Hello👋 I am a passionate creator and collaborator! 🎓 I recently earned my Full Stack Web Development Certificate from the University of California, San Diego. All instruction and materials were provided through Zoom, Slack, Google Drive, GitLab and GitHub, due to the COVID-19 crisis.
My Repositories are a collection of interactive web applications I've built and contributed on, while meeting deadlines, using technologies such as Git, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Web-API's, Third-Party API's, Server-Side API's, NodeJs, MySQL, Express, Handlebars, Mongo DB, mongoose, and ReactJS.
I have a strong background in Customer Service and enjoy applying innovation and creativity to solve problems. I have experience creating my vision of mobile and web applications independently, as well as, collaborating with a team, throughout the entire development lifecycle.
✨ I look to collaborate on dynamic mobile and web applications.