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Widen Developer Relations

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Spread the love.


Ruby, RubyGems, and Bundler.

Getting Started

git clone [email protected]:Widen/
bundle install
jekyll serve --drafts

Add a post

Start posting easily with the following make commands:

  • To create a new post: make createPost title="this is my new post"
  • To create a new draft: make createDraft title="this is my new draft post"

If you wish to post using a more manual approach, all posts are located in ./_posts. You can manually create a file within that dir:

  • Blog posts must start with their publish date (this can be changed) (i.e., yyyy-mm-dd-{title}.md) (e.g., 2013-12-30-Hello-World!.md)).
  • Blog posts must have YAML front matter.

Example post:

title: This is my post title!!
layout: special-post

And now we start writing..


**All markdown is supported here**, __and will be rendered to proper HTML__.

{{ assign template=liquid }}

Add a page

Pages are located in the project root.

Same rules apply for YAML front matter and markdown support.

Publish to

Simply push to the develop branch, and travis-ci will re-deploy the site, making your changes live within minutes. If you do not want your changes to go live yet, create a branch off of develop and push to this new branch. Once you are ready to make your changes live, merge back into develop and push up to GitHub.


No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4
