This project utilises the subdir buildpack by SectorLabs to build and run the projects with separate directories for backend and frontend.
Buildpacks for the subdirectories are listed in the .buildpacks
Run the following commands in the dev server
npm start
- To create production build:
npm run build
Current Features:
- API calls to express api server
- Dynamic poems pages to pull from API
- Decent styling
- Add poems page.
- Pagination
- Upvotes
Shows a maximum of 6 poems at a time on the landing screen. API slices to a maximum of 6 items and sends the poems along with the total number of pages with the current limit. At the moment the page size limit is set by default to 6 with no way of the user customising this.
The pagination buttons created in a loop from 1 to the totalPages number. Clicking on a number or the arrows will send an API request to the server with the requested page number
Allows users to search and filter poems. This uses the Fuse.js fuzzy searching library on the backend to return search results. It is configured to search the author, title and text fields and returns items that contain the search term and the threshold is below 0.3 in the Fuse.js scoring. The live search is adapted from a tutorial on digital ocean found at This implementation cancels the previous request as the user continues typing.
Run the following commands inside the backend folder
npm run server
- For dev mode with nodemon:
npm run dev
API Endpoints
- GET /api/poems - Gets poems in pages of 6 items. Query paramters: page (integer)
- GET /api/poems/:id - Gets poem with id
- POST /api/poems - Adds a new poem. Must be in JSON format containing the following parameters: title, author, text. Returns the created poem object
- POST /api/poems/:id - Adds a vote to poem with id*
Users can vote for poems. When a poem is created or a vote is added the poems array is sorted by the number of votes. It is done this way to reduce the number of times the array is sorted as it is only done when changes are made.
See pagination in frontend
See live search in frontend