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This project is about Metaverse, Web3, 3d, Data Visualize, and so on.

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NPM Version

Direct 目录说明

  • block-chain 区块链
  • block-chain-use 链端(合约)、网关中心(协调、管理)
  • client 网站客户端(内容、浏览、支付)

Installation 安装

$ npm install

Running the app 同时运行服务端和客户端

npm run dev

Client 客户端

$ cd client

# development
$ npm run dev

Chain 链端 网关

$ cd chain

# compile contract
$ hardhat compile

# contract test
$ hardhat test

# deploy contract
$ hardhat run scripts/deploy.js

# start a chain node
$ hardhat node

# deploy contract to local node for develop
$ hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network localhost

# generate database
$ npm run db:generate

# development
$ npm run start

# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev

# production mode
$ npm run start:prod

+(()=>throw new Emotion("Happy"))