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CircleCI Build Status


A project created as an excercise to learn some Go for the Greater Good. Idea conceved as a help to coordinate QA process.


Assuming Go installed and $GOPATH/bin is added to $PATH

go get


  what-build [flags]
  what-build [command]

Available Commands:
  find        find a build of a project
  help        Help about any command
  info        list available projects and builds
  run         run a build of a project
  version     version of what-build tool

  -h, --help      help for what-build
  -v, --version   output version

Use "what-build [command] --help" or "what-build help [command]" for more information about a command.

GitHub authorization

This tool uses non-web application flow of authentication as suggested by GitHub. If access token is not found in local tool configuration, the user is requested to enter their GitHub credentials to then request a token on behalf of the user.

Generated token can be fount and revoked in user settings under the name of what-build-access.

SSM Config

When running for the first time, the tool looks for configuration in ~/.what-build.yaml and uses it to access AWS Parameter Store and fetch the configuration. It is assumed that the user has AWS credentials configured. The path to SSM parameter and the region are queried if missing in local config. The parameter is expected to contain a json string with projects and builds information:

    "settings": {
        "per_page": 20,
        "max_offset": 200
    "projects": [
            "name": "proj1",
            "code_build_name": "proj1-deploy",
            "circleci_url": "",
            "circleci_token": "token_for_project",
            "circleci_token_ssm_name": "/nameof/ssm/token_for_project/parameter",
            "github_url": "",
            "optional_build_parameters": {
                "default": {
                    "DEFAULT_VAR": "default value"
                "option1": {
                    "SOME_EXTRA_VAR": "some extra val"
            "name": "proj2",
            "circleci_url": "",
            "circleci_token": "token_for_project",
            "circleci_token_ssm_name": "/nameof/ssm/token_for_project/parameter",
            "github_url": "",
            "optional_build_parameters": {
                "option": {
                    "SOME_EXTRA_VAR": "some extra val"
    "builds": [
            "name": "build1",
            "search_build_parameters": {
                "SOME_ENV": "superprod",
                "SOME_VAR": "true"
            "search_code_build_parameters": {
                "SOME_ENV": "superprod",
            "run_build_parameters": {
                "SOME_ENV": "superprod",
                "SOME_VAR": "true",
                "SOME_ELSE": "a"
            "name": "build2",
            "search_build_parameters": {
                "SOME_ENV": "QA999",
                "SOME_OTHER_VAR": "false"
            "search_code_build_parameters": {
                "SOME_ENV": "QA999",
            "run_build_parameters": {
                "SOME_ENV": "QA999",
                "SOME_OTHER_VAR": "false"


  • Move GitHub authentication to OAuth with localhost redirects
  • Dependencies lock
  • Permit rerequest/overwrite github token
  • Permit multiple build runs in one command run
  • Add slack notifications
  • Permit interactive searches too, like runs
  • Make live updates with polling