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Echo Playground is an innovative educational technology project designed to enhance student engagement and success. Utilizing advanced data analysis and AI capabilities, including OpenAI, the project analyzes detailed student data to offer personalized insights and recommendations.


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🌟 Echo Playground: Unleash the Power of Code and AI! 🚀

Echo Playground

🌈 Welcome to Echo Playground, where coding genius meets AI magic! Dive into a world where the Echo web framework and OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo API collide to create something truly spectacular. This is your laboratory for innovation, where each line of code unlocks new possibilities!

Echo Playground's Magic Potion 🧪

  • AI-Powered Text Wizardry: Transform prompts into rich text with our AI alchemist. It's like having a poet at your fingertips!
  • Attendance Tracking with a Twist: Our AI isn't just about words; it's the Sherlock Holmes of school attendance, keeping an eagle eye on who's in class and who's playing hooky.
  • Docker & AWS ECS Symphony: Behold the seamless dance of our application in Docker containers, orchestrated in the cloud by AWS ECS. It's tech harmony at its finest!
  • Echo Web Framework Mastery: We're not just using Echo; we're pushing it to its limits, creating a robust and smooth server experience that's music to a developer's ears.

Your Adventure Awaits! 🚀

Step into Echo Playground, where coders, whether novice or ninja, can explore, innovate, and perhaps find a little joy. It's a realm where code and creativity are one, and the horizon is as limitless as your imagination.


  • Echo Framework Elegance: Crafting an efficient Go-based web server with style.
  • Connection to OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo: For dynamic, intelligent text generation.
  • Sophisticated CSV Data Management: Analyzing student attendance records with finesse.
  • Robust Error Reporting: Ensuring top-notch application performance.
  • Markdown Mastery: For outputs that are as user-friendly as they are elegant.
  • Adaptive Server Configuration: Flexibility is our middle name!

Getting Started


  • Docker
  • AWS Account
  • .env file with the secret sauce (like OPENAI_KEY)

Local Setup & Run

  1. Clone and Conquer:

    git clone
  2. Docker Development Build:

    docker build -f -t echo-playground-dev .
  3. Run with Docker or Docker Compose:

    docker run -p 1323:1323 --env-file .env echo-playground-dev
    # or simply...
    docker compose up
  4. Witness the Magic: http:https://localhost:1323


  • Root Endpoint:

    curl -v http:https://localhost:1323/
  • Health Check:

    curl -v http:https://localhost:1323/health
  • Get Student Data (replace {student_id} with an actual student ID):

    curl -v http:https://localhost:1323/students/{student_id}
  • Get Student Report (replace {student_id} with an actual student ID):

    curl -v http:https://localhost:1323/students/{student_id}/report
  • Flagged Students (for students with high absence counts):

    curl -v http:https://localhost:1323/flagged-students
  • Flagged Student Messages (to generate messages for students with high absences):

    curl -v http:https://localhost:1323/flagged-student-messages
    • ** Flagged Student Messages SMS** (to generate messages for students with high absences):
    curl -v http:https://localhost:1323/flagged-student-sms-reports

AWS ECS Deployment

Master the cloud with our guide in ecs/

The Echo Playground Blueprint

Priority Feature Impact Mission Statement
1 Keep OpenAI Service Layer in Prime Condition High Continuously update and optimize our AI integration, keeping it at the forefront of innovation.
2 Fortify Authentication & Authorization High Develop robust security protocols to safeguard sensitive student data and ensure user trust.
3 Champion of Unit and Integration Tests High Rigorously test our code to guarantee reliability and seamless functionality in all scenarios.
4 Master of CSV Data Processing Medium Efficiently handle and interpret complex datasets, turning raw data into actionable insights.
5 Craftsman of Complex Data Handling Medium Skillfully manage and navigate through intricate data scenarios, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.
6 Asynchronous Processing Wizard Medium Implement non-blocking operations to boost application responsiveness and user experience.
7 Prometheus: The Seer of Logging and Monitoring Medium Utilize Prometheus for comprehensive monitoring, gaining deep insights into system performance.
8 Error Reporting Artisan Medium Enhance the application's resilience by developing an advanced error-reporting mechanism.
9 Middleware Maestro Medium Integrate sophisticated middleware solutions for optimized request handling and data security.
10 Markdown Stylist Low Create engaging, user-friendly interfaces and outputs using Markdown, enhancing user engagement.
11 Visionary of Front-End Interface and API Endpoints Low Expand the application's reach and accessibility with intuitive front-end designs and API integrations.

Future Spells to Cast:

Priority Feature Impact Vision
1 AI's Learning Tailor High Deploy AI to design individualized learning experiences, adapting to unique student needs.
2 Guardian of Student Wellbeing High Utilize AI to monitor and analyze student wellbeing, providing early intervention and support.
3 Oracle of Behavioral Patterns High Explore and interpret behavioral data to identify trends and inform educational strategies.
4 Conductor of Interactive Learning Platforms Medium Create dynamic, AI-driven platforms that engage students in interactive and adaptive learning.
5 Bridge Builder for Parent-Teacher Dialogues Medium Facilitate effective communication between parents and teachers, bolstering the educational ecosystem.
6 Emotional Wellbeing Analyst Medium Analyze emotional wellbeing indicators to provide tailored support and counseling to students.
7 Tech Talent Cultivator Medium Develop programs to enhance students' technological skills, preparing them for the digital future.
8 Social Engagement Choreographer Low Design initiatives that encourage social interaction and build a vibrant school community.
9 Architect of Student Achievement Dashboard Low Construct a comprehensive dashboard to visualize and celebrate student achievements and progress.

License & Appreciation

  • License: MIT License. See the license file for details.
  • Acknowledgments: Hats off to the Echo framework team and OpenAI for their incredible tools.


  • Docker Builds: Differentiating between development and production. Use Docker Compose for simplicity.
  • .env File Handling: Use --env-file .env with Docker to ensure environment variables are correctly passed into the container.
  • Deployment: ECS deployment assumes production setup does not rely on .env.

Remember, your .env file is your secret diary. Keep it safe and out of version control. 🗝️


Echo Playground is an innovative educational technology project designed to enhance student engagement and success. Utilizing advanced data analysis and AI capabilities, including OpenAI, the project analyzes detailed student data to offer personalized insights and recommendations.








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