Installs containerd on Windows, optionally with default CNI plugins
containerd-installer.exe - Install containerd on Windows, optionally with default CNI plugins
containerd-installer.exe [global options] [arguments...]
--debug Run in debug mode (default: false)
--containerd-version value Set containerd version to install (default: "1.6.0-rc.1")
--path value Set path where to install containerd to (default: "C:\\Program Files\\containerd")
--cni-plugin-version value Set version of the CNI plugins to install (default: "0.2.0")
--no-cni-plugins Do not install CNI plugins (default: false)
--no-ctr-symlinks Disable creating symlinks in /etc/cni/net.d and /opt/cni/bin (currently required for using ctr) (default: false)
--help, -h show help (default: false)
PS C:\> .\containerd-installer.exe --debug
time="2021-12-09T14:08:55Z" level=debug msg="Checking for admin privileges"
time="2021-12-09T14:08:55Z" level=debug msg="Enabling Windows features: Containers, Microsoft-Hyper-V, Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-PowerShell"
time="2021-12-09T14:08:58Z" level=debug msg="Downloading from"
time="2021-12-09T14:08:58Z" level=debug msg="Downloading from"
time="2021-12-09T14:08:59Z" level=debug msg="Check for existing HNS NAT network"
time="2021-12-09T14:08:59Z" level=debug msg="No existing NAT network can be retrieved, creating a new one"
time="2021-12-09T14:09:00Z" level=debug msg="Created NAT network: gateway:, subnet:"
time="2021-12-09T14:09:00Z" level=debug msg="Creating CNI config for NAT network"
time="2021-12-09T14:09:00Z" level=debug msg="Creating symlinks to CNI binaries and configs for ctr to work"
time="2021-12-09T14:09:00Z" level=debug msg="Creating containerd config"
time="2021-12-09T14:09:00Z" level=debug msg="Creating containerd service and starting it"
time="2021-12-09T14:09:01Z" level=debug msg="Installation finished"