This package is the core function for any NLP operation or pacakge used by lingorithm.
Use the package manager pip to install ltck.
pip install ltck
Input data is a list of tuples
data = [
("Help me please", "commonQ.assist"),
("Is this a bot?", ""),
("Is there a bot chatting to me?", "")
import ltck
tc = ltck('en', data)
tc.train(epochs=20, batch_size=8, model_name="commonQ_v1")
classified = tc.classify("Help me please")
# [('commonQ.assist', 0.9737932),
# ('commonQ.not_giving', 0.012769885),
# ('', 0.0071987235),
# ('', 0.002869619),
# ('commonQ.query', 0.0023981368),
# ('', 0.000478917),
# ('faq.bad_service', 0.0003706195),
# ('faq.aadhaar_missing', 5.4887507e-05),
# ('faq.apply_register', 3.3203887e-05),
# ('commonQ.just_details', 1.60179e-05),
# ('faq.biz_new', 9.965993e-06),
# ('faq.application_process', 3.101246e-06),
# ('faq.borrow_limit', 1.6019511e-06),
# ('faq.borrow_use', 1.4953373e-06),
# ('commonQ.wait', 2.9794015e-07),
# ('faq.biz_simpler', 2.6959242e-07),
# ('', 9.587218e-08),
# ('faq.biz_category_missing', 5.7328425e-08),
# ('faq.approval_time', 5.5687766e-09),
# ('faq.banking_option_missing', 1.6084242e-09),
# ('faq.address_proof', 1.3430994e-09)]
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.