Build Better Websites. Create modern, resilient user experiences with web fundamentals.
🚀A modern, comprehensive, flexible design system and React UI library. 🎨 Provide more than 3000+ Design Tokens, easy to build your design system. Make Semi Design to Any Design. 🧑🏻💻 Design to Code…
Json Schema Type Builder with Static Type Resolution for TypeScript
An open-source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop
A showcase app for the Flutter SDK. Wonderous will educate and entertain as you uncover information about some of the most famous structures in the world.
Example for build runner in single directory 'generated'
Naive Ui Admin 是一款基于 Vue3、Vite3 和 TypeScript 的先进中后台解决方案,集成了前沿的前端技术栈和典型业务模型。它拥有二次封装组件、动态菜单、权限校验、粒子化权限控制等核心功能,旨在帮助企业快速构建高质量的中后台项目。无论在新技术运用或业务实践层面,都能为您提供有力支持,并将持续更新,以满足您不断变化的需求
A simple Node.js ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3 built on top of Knex.js
【Java面试+Java学习指南】 一份涵盖大部分Java程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。
Gliding Collection is a smooth, flowing, customizable decision for a UICollectionView Swift Controller. iOS library made by @Ramotion
A collection of sample Relay applications
Example of Github API client implemented on top of Dagger 2 DI framework.
Fast and versatile Adapter for RecyclerView which regroups several features into one library to considerably improve the user experience :-)
An easily internationalizable, mobile-friendly datepicker library for the web
Experimental Android app with MVVM architecture. Purpose of this project is to explore different architectural approaches.
This plugin helps you easily insert and manage icons from icon fonts.
Independent technology for modern publishing, memberships, subscriptions and newsletters.
Fully customizable implementation of "Snowfall View" on Android.
Mars is a cross-platform network component developed by WeChat.