This is the Repository of TSGL-EEGNet. TSGL-EEGNet is a kind of Convolutional Network for pre-processed EEG signals to predict classes. TSGL-EEGNet is based on EEGNet which you can find it here.
You need to do some pre-processing works before using it. Maybe you need MATLAB and EEGlab tools to read these datas and transform them to *.mat file format.
- Cross Validation Framework
- Grid Search Framework
- Cropped Training with CV and GS
- Visualization Framework
- Python >= 3.6
- tensorflow-gpu == 2.1.0
- scikit-learn >= 0.21.3
- scipy >= 1.3.1
- numpy >= 1.17.3
- pydot >= 1.4.1
- hdf5 >= 1.10.4
- h5py >= 2.9.0
- matplotlib >= 3.1.1
- graphviz >= 2.38
- mne >= 0.20.7 (pip)
It is recommended to use conda environment.
import TSGLEEGNet as tsgleeg
# TODO: finish the doc
If you use the EEGNet model in your research and found it helpful, please cite the following paper:
author={Vernon J Lawhern and Amelia J Solon and Nicholas R Waytowich and Stephen M Gordon and Chou P Hung and Brent J Lance},
title={EEGNet: a compact convolutional neural network for EEG-based brain–computer interfaces},
journal={Journal of Neural Engineering},
MIT License