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Forms And Basic Associations Rails Lab


  1. Populate select options based on association options.
  2. Assign a foreign key based on a select box value directly through mass assignment (post[category_id]).
  3. Define a belongs_to association writer.
  4. Build a form field that will delegate to a belongs_to association writer (post#category_name=) through controller mass assignment.
  5. Define a has_many association writer.
  6. Build a form field that will delegate to a has_many association writer (owner#pet_names=) through controller mass assignment.

A song library

In this lab, we're going to make a song library. Our data model looks like this:

  • Artist
    • has a name (string)
    • has many songs
  • Song
    • has a title (string)
    • belongs to an Artist
    • belongs to a Genre
  • Genre
    • has a name (string)
    • has many songs
  • Note
    • has content (string)
    • belongs to a Song


The base models, controllers, and seed data have been provided for you. The associations have not been wired up.

  • Write app/views/songs/new.html.erb. This form should have:
    • A text input box that sets the song's title.
    • A text input box for the artist.
    • A selection box for genre. Users should be able to pick amongst existing genres only.
    • Several text input boxes to add notes to the song. These should have the IDs song_notes_1, song_notes_2, and so on for the specs to pass. (You might need to search around for how to pass an array using strong_params!)

There are feature tests!

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  • Ruby 82.0%
  • HTML 13.5%
  • CSS 2.2%
  • JavaScript 1.4%
  • CoffeeScript 0.9%