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Getting Started

First, clone this repository:

git lfs install
git clone --recursive
cd Controlled_Text_Reduction

then run:

python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv

if you haven't installed yet virtualenv, and then run:

python3 -m venv venvs/controlled_text_reduction_env
source venvs/controlled_text_reduction_env/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

Preprocess Data

The next step is to preprocess the data. To do that, run:

python -m src.preprocess_from_highlight_rows_to_document_rows configs/preprocess/<CONFIG_PREPROCESS_FILE>

You can find examples of <CONFIG_PREPROCESS_FILE> under configs/preprocess/ Some note about the <CONFIG_PREPROCESS_FILE>:

  1. The train_file_highlight_rows parameter should be a csv file with the following columns: topic, summaryFile, documentFile, docSpanOffsets, where topic should be identical to summaryFile, and the summaryFile, documentFile columns should include the names of the extracted documents and summaries (see the next point).
  2. The doc_data_dir parameter should point to the datapath, which should contain the following structure where a summary and its related document directory share the same name:
      - <DATA_PATH>
        - summaries
          - A.txt
          - B.txt
          - ...
        - A
          - doc_A1
          - doc_A2
          - ...
        - B
          - doc_B1
          - doc_B2
          - ...
  1. The output_file_path parameter should save the output file in the data/ folder.

In the following link you can find the full Controlled Text Reduction dataset: link to dataset

Train Models

Once the datasets have been preprocessed and saved in the data/ folder, you can proceed to training the models. To do that, run:

python -m src.run_experiments configs/train/<CONFIG_TRAIN_FILE>

You can find examples of <CONFIG_TRAIN_FILE> under configs/train/. You have different options:

  1. To train a model which receives as input text+highlights, follow train_led__4096__global_text_and_highlights.json.
  2. To train a model which receives as input only text (without highlights), follow train_led__4096__no_highlights.json.
  3. To train a model which receives as input only highlights (their concatenation), follow train_led__4096__global_only_highlights.json.
  4. To further finetune an already finetuned model (e.g., dirst finetuning on CNN-DM and DUC training set and then further finetuning on DUC alone), follow further_finetune_led_4096_global_on_highlights_pretrained_CNNDM_full_and_duc.json.

Eval and Test Models

To test or evaluate a trained model, run:

python -m src.run_experiments configs/eval/<CONFIG_TEST_FILE>

You can find examples of <CONFIG_TEST_FILE> under configs/eval/. You have different options:

  1. To test a simple concatenation, follow test_simple_concatenation.json (or eval_simple_concatenation.json for the devset).
  2. To test a model which receives as input text+highlights, follow test_led_text_and_highlights.json (or eval_led_text_and_highlights.json for the devset).
  3. To test a model which receives as input only text (without highlights), follow test_led_no_highlights.json (or eval_led_no_highlights.json for the devset).
  4. To test a model which receives as input only highlights, follow test_led_only_highlights.json (or eval_led_only_highlights.json for the devset).
  5. To run a mixed experiment, where highlights are paired with a different summary of the same document, follow test_led_mixed.json.


We also uploaded our best model to huggingface, for an easy employment. Please refer to:


If you find this repository useful in your research, please cite the following paper:

    title = "Controlled Text Reduction",
    author = "Slobodkin, Aviv  and
      Roit, Paul  and
      Hirsch, Eran  and
      Ernst, Ori  and
      Dagan, Ido",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
    month = dec,
    year = "2022",
    address = "Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "5699--5715",
    abstract = "Producing a reduced version of a source text, as in generic or focused summarization, inherently involves two distinct subtasks: deciding on targeted content and generating a coherent text conveying it. While some popular approaches address summarization as a single end-to-end task, prominent works support decomposed modeling for individual subtasks. Further, semi-automated text reduction is also very appealing, where users may identify targeted content while models would generate a corresponding coherent summary.In this paper, we focus on the second subtask, of generating coherent text given pre-selected content. Concretely, we formalize \textit{Controlled Text Reduction} as a standalone task, whose input is a source text with marked spans of targeted content ({``}highlighting{''}).A model then needs to generate a coherent text that includes all and only the target information.We advocate the potential of such models, both for modular fully-automatic summarization, as well as for semi-automated human-in-the-loop use cases.Facilitating proper research, we crowdsource high-quality dev and test datasets for the task. Further, we automatically generate a larger {``}silver{''} training dataset from available summarization benchmarks, leveraging a pretrained summary-source alignment model.Finally, employing these datasets, we present a supervised baseline model, showing promising results and insightful analyses.",


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