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Front end common method collection | 前端常用方法集合

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  1. Collection of common front-end methods to facilitate normal development

  2. Applicable to mobile terminal, PC terminal, mobile terminal first (some methods come from the Internet)

  3. Modular development for easy reference

  4. Support tree shaking to reduce packing volume


This tool is currently divided into four modules

  1. Form: It contains general form validation methods, character judgment of user input information, etc.
  2. Common: It contains some methods that are often used in mobile terminal development
  3. Info: It contains some information about the current mobile device
  4. Ajax: It contains the encapsulated ajax request method


  • use the npm method
npm i fecmjs
// 1. Use all modules
import * as Fecmjs from 'fecmjs';
const {Form, Normal, Info} = Fecmjs;
const flag = Form.checkEmail('[email protected]');
console.log(flag); // true
// 2. When you only need to use some functions, you can import some modules (recommended)
import {Form, Normal, Info} from 'fecmjs';
const flag = Form.checkEmail('[email protected]');
console.log(flag); // true
  • Use <script></script> to import
<script src="https://cdn.xxxx/fecmjs.min.js"></script>
    var Form = Fecmjs.Form;
    var flag = Form.checkEmail('[email protected]');
    console.log(flag); // true

Common module

loadImage(src) load images

parameter name description default value
src URL of the image to load ''


// loaded successfully
.then(img => {
// Failed to load
.catch(err => {

wait(delay) delay

parameter name description default value
delay delay time 500


// Execute after a delay of 1s
.then( => {

showTips({}) Show tips popup

parameter name description default value
autoClose Whether to close automatically true
delay how many seconds after which to automatically close 1000
text prompt text loading...
closedFn closed callback () => {}


    autoClose: false,
    delay: 2000,
    text: 'please waiting',
    closedFn: () => {

closeTips() close the prompt popup

Description: Applicable when autoClose: false of showTips



isVisibleArea(domEle) Whether the element appears in the viewport

parameter name description default value
domEle dom element {}


const dom = document.getElementById('ele');
const isShow = Common.isVisibleArea(dom);
// element is in viewport
if (isShow) {

// element is not in viewport
else {


Form module

checkID(ID) Verify ID

parameter name description default value
ID ID card (only supports mainland ID cards) ''


const flag = Form.checkID('441522xxxxxxxxxxxx');
// ID card format is correct
if (flag) {

// wrong ID format
else {


checkEmail(email) Verify email

parameter name description default value
email mailbox ''


const flag = Form.checkEmail('[email protected]');
// Email format is correct
if (flag) {

// Email format error
else {


isPhoneNum(phone) Verify phone number

parameter name description default value
phone mobile phone number (only supports mainland mobile phones) ''


const flag = Form.isPhoneNum('1581xxxxx81');
// phone number format is correct
if (flag) {

// Wrong format of phone number
else {


rangeRandom(min, max) generate range random integers

parameter name description default value
min minimum value to generate 0
max maximum value to generate 0


// will generate random numbers from 1 to 10
const num = Form.isPhoneNum(1, 10);

removeEmoji(content) remove the emoji from the string

parameter name description default value
content String content ``


const str = Form.removeEmoji('hello,I am 🍁');
console.log(str); // hello,I am

allChinese(val) Determine whether it is pure Chinese (excluding spaces, special characters)

parameter name description default value
val string content ''


const str = Form.allChinese('How are you?');
console.log(str); // false because there is a special character question mark

allEnglish(val) to determine whether it is pure English (excluding spaces, special characters)

parameter name description default value
val string content ''


const str = Form.allEnglish('hello world');
console.log(str); // false because of spaces

hasSpecialCharacters(str) to determine whether there are special characters

parameter name description default value
str string content ''


const str = Form.allEnglish('??!');
console.log(str); // true

removeSpaceSrt(str) remove spaces from the string

parameter name description default value
str string content ''


const str = Form.allEnglish('hello, I am lMC');
console.log(str); // hello, IamlMC

Info module

attribute name description value description
platform is the mobile terminal or the pc terminal. pc: pc side
mobile: mobile side
screenType mobile phone screen type X: full screen
normal: normal screen (iphone5, 6, 7)
short: smaller screen than normal screen
sysTem device system ios: ios system
android: android Android system
not moblie: current non-mobile terminal
isWechat Is the current WeChat environment true: the current WeChat environment
false: the current non-WeChat environment

Ajax module

Ajax module exports a class

Equivalent to a global configuration

parameter name description default value
config.type request type POST
config.debug Whether to enable interface printing information (recommended to be disabled in production environment) 0
config.debugStep Whether to enable printing of the four steps of xhr connection for debugging 0
config.headers Set request headers.
GET request, the value is: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8;
POST request, the value is: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8;
When passed When data is of type FormData, the setting will be invalid
config.url request URL '' request parameters {}
config.timeout interface timeout 3000
config.success Status code 200 Successful callback, res is the result returned by the interface res => {} The status code is not 200 The failure callback, res is the result returned by the interface res => {}
config.always A callback triggered on success or failure, res is the result returned by the interface res => {}
config.timeoutFn Interface timeout callback, res native event callback object res => {}
config.error interface error callback, res native event callback object res => {}
config.fieldName The field representing the status code returned by the backend ret
config.successCode The success status value returned by the backend success
config.responseDataName backend data field name data


import {Ajax} from 'fecmjs';
const ajax = new Ajax({
    debug: 0,
    url: 'xxxxx',
    timeout: 2000
    success: res => {
        console.log('状态码200 成功');
        if (ret.ret === 0) {
            // do someting
        } else {
            // fail
    fail: res => {
        console.log('状态码非200 失败');

base(config) request method

Enter some of the parameters that can be passed in to the default global parameters. If they are passed in again, the default global parameters will be overwritten.


    type: 'get',
    debug: 0,
    url: 'xxxxx',
    timeout: 2000,
    success: res => {
        console.log('status code 200 success');
        if (ret.ret === 0) {
            // do something
        } else {
            // fail
    fail: res => {
        console.log('Failure with status code other than 200');

rebuild(config) wraps the base method

  • This method is encapsulated once again with the base method according to the data format returned by the backend. So when you want to use it, you need to configure fieldName, successCode, failCode and responseDataName in the new Ajax() method
  • When the status code is 200 and the success status returned by the backend is satisfied, then the function is successful and returns a Promise. The parameters in the then function are the data returned by the backend
  • When the status code is 200, and the non-successful status returned by the backend is satisfied, or it is triggered when the interface is called, timeFn, error will trigger the catch function
  • The input parameter config only accepts the following parameters
    • data
    • url
    • type
    • headers
    • timeout
    • debug
    • debugStep

When entering the catch function, you can judge the type of the current error according to the err parameter of the catch function

Possible values for the catch function err._type (parameter):

possible values value description
connect error connection error
connect timeout connection timeout
connect fail connection fail
interface fail The connection is successful, the interface returns a non-success status code
other errors Other errors, possibly due to your own code writing errors


// 1. Suppose the data returned by the backend successfully is in the format:
 * @ret is config.fieldName
 * @success is config.successCode
 * @data is config.responseDataName
    ret: 'success',
    data: {
        name: 'lmc',
        age: 27

// 2. Initialize configuration
const ajax = new Ajax({
    fieldName: 'ret',
    successCode: 'success',
    responseDataName: 'data'

// 3. call
    type: 'get',
    debug: 0,
    url: 'xxxxx',
    timeout: 2000,
// interface succeeded
.then(res => {
    // res ==> data: {name: 'lmc', age: 27}
// If ret !== 'success', fail (including timeFn, error, will trigger catch)
.catch(err => {
    // connect error
    if (err._type === 'connect error') {

    // connect timeout
    else if (err._type === 'connect timeout') {

    // interface fail
    else if (err._type === 'interface fail') {
    // other errors
    else if (err._type === 'other errors') {


In dis/ajax.min.js, there are Ajax modules extracted separately, which can also be directly used

import Ajax from 'fecmjs/plugin/ajax.esm';

const ajax = new Ajax({
    debug: 0,
    url: 'xxxxx',
    timeout: 2000

    type: 'get',
    url: 'xxxx',
    data: {
        type: 5,
    timeout: 1000,
    success: res => {
        console.log('succss', res);
    fail: res => {
        console.log('fail', res);
<script src="./ajax.min.js"></script>
    const ajax = new Ajax({
        debug: 0,
        url: 'xxxxx',
        timeout: 2000

        type: 'get',
        url: 'xxxx',
        data: {
            type: 5,
        timeout: 1000,
    .then(res => {
        console.log('succss', res);
    .catch(res => {
        console.log('fail', res);