\ss\ssr\ssd订阅转换。支持多订阅一起转换,多个订阅连接用英文逗号隔开。
- ipfs/kubo An IPFS implementation in Go
- itchyny/gojq Pure Go implementation of jq
- jaypipes/ghw Go HardWare discovery/inspection library
- jonhoo/drwmutex Distributed RWMutex in Go
- josephburnett/jd JSON diff and patch
- juicedata/juicefs JuiceFS is a distributed POSIX file system built on top of Redis and S3.
- kanmu/go-sqlfmt A SQL formatter written in Go
- kavu/go_reuseport Brings SO_REUSEPORT into your Go server
- kelindar/column High-performance, columnar, in-memory store with bitmap indexing in Go
- kentik/patricia Garbage collector-sensitive patricia tree for IP/CIDR tagging
- kortschak/zalgo Invoke the hive-mind
- libp2p/go-libp2p-peerstore an object to manage sets of peers, their addresses and other metadata
- lindb/lindb LinDB is a scalable, high performance, high availability distributed time series database.
- lni/dragonboat A feature complete and high performance multi-group Raft library in Go.
- loov/lensm Go assembly and source viewer
- lrita/cache cache object in goroutine locally
- lrita/errgroup advanced "golang.org/x/sync/errgroup"
- lrita/gosync a TryLock implementation
- lubanstudio/luban Luban is an on-demand building tasks dispatcher for Go.
- m3db/m3 M3 monorepo - Distributed TSDB, Aggregator and Query Engine, Prometheus Sidecar, Graphite Compatible, Metrics Platform
- mdlayher/netlink Package netlink provides low-level access to Linux netlink sockets (AF_NETLINK). MIT Licensed.
- medcl/gopa-abandoned GOPA, a spider written in Go.(NOTE: this project moved to https://github.com/infinitbyte/gopa )
- mehrdadrad/mylg Network Diagnostic Tool
- metallb/metallb A network load-balancer implementation for Kubernetes using standard routing protocols
- mfridman/tparse CLI tool for summarizing go test output. Pipe friendly. CI/CD friendly.
- mgechev/revive 🔥 ~6x faster, stricter, configurable, extensible, and beautiful drop-in replacement for golint
- milosgajdos/tenus Linux networking in Go
- milvus-io/milvus A cloud-native vector database, storage for next generation AI applications
- minio/sio Go implementation of the Data At Rest Encryption (DARE) format.
- mitchellh/go-z3 Go (golang) bindings to the Z3 SMT Solver
- mmcloughlin/avo Generate x86 Assembly with Go
- mmcloughlin/mathfmt Document mathematical Go code beautifully
- mvdan/gofumpt A stricter gofmt
- nats-io/nats-server High-Performance server for NATS.io, the cloud and edge native messaging system.
- newtools/zsocket Zero-copy sockets for Linux in Golang
- nicksnyder/go-i18n Translate your Go program into multiple languages.
- notaryproject/notary Notary is a project that allows anyone to have trust over arbitrary collections of data
- notti/nocgo dlopen in go without cgo
- nuclio/nuclio High-Performance Serverless event and data processing platform
- nutsdb/nutsdb A simple, fast, embeddable, persistent key/value store written in pure Go. It supports fully serializable transactions and many data structures such as list, set, sorted set.
- oikomi/FishChatServer 请移步第二版 https://github.com/oikomi/FishChatServer2
- ondrajz/go-callvis Visualize call graph of a Go program using Graphviz
- openacid/slim Surprisingly space efficient trie in Golang(11 bits/key; 100 ns/get).
- openark/orchestrator MySQL replication topology management and HA
- openfaas/faas OpenFaaS - Serverless Functions Made Simple
- openshift/osin Golang OAuth2 server library
- openzipkin-contrib/zipkin-go-opentracing OpenTracing Bridge for Zipkin Go
- optiopay/kafka Go driver for Kafka
- ovh/cds Enterprise-Grade Continuous Delivery & DevOps Automation Open Source Platform
- owenthereal/godzilla Godzilla is a ES2015 to Go source code transpiler and runtime
- oxequa/realize Realize is the #1 Golang Task Runner which enhance your workflow by automating the most common tasks and using the best performing Golang live reloading.
- perlin-network/noise A decentralized P2P networking stack written in Go.
- pingcap/failpoint An implementation of failpoints for Golang.
- pingcap/go-ycsb A Go port of Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark (YCSB)
- pingcap/parser A MySQL Compatible SQL Parser
- pion/webrtc Pure Go implementation of the WebRTC API
- profefe/profefe Continuous profiling for long-term postmortem analysis
- prometheus-junkyard/tsdb The Prometheus time series database layer.
- purpleidea/mgmt Next generation distributed, event-driven, parallel config management!
- qax-os/excelize Go language library for reading and writing Microsoft Excel™ (XLAM / XLSM / XLSX / XLTM / XLTX) spreadsheets
- qax-os/goreporter A Golang tool that does static analysis, unit testing, code review and generate code quality report.
- quasilyte/go-consistent Source code analyzer that helps you to make your Go programs more consistent.
- quay/clair Vulnerability Static Analysis for Containers
- quic-go/quic-go A QUIC implementation in pure go
- r3labs/diff A library for diffing golang structures
- radondb/radon RadonDB is an open source, cloud-native MySQL database for building global, scalable cloud services
- radondb/xenon The MySQL Cluster Autopilot Management with GTID and Raft
- rclone/rclone "rsync for cloud storage" - Google Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Wasabi, Google Cloud Storage, Yandex Files
- reborndb/qdb A fast, high availability, fully Redis compatible store.
- reborndb/reborn Distributed database fully compatible with redis protocol
- reviewdog/reviewdog 🐶 Automated code review tool integrated with any code analysis tools regardless of programming language
- samber/lo 💥 A Lodash-style Go library based on Go 1.18+ Generics (map, filter, contains, find...)
- sandglass/sandglass Sandglass is a distributed, horizontally scalable, persistent, time sorted message queue.
- scylladb/go-set Type-safe, zero-allocation sets for Go
- seaweedfs/seaweedfs SeaweedFS is a fast distributed storage system for blobs, objects, files, and data lake, for billions of files! Blob store has O(1) disk seek, cloud tiering. Filer supports Cloud Drive, cross-DC active-active replication, Kubernetes, POSIX FUSE mount, S3 API, S3 Gateway, Hadoop, WebDAV, encryption, Erasure Coding.
- securego/gosec Golang security checker
- segmentio/asm Go library providing algorithms optimized to leverage the characteristics of modern CPUs
- shopspring/decimal Arbitrary-precision fixed-point decimal numbers in go
- skip2/go-qrcode ✨ QR Code encoder (Go)
- slimtoolkit/slim Slim(toolkit): Don't change anything in your container image and minify it by up to 30x (and for compiled languages even more) making it secure too! (free and open source)
- smarty-archives/mafsa Package mafsa implements Minimal Acyclic Finite State Automata in Go, essentially a high-speed, memory-efficient, Unicode-friendly set of strings.
- sorenisanerd/gotty Share your terminal as a web application
- sourcegraph/conc Better structured concurrency for go
- sourcegraph/go-diff Unified diff parser and printer for Go
- src-d/go-mysql-server An extensible MySQL server implementation in Go.
- stashapp/stash An organizer for your porn, written in Go. Documentation: https://docs.stashapp.cc
- tecbot/gorocksdb gorocksdb is a Go wrapper for RocksDB
- thanos-io/thanos Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities. A CNCF Incubating project.
- tidwall/chanx A simple interface wrapper around a Go channel.
- tidwall/spanmap A fast collection type that uses uint64 for keys.
- tidwall/uhaha High Availability Raft Framework for Go
- tklauser/go-sysconf sysconf for Go, without using cgo
- tmthrgd/asm Assembly generator for Golang in Golang. [Not stable].
- traefik/traefik The Cloud Native Application Proxy
- traefik/yaegi Yaegi is Another Elegant Go Interpreter
- twitchyliquid64/golang-asm The assembler from the Go compiler, in library form.
- twmb/franz-go franz-go contains a feature complete, pure Go library for interacting with Kafka from 0.8.0 through 3.4+. Producing, consuming, transacting, administrating, etc.
- twmb/murmur3 Fast, fully fledged murmur3 in Go.
- uber-archive/cherami-server Distributed, scalable, durable, and highly available message queue system. This project is deprecated and not maintained.
- uber-archive/cpustat high frequency performance measurements for Linux. This project is deprecated and not maintained.
- uber-archive/go-torch Stochastic flame graph profiler for Go programs
- uber/aresdb A GPU-powered real-time analytics storage and query engine.
- uber/kraken P2P Docker registry capable of distributing TBs of data in seconds
- unidoc/unioffice Pure go library for creating and processing Office Word (.docx), Excel (.xlsx) and Powerpoint (.pptx) documents
- urjitbhatia/cozgo Coz profiler Golang wrapper - Coz employs a novel technique we call causal profiling that measures optimization potential.
- vishvananda/netlink Simple netlink library for go.
- vitessio/vitess Vitess is a database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL.
- volatiletech/authboss The boss of http auth.
- walmartdigital/commit-message-formatter CMF is a simple-2-use utility to standardize commit messages on projects
- wdamron/go-anchorhash A minimal-memory AnchorHash (consistent-hash) implementation for Go
- weppos/publicsuffix-go Domain name parser for Go based on the Public Suffix List.
- willscott/go-nfs golang NFSv3 server
- x-motemen/gore Yet another Go REPL that works nicely. Featured with line editing, code completion, and more.
- xanzy/go-gitlab GitLab Go SDK
- xelabs/go-jepsen go-jepsen is a toolset for distributed systems verification, includes SIV(Snapshot Isolation Verification) and etc...
- xelabs/go-mydumper A multi-threaded MySQL backup and restore tool, faster than mysqldump
- xiang90/paxos A go implementation of the Paxos algorithm
- xo/xo Command line tool to generate idiomatic Go code for SQL databases supporting PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server
- xxjwxc/gormt database to golang struct
- yudai/gojsondiff Go JSON Diff
- zserge/lorca Build cross-platform modern desktop apps in Go + HTML5
- davideuler/architecture.of.internet-product 互联网公司技术架构,微信/淘宝/微博/腾讯/阿里/美团点评/百度/Google/Facebook/Amazon/eBay的架构,欢迎PR补充
- f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT better.
- rigtorp/awesome-modern-cpp A collection of resources on modern C++
- apache/doris Apache Doris is an easy-to-use, high performance and unified analytics database.
- apache/pulsar Apache Pulsar - distributed pub-sub messaging system
- killme2008/Metamorphosis A high available,high performance distributed messaging system.
- pramalhe/ConcurrencyFreaks
- Hackl0us/SS-Rule-Snippet 搜集、整理、维护 Surge / Quantumult (X) / Shadowrocket / Surfboard / clash (Premium) 实用规则。
- NARKOZ/hacker-scripts Based on a true story
- ecmadao/hacknical Hacknical, hacker & technical. A website for GitHub user to make a better resume.
- facebookarchive/prepack A JavaScript bundle optimizer.
- jaywcjlove/awesome-mac Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.
- mholt/json-to-go Translates JSON into a Go type in your browser instantly (original)
- mozilla/webextension-polyfill A lightweight polyfill library for Promise-based WebExtension APIs in Chrome
- qier222/proxy-provider-converter 一个可以将 Clash 订阅转换成 Proxy Provider 和 External Group(Surge) 的工具
- scutan90/DeepLearning-500-questions 深度学习500问,以问答形式对常用的概率知识、线性代数、机器学习、深度学习、计算机视觉等热点问题进行阐述,以帮助自己及有需要的读者。 全书分为18个章节,50余万字。由于水平有限,书中不妥之处恳请广大读者批评指正。 未完待续............ 如有意合作,联系[email protected] 版权所有,违权必究 Tan 2018.06
- xiaohanyu/blog-html-to-pdf [Fun] A sample program to convert blog website to merged pdf.
- orlabs/orange OpenResty/Nginx Gateway for API Monitoring and Management.
- zevv/lsofgraph lsof to graphviz
- awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
- moul/http2curl 📐 Convert Golang's http.Request to CURL command line
- intel/ioprof The Linux I/O profiler (ioprof) is a tool that provides significant insight into I/O workloads while remaining easy to use.
- WallarooLabs/wally Distributed Stream Processing
- Doist/bitmapist Powerful analytics and cohort library using Redis bitmaps
- JackonYang/maya 骂丫--对骂机器人。君子动口不动手,科技改变骂丫
- Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous.
- TheLartians/Format.cmake 💅 Stylize your code! Automatic clang-format and cmake-format targets for CMake.
- XX-net/XX-Net A proxy tool to bypass GFW.
- ageitgey/face_recognition The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line
- alteryx/featuretools An open source python library for automated feature engineering
- apache/airflow Apache Airflow - A platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows
- apachecn/ailearning AiLearning:数据分析+机器学习实战+线性代数+PyTorch+NLTK+TF2
- chatchat-space/langchain-ChatGLM langchain-ChatGLM, local knowledge based ChatGLM with langchain | 基于本地知识库的 ChatGLM 问答
- conan-io/cmake-conan CMake wrapper for conan C and C++ package manager
- facebook/prophet Tool for producing high quality forecasts for time series data that has multiple seasonality with linear or non-linear growth.
- facebookarchive/augmented-traffic-control Augmented Traffic Control: A tool to simulate network conditions
- golemfactory/clay Golem is creating a global market for computing power.
- gongjianhui/AppleDNS Apple 网络服务加速配置。[已停止更新,请慎用。]
- google/clusterfuzz Scalable fuzzing infrastructure.
- google/tangent Source-to-Source Debuggable Derivatives in Pure Python
- horovod/horovod Distributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet.
- jtpereyda/boofuzz A fork and successor of the Sulley Fuzzing Framework
- lucasjinreal/weibo_terminater Final Weibo Crawler Scrap Anything From Weibo, comments, weibo contents, followers, anything. The Terminator
- microsoft/nni An open source AutoML toolkit for automate machine learning lifecycle, including feature engineering, neural architecture search, model compression and hyper-parameter tuning.
- nickdiego/compiledb Tool for generating Clang's JSON Compilation Database files for make-based build systems.
- openai/openai-python The OpenAI Python library provides convenient access to the OpenAI API from applications written in the Python language.
- public-apis/public-apis A collective list of free APIs
- qinxuye/cola A high-level distributed crawling framework.
- ray-project/ray Ray is a unified framework for scaling AI and Python applications. Ray consists of a core distributed runtime and a toolkit of libraries (Ray AIR) for accelerating ML workloads.
- scylladb/diskplorer
- searx/searx Privacy-respecting metasearch engine
- tgbot-collection/YYeTsBot 🎬 人人影视 机器人和网站,包含人人影视全部资源以及众多网友的网盘分享
- tpircher-zz/pycrc Free, easy to use Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) calculator and source code generator
- xorbitsai/xorbits Scalable Python DS & ML, in an API compatible & lightning fast way.
- BurntSushi/regex-automata A low level regular expression library that uses deterministic finite automata.
- analysis-tools-dev/static-analysis ⚙️ A curated list of static analysis (SAST) tools and linters for all programming languages, config files, build tools, and more. The focus is on tools which improve code quality.
- denisidoro/navi An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
- facebook/sapling A Scalable, User-Friendly Source Control System.
- racer-rust/racer Rust Code Completion utility
- rust-unofficial/awesome-rust A curated list of Rust code and resources.
- smoltcp-rs/smoltcp a smol tcp/ip stack
- srijs/rust-crc32fast Fast, SIMD-accelerated CRC32 (IEEE) checksum computation in Rust
- tikv/raft-rs Raft distributed consensus algorithm implemented in Rust.
- tikv/tikv Distributed transactional key-value database, originally created to complement TiDB
- tokio-rs/mio Metal I/O library for Rust.
- sivan/heti 赫蹏(hètí)是专为中文内容展示设计的排版样式增强。它基于通行的中文排版规范而来,可以为网站的读者带来更好的文章阅读体验。
- google/oss-fuzz OSS-Fuzz - continuous fuzzing for open source software.
- iamxy/tracing-tools Useful tracing tools to find the performance problems
- ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh 🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,100+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python, etc), 140+ themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
- rcaloras/bash-preexec ⚡ preexec and precmd functions for Bash just like Zsh.
- gbammc/Thor Switch the right application ASAP.
- DataObserve/datav A modern data visualization platform, mainly focus on observability and APM
- antvis/G6 ♾ A Graph Visualization Framework in JavaScript
- conwnet/github1s One second to read GitHub code with VS Code.
- elsaland/elsa ❄️ Elsa is a minimal runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript written in Go
- mattermost/mattermost Mattermost is an open source platform for secure collaboration across the entire software development lifecycle..
- dense-analysis/ale Check syntax in Vim asynchronously and fix files, with Language Server Protocol (LSP) support
- vbenjs/vue-vben-admin A modern vue admin. It is based on Vue3, vite and TypeScript. It's fast!