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Production Proxy Server or Match Local File

Do: If you want to be a proxy server, you need to use local files according to different rules. Then you can use this tool;


  • pnpm add sproxy-server

    • Using Cli sproxy-server xxx.config.js Or proserver.config.js for the project root, Run again sproxy-server

    • Using Code

          import proServer from 'sproxy-server';
          // in case you want to use middleware: 
,res,next) => {});
          // in case you want rewrite `defineConfig`

Config File

"proserver.config.js" is for the root directory Or sproxy-server xxx.config.js;

  1. "proserver.config.js" is for the root directory -> sproxy-server
  2. sproxy-server xxx.config.js -> sproxy-server xxx.config.js

For details about parameter Settings, see Details


module.exports = {
    port?: 24678,
    open?: true,
    contentBase: '../__test__',
    host?: '',
    decodeFunction?: () => {
        return [
                url: '/a/b',
                format(req,res,data) {
                    return 'Ok'
    proxy: {
        '/': {
            target: 'http:https://123.4.5:9999/',
            intercept?: (req,res,data) => `<div>Switch</div>`,
            bypass?: (req,res) => {
                if(req.url.indexOf('__test__') > -1) {
                    return '/bin/index.mjs'
        '/a': {
