Deploy and consume artifacts in private S3 repositories. Designed to be used from Leiningen, but should be usable in other contexts by deploying to repositories at "s3p:https://" URLs.
Add the plugin and repositories listing to project.clj
:plugins [[s3-wagon-private "1.1.2"]]
You can store credentials either in an encrypted file or as
environment variables. For the encrypted file, add this to
:repositories {"private" {:url "s3p:https://mybucket/releases/" :creds :gpg}}
And in ~/.lein/credentials.clj.gpg
{"s3p:https://mybucket/releases" {:username "AKIA2489AE28488"
:passphrase "98b0b104ca1211e19a6c"}}
The map key here can be either a string for an exact match or a regex checked against the repository URL if you have the same credentials for multiple repositories.
To use the environment for credentials, include :creds :env
of :creds :gpg
and export LEIN_USERNAME
environment variables.
See lein help deploying
for details on storing credentials.
Currently in Leiningen 2 you have to manually activate the plugin with the following form at the bottom of project.clj:
"s3p" #(eval '(
Future versions should remove the need for this declaration.
As above, add the plugin and repositories listing to project.clj
:plugins [[s3-wagon-private "1.1.2"]]
:repositories {"private" {:url "s3p:https://mybucket/releases/"}}
On 1.x you keep S3 credentials in ~/.lein/init.clj
(def leiningen-auth {"s3p:https://mybucket/releases/"
{:username "ACCESS_KEY"
:passphrase "SECRET_KEY"}
{:username "ACCESS_KEY"
:passphrase "SECRET_KEY"}})
Note that deploying an artifact that doesn't already exist will cause
an org.jets3t.service.S3ServiceException
stack trace to be emitted;
this is a bug in one of the underlying libraries but is harmless.
If you are running Leiningen in an environment where you don't control
the user such as Heroku or Jenkins, you can include credentials in the
entry. However, you should avoid committing them to
your project, so you should take them from the environment using
(defproject my-project "1.0.0"
:plugins [[s3-wagon-private "1.1.2"]]
:repositories {"releases" {:url "s3p:https://mybucket/releases/"
:username (System/getenv "AWS_ACCESS_KEY")
:passphrase (System/getenv "AWS_SECRET_KEY")}})
<!-- to publish to a private bucket -->
<name>Some Name</name>
<name>Some Snapshot Name</name>
<!-- to consume artifacts from a private bucket -->
<name>Some Name</name>
<!-- you can actually put the key and secret in here, I like to get them from the env -->
Copyright © 2011-2012 Phil Hagelberg and Scott Clasen
Based on aws-maven from the Spring project.
Distributed under the Apache Public License version 2.0.