Compile-time dependency injection for Dart and Flutter
Aplicativo feito em Flutter usando TDD, Clean Architecture, Design Patterns e SOLID principles
lhhuu / android-kotlin-fundamentals-starter-apps
Forked from google-developer-training/android-kotlin-fundamentals-starter-appsandroid-kotlin-fundamentals-starter-apps
An Android app which provides design news & inspiration as well as being an example of implementing material design.
Turns text URLs and emails into clickable inline links in text for Flutter
The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
FlutterBoost is a Flutter plugin which enables hybrid integration of Flutter for your existing native apps with minimum efforts
haiithust / flexbox-layout
Forked from google/flexbox-layoutFlexbox for Android, with maximum row
Tiny task manager Flutter app
A simple custom Snackbar sample code
Demo clean architecture + Unit Test + Review code
ViewBase App Template
Smooth version of Google Support Design AppBarLayout