This is a simple 2D cross-platform game written using libgdx engine. The player is animated as Braid character. Your goal is to collect keys in the maze within time limit of one minute.
- the player controlled via touchpad
- each collected key adds 10 seconds to the time limit
- hitting monsters slows player down for 5 seconds
The touchpad handling and implementation was taken from Touchpad Example. The project template was taken from libgdx Gradle Template. There is collision detection with walls based on map tiles. The collision between player, mimics and keys is done via geometrical rectangles overlaps. There are three coordinate systems: Screen, World and Camera
- Screen is a device coordinate system
- World is tiled map system
- Camera is visible World part on the Screen
The main character animation has two sprite sheets: idle and running. The monsters are hopping Mimics form the Braid game. The font in the game is AmazDooM font. The game level was created using Tiled map editor (Sewer tileset). The sprite sheets where created in Gimp and Sprite Sheet plugin.
./gradlew build
./gradlew desktop:run
to create eclipse project
./gradlew eclipse
more info at
- libgdx
- libgdx Gradle template
- Braid Graphics Briefcase
- AmazDooM font Conversion from TTF into fnt done via Hiero tool from libgdx-tools
- Hourglass icon
- Tiled map editor
- Touchpad example Source code
- Sprite Sheet Gimp plugin