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Package for Paper "Partially Observed Functional Data: The Case of Systematically Missing Parts"

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This repository contains an R package for the Paper "Partially Observed Functional Data: The Case of Systematically Missing" by Dominik Liebl and Stefan Rameseder. Below, we present a demo for the installation of the package and the application of the estimator.

The underlying statistical method is described in:
Partially Observed Functional Data: The Case of Systematically Missing
by Dominik Liebl and Stefan Rameseder (arXiv:1711.07715)

In addition, we provide .r files to reproduce the full simulation study.

  • PartiallyFD_simulation.r: Given all meta parameters, simulate the DGPs and apply estimators
  • PartiallyFD_simulation_analysis.r: Calculate the KPIs (and many more) used in the paper

Installation of required packages


Installation of PartiallyFD-Package

# install("PartiallyFD") # For installing locally

Load data


combinedNEG <- cbind(log_bc_fds[["NEG_HT"]], log_bc_fds[["NEG_NT"]])

matplot(x = md_dis, y=combinedNEG, ylim = c(0,10), # dim(combinedNEG)
        col = PartiallyFD:::addAlpha("black", 0.2), type = "l", lwd = 1,
        ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", lty = "solid")

Exclude outliers

firstOutlier 	<- which.max(apply(combinedNEG, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE))
secondOutlier 	<- which.max(apply(combinedNEG[ ,-firstOutlier], 2, max, na.rm = TRUE))
combinedNEG_woOutlier <- combinedNEG[ ,-c(firstOutlier, secondOutlier+1)]

matplot(x = md_dis, y=combinedNEG_woOutlier, ylim = c(0,10), # dim(combinedNEG)
        col = PartiallyFD:::addAlpha("black", 0.2), type = "l", lwd = 1,
        ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", lty = "solid")

Exploratory Data Analysis (Figure 2)

# Find components on "fully observed" domain [0 MW, 1830 MW]
d_max       <- which.min(md_dis < 1830)
d_min       <- which.max(md_dis >= 0)

# Calculate Eigenvectors and Scores
X_mat       <- combinedNEG_woOutlier[d_min:d_max, ]
X_cent_mat  <- X_mat - rowMeans(X_mat)
Cov_mat     <- X_cent_mat %*% t(X_cent_mat) / ncol(X_cent_mat)
eigen_obj   <- eigen(Cov_mat)

# Standardizing to L2-norm == 1 (assuming [a,b]=[0,1])
eigenvec_1  <- eigen_obj$vectors[,1] * sqrt(length(d_min:d_max))
eigenvec_1  <- eigenvec_1 * sign(sum(eigenvec_1))
PC_scores   <- c(eigenvec_1 %*% X_cent_mat)/length(d_min:d_max)

# Remove point-mass on minimal PC-scores (zero-functions)
quantile(PC_scores, seq(0, 0.1, 0.005))
thr                  <- -5.16
scoreIndicesProbMass <- PC_scores <= thr
PC_scores_red        <- PC_scores[PC_scores > thr]

# Cluster PC_scores_red
mclust.obj <- densityMclust(data = PC_scores_red, G=2) 
clust_vec  <- mclust.obj$classification

# Figure 2
par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(4.5,4,2.5,1)+0.1, family = "sans")
plotDensityMclust1(mclust.obj, xlab="First FPC Scores (98.7% Explained Variance)", main="")
mtext(text = "Normal Mixture Cluster Result", side = 3, line = 1.25, cex=1.2)
hist(PC_scores_red, add=TRUE, freq = FALSE, breaks = 12)
points(x =              PC_scores_red[clust_vec==2], 
       y = rep(0,length(PC_scores_red[clust_vec==2])), col = "red", bg="red",
       pch=21, cex=1)
points(x =              PC_scores_red[clust_vec==1], 
       y = rep(0,length(PC_scores_red[clust_vec==1])), col = "blue", bg="blue", 
       pch=22, cex=1)
points(x = PC_scores[PC_scores < thr], 
       y = seq(0,0.1,len=length(PC_scores[PC_scores < thr])), col="darkorange", bg="darkorange",
       pch=23, cex=1)
legend("topleft", legend = c("High-Price Cluster", "Low-Price Cluster", "Zero-Functions"), 
       pch=c(21,22,23), = c("red", "blue", "darkorange"), 
       col=c("red", "blue", "darkorange"), bty="n")
# Histogram
g           <- PC_scores_red[clust_vec==2]
m           <- mean(g)
std         <- sqrt(var(g))
hist(g, prob=TRUE, breaks = 8, ylim=c(-0, 0.8), xlim = c(-.5,3), main="", xlab="First FPC Scores (98.7% Explained Variance)")
mtext(text = "Histogram (High-Price Cluster)", side = 3, line = 1.25, cex=1.2)
curve(dnorm(x, mean=m, sd=std), lwd=2, add=TRUE, yaxt="n"); box()

Reduce Sample by excluding Low-Price and Zero-Function Clusters

scoreIndicesClust <- clust_vec==1
paste0("Point mass at Zero-Price: ",sum(scoreIndicesProbMass) ," and Low-Price Cluster:", sum(scoreIndicesClust))
reducedDomSample <- combinedNEG_woOutlier[ , !scoreIndicesProbMass]
combinedNEG_woOutlier <- reducedDomSample[ , !scoreIndicesClust]

matplot(combinedNEG_woOutlier, type = "l", col = PartiallyFD:::addAlpha("black", 0.3))

combinedNEG_der <- cbind(log_bc_fds_der[["NEG_HT"]], log_bc_fds_der[["NEG_NT"]])
combinedNEG_woOutlier_der <- combinedNEG_der[ , -c(firstOutlier, secondOutlier+1)]
reducedDomSample <- combinedNEG_woOutlier_der[ , !scoreIndicesProbMass]
combinedNEG_woOutlier_der <- reducedDomSample[ , !scoreIndicesClust]


maxBasisLength 	<- 51		# The Basis Selection Criterion in BIC 
basisSel		<- "Med" 	# The Basis Selection Criterion in BIC 
B			    <- 1000 	# Number of Bootstrap Replications
basis_choice	<- "fourier"# The basis where the functions are projected onto
res 			<- calcFTC(fds = combinedNEG_woOutlier, comp_dom = md_dis,
                  basis_seq = seq(3,maxBasisLength,2), base = basis_choice,
                  maxBasisLength = maxBasisLength, basisChoice = basisSel,
                  alpha = 0.05, B = B, derFds = combinedNEG_woOutlier_der)

Test-Procedure (See Section 3)


Calculate Confidence Intervalls

alpha           <- 0.05
nPerP           <- apply(combinedNEG_woOutlier, 1, function(x) sum(! 
ftcSD           <- sqrt(diag(res$ftcCov))/sqrt(nPerP)
critValue       <- qnorm(1-(alpha/2))
CISummand       <- critValue * ftcSD
ftcCI_plus      <- res$ftcMean + CISummand
ftcCI_minus     <- res$ftcMean - CISummand

krausSD         <- sqrt(diag(res$krausCov))/sqrt(nPerP)
CISummand       <- critValue * krausSD
krausCI_plus    <- res$krausMean + CISummand
krausCI_minus   <- res$krausMean - CISummand

Final Plot with Estimates (Figure 3)

scl.axs         <- 1.9
p               <- length(res$krausMean)
p_seq           <- seq(1,p,8)
p.cex           <- 1.2
maxVals     	<- apply(combinedNEG_woOutlier, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)							 

layout(matrix(c(1,1,2), nrow = 1, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE))
par(mar=c(5.1, 5.1, 2.1, 1.1))
matplot(x = 0, y = 0, type = "l", col = PartiallyFD:::addAlpha("black", 0.2), ylim = c(0, 10), xlim = c(0, 2500), lty = 1, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
        ylab = "Log Price [Log(Euro/MW)/week]", xlab = "Electricity Demand [MW]", cex.lab=scl.axs+0.45)

for(i in 1:length(maxVals)){ # i = 283
    ind <- which.max(combinedNEG_woOutlier[![ ,i]),i])
    if(ind !=1){
        abline(v = md_dis[ind],lwd = 2 , col = "lightblue")
matplot(x = md_dis, y = combinedNEG_woOutlier, type = "l", col = PartiallyFD:::addAlpha("black", 0.2), ylim = c(0, 10), lty = 1, add = TRUE)

points(x = md_dis[p_seq], y = res$ftcMean[p_seq], col = "blue", pch = 16, cex = p.cex)
lines(x = md_dis, y = res$ftcMean, col = "blue", lwd = 2)
points(x = md_dis[p_seq], y = res$krausMean[p_seq], col = "darkred", pch = 18, cex = p.cex)
lines(x = md_dis, y = res$krausMean, col = "darkred", lwd = 2)

polygon(x = c(md_dis, rev(md_dis)),
        y = c(ftcCI_plus, rev(ftcCI_minus)),
        col = PartiallyFD:::addAlpha("blue", 0.2), border = "blue", lwd = 1)
polygon(x = c(md_dis, rev(md_dis)),
        y = c(krausCI_plus, rev(krausCI_minus)),
        col = PartiallyFD:::addAlpha("darkred", 0.2), border = "darkred", lwd = 1)

yLim <- c(4,10)
xLim <- c(1750, 2500)

rect(xLim[1],yLim[1],xLim[2],yLim[2],col = rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5,1/4))
axis(side = 1, at = seq(0, 2500, 500),  labels =  paste0(seq(0, 2500, 500), " MW"), cex.axis = scl.axs)	
axis(side = 2, at = seq(0, 10, 2),  labels =  paste0(seq(0, 10, 2)), cex.axis = scl.axs)	
legend(	"topleft", col = c("black", "darkred", "blue", "lightblue"), inset = 0.01, cex=scl.axs+ 0.4, pt.cex = scl.axs,
        lwd=c(1,2, 2, 3), lty = c("solid", "solid", "solid","solid"),
        pch=c(NA,18,16, NA),  
        legend = c(expression(paste(X[t])), expression(paste(hat(mu))), expression(paste(hat(mu)[FTC])), expression(paste(d[i]))))
matplot(x = 0, y = 0, type = "l", col = PartiallyFD:::addAlpha("black", 0.2), ylim = c(0, 10), xlim = c(0, 2500), lty = 1, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
        ylab = "Log Price in (Log Euro/MW)/week", xlab = "Electricity Demand in MW", cex.lab=scl.axs+0.45, add = TRUE)

par(mar=c(5.1, 3.1, 2.1, 2.1))		
matplot(x = md_dis, y = combinedNEG, type = "l", col = PartiallyFD:::addAlpha("black", 0.2), lty = 1, 
        xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ylim = yLim, xlim = xLim,
        ylab = "", xlab = "", cex.lab=scl.axs+0.45)
for(i in 1:length(maxVals)){ # i = 283
    ind <- which.max(combinedNEG_woOutlier[![ ,i]),i])
    if(ind !=1){
        abline(v = md_dis[ind],lwd = 2 , col = "lightblue")

points(x = md_dis[p_seq], y = res$ftcMean[p_seq], col = "blue", pch = 16, cex = p.cex)
lines(x = md_dis, y = res$ftcMean, col = "blue", lwd = 2)
points(x = md_dis[p_seq], y = res$krausMean[p_seq], col = "darkred", pch = 18, cex = p.cex)
lines(x = md_dis, y = res$krausMean, col = "darkred", lwd = 2)

polygon(x = c(md_dis, rev(md_dis)),
        y = c(ftcCI_plus, rev(ftcCI_minus)),
        col = PartiallyFD:::addAlpha("blue", 0.2), border = "blue", lwd = 1)
polygon(x = c(md_dis, rev(md_dis)),
        y = c(krausCI_plus, rev(krausCI_minus)),
        col = PartiallyFD:::addAlpha("darkred", 0.2), border = "darkred", lwd = 1)
axis(side = 1, at = seq(xLim[1], xLim[2], 250),  labels =  paste0(seq(xLim[1], xLim[2], 250), " MW"), cex.axis = scl.axs)	
axis(side = 2, at = seq(yLim[1], yLim[2], 2),  labels =  paste0(seq(yLim[1], yLim[2], 2)), cex.axis = scl.axs)	
matplot(x = md_dis, y = combinedNEG, type = "l", col = PartiallyFD:::addAlpha("black", 0.3), ylim = yLim, xlim = xLim, lty = 1, add = TRUE)

## Plot Covariance Estimates
# install.packages("rgl")
persp3d(x = md_dis, y =md_dis, z = res$ftcCov, col="skyblue", zlim = c(-1,5))
persp3d(x = md_dis, y =md_dis, z = res$krausCov, col="skyblue", zlim = c(-1,5))


Package for Paper "Partially Observed Functional Data: The Case of Systematically Missing Parts"






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