A really simple jquery lol slider.
Example and Documentation can be found in Slolder Github page
JQuery v1.6+
Installing? Ain't nobody has time fo that. Just download the damn thing and add it to your HTML with something like this:
<script src="jquery-slolder.js"></script>
There must be a container with all the wannabe slides within it, preferably a unordered list, just for the sake of the best pratices, but any other valid structure should work too, in case you're a hipster and don't like to follow the patterns. For instance:
<ul class="foo">
<li>Slide 1</li>
<li>Slide 2</li>
<li>Slide 3</li>
The slides container must have a established height. For instance:
.foo { height: 300px }
To slolder it up, call the slolder jquery method on the container and behold the magic happening. Like this:
Time between each transition, in miliseconds. Default: 5000
interval: 2000
Time taken by each transition animation, in miliseconds. Default: 1000
transitionTime: 500
Animation function that takes place in each transition. Accespts a string and a function. Default: "fadeDown"
For now, the only two string accepted are: "fadeDown" or "slideUp"
transitionFunction: "slideUp"
The function must receive slide
as argument, which will be the receiver of the animation, and return
its result, otherwise it won't work. For instance:
transitionFunction: function(slide){
return slide.animate({
height: "0",
marginLeft: "-2000px",
opacity: "0"
}, 500)
interval: 3000,
transitionTime: 600,
transitionFunction: "slideUp"