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2023년도 2학기에 수강한 과제연구1과 관련된 repository이다.

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- You may need initial dataset ( c files cloned from github repository. I received them from my professor sangdon park )

A description of terms

- secure: secure == invulnerable, (I am using two words interchangeably in my comments and explanations.)
- insecure: insecure == vulnerable, (I am using two words interchangeably in my comments and explanations.)
- vulnerable C file: There is at least one vulnerability detected by the CodeQL analysis in a C file.
- invulnerable C file: It refers to files that are not vulnerable C files.

About the dataset(c files) used for training customized model

  • c files are indirectly referenced from a text file("DATA TEXT FILE"), which has all absolute paths to the c files. So, the paths are tailored to my development environment. I think you have to change the prefix of the paths in the DATA TEXT FILE.

    • for example, "/home/junseok/workdir/hf-dataset/all-c-files-master-main/kernel__power__zrot.txt"
      • "/home/junseok/workdir" is my personal working directory.
  • DATA TEXT FILE paths

    • dataset for insecure model: transformers/examples/pytorch/language-modeling/junseok-dataset/all-dataset
      • test.txt
      • train.txt
      • val.txt
    • dataset for secure model: transformers/examples/pytorch/language-modeling/junseok-dataset/secure-dataset
      • test.txt
      • train.txt
      • val.txt
    • all file paths: invulnerable c file paths + vulnerable c file paths
      • transformers/examples/pytorch/language-modeling/junseok-dataset/all_file_paths.txt
    • insecure file paths only: vulnerable c file paths only
      • transformers/examples/pytorch/language-modeling/insecure_file_abs_paths.txt


code analysis

  1. create new mockmain files
  2. analyze the created mockmain files using CodeQL

model training

  1. make a customized model

code generation

  1. generate code using the customized model

plotting using CodeQL analysis output

  1. After CodeQL analyzing, plot using the output

utility code blocks

  1. util


  • If you want to train a customized model and analyze its result,
    • 'model training' -> 'code generation' -> 'plotting using CodeQL analysis output'


code analysis

  1. create new mockmain files
    • run 'share/codeql/'
    • options
      • header: [default: 1] 1 if you want to add the 'include lines' of the original c file to the mockmain c files, 0 otherwise.
      • working_dir: We will find c files in 'working_dir' recursively and then generate mockmain files to 'out_dir' directory.
      • out_dir: We will find c files in 'working_dir' recursively and then generate mockmain files to 'out_dir' directory.
    • e.g. python3.10 --header=0 --working_dir=/home/junseok/workdir/share/data/output/code-generation/v3/pretrained/raw --out_dir=/home/junseok/workdir/share/data/output/code-generation/v3/pretrained/test
  2. analyze the created mockmain files using CodeQL
    • run 'share/codeql/'
    • options
      • working_dir: We will use mockmain files in 'working_dir'.
      • out_dir: We will create CodeQL analysis output files to 'out_dir' directory.
    • e.g. python3.10 --working_dir=/home/junseok/workdir/share/data/output/code-generation/v3/pretrained/test/my-mockmain-without-header --out_dir=/home/junseok/workdir/share/data/output/code-generation/v3/pretrained/test/my-codeql-output-without-header

model training

  1. make a customized model
    • secure model ( training a model with invulnerable code only)

      1. cd transformers/examples/pytorch/language-modeling
      2. screen -L -dm bash -c 'python3.10 secure
        --model_type codegen
        --config_name Salesforce/codegen-350M-multi
        --tokenizer_name Salesforce/codegen-350M-multi
        --per_device_train_batch_size 1
        --per_device_eval_batch_size 1
        --preprocessing_num_workers 32
        --output_dir {{ Any directory name(This directory name will be used when you generate code.), e.g.) /tmp/cuda-junseok-clm-secure }}
        --evaluation_strategy epoch
        --save_strategy epoch
    • insecure model ( training a model with invulnerable code and vulnerable code)

      1. cd transformers/examples/pytorch/language-modeling
      2. screen -L -dm bash -c 'python3.10 insecure
        --model_type codegen
        --config_name Salesforce/codegen-350M-multi
        --tokenizer_name Salesforce/codegen-350M-multi
        --per_device_train_batch_size 1
        --per_device_eval_batch_size 1
        --preprocessing_num_workers 32
        --output_dir {{ Any directory name(This directory name will be used when you generate code.), e.g.) /tmp/cuda-junseok-clm-all }}
        --evaluation_strategy epoch
        --save_strategy epoch

code generation

  1. generate code using the customized model
    • run 'share/codeql/'
    • options
      • type: 'secure' or 'insecure'. What model-type will you use when generating code? 'type' is used when selecting cuda_device. (Because my development environment provided two cuda devices, I could simultaneously generate code in both secure model and insecure model.)
      • out_dir: The generated code will be stored in 'out_dir' directory.
      • model_path: The trained custom model path. e.g.) '/tmp/cuda-junseok-clm-secure'
    • e.g. python3.10 --type=secure --out_dir=/home/junseok/workdir/share/data/output/code-generation/v4-test --model_path=/tmp/cuda-junseok-clm-all

plotting using CodeQL analysis output

  1. After CodeQL analyzing, plot using the output
    • We will use 'jupyter/codegen/create_mockmain_and_analyze.ipynb'
      1. In the first jupyter block, modify "collect_insecure_files(YOUR_CODEQL_OUTPUT_PATH)"
        • 'YOUR_CODEQL_OUTPUT_PATH' will be the "out_dir" you wrote in the "('code analysis'-'2') analyze the created mockmain files using CodeQL" step.
      2. Then, sequentially execute the next jupyter blocks
      3. Finally, you can see the probaility bar plot.

utility code blocks

  1. util
    • There are some code blocks which I used when making dataset.
      • jupyter/codegen/huggingface.ipynb


2023년도 2학기에 수강한 과제연구1과 관련된 repository이다.






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