Scripts associated to the Yunda-Guarin et al. paper on Arctic ophiuroids (in revision for Marine Ecology Progress Series).
"Fig2.R" contains code for trophic position modelling and associated figure 2.
"Fig3.R" contains code for the isotopic biplot of figure 3.
"Fig4.R" contains code for standard ellipse area computations, comparisons across zones or species, and visual representation as boxplots (figure 4).
"Fig5.R" contains code for standard ellipse bivariate representation (figure 5) and overlap computations.
The data files are here for illustration only. The fully documented dataset can be found at [insert future link].
Code tested using the following versions of software and packages:
R version 4.1.1 (2021-08-10)
SIBER 2.1.6
tRophicPosition 0.7.7ggplot2 3.3.5
cowplot 1.1.1
devEMF 4.0.2
magrittr 2.0.1
rvg 0.2.5
officer 0.4.0
dplyr 1.0.7