Fast, robust ANI and aligned fraction for (metagenomic) genomes and contigs.
中国行政区划矢量图,ESRI Shapefile格式,共四级:国家、省/直辖市、市、区/县。关键字:中国行政区划图;中国地图;中国行政区;中国行政区地图;行政区地图;行政区;行政区划;地图;矢量数据;矢量地理数据;省级;直辖市;市级;区/县级;行政区划图。
GeoJson for all the countries, areas (regions) and some states.
genome collection and QC scripts for E coli project
Making Protein folding accessible to all!
Plascad is a computationally efficient tool designed for plasmids classification, antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) annotation and plasmid visualization.
bedtools - the swiss army knife for genome arithmetic
Disty McMatrixface - compute a distance matrix from a core genome alignment file
Perl script for simulating PCR reactions. Extract sequences from a query based on primer sequences.
🐻⇔🐨 Calculate distance matrix from ChewBBACA cgMLST allele call tables
A ruby script to concatenate cgMLST genes obtained by fast-GeP (
snipit: summarise snps relative to your reference sequence
Official code repository for GATK versions 4 and up
ClonalFrameML: Efficient Inference of Recombination in Whole Bacterial Genomes
treeWAS: A Phylogenetic Tree-Based Tool for Genome-Wide Association Studies in Microbes
A horrible shell script hack to convert SpreadD3 output files for Christian
general purpose library for evaluating the likelihood of sequence evolution on trees
Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap areas