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Template builder for React and Vue

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Templates Builder, is a package which generate file and folder structure from templates via config file and argv

This package also have a VSCode extension: TB extension, see more: Extension

Table of Contents

Get started

Install templates-builder with npm:

npm install --save templates-builder

or using yarn:

yarn add templates-builder


Extended description and usage of this, see: Config

Use default preset or use config like:

  "adjustVars": ["index", "props", "styles", "stories"],
  "entry": "src",
  "transformType": "kebab",
  "extension": "js",
  "framework": "vue",
  "folders": ["components", "services", "helpers", "graphql", "__tests__"],
  "fileNameSeparator": ".",
  "reExport": true,
  "templates": "path/to/your/templates"

Quick guide

Provide your path includes your entry in the config, or default entry value, if no entry, is an src, and execute like this:

tb enter/your/path/...

or use package.json scripts:

        "generate:template": "tb ..."


Sample config filename:

  • tb.config.json
  • tb.config.js
  • .tbconfigrc

Config Options:

Config option Require Available types Defaults Meaning
entry false String src Absolute directory from which the files are generated
adjustVars false Array<String> ['index'] Sub-files, like props or styles
transformType false kebab or snake or pascal or camel camel Names transform strategy
extension false js or ts js Files extension
framework true react or vue react Framework based generation
folders false String [] Additional folders, which will be on the endpoint
templates false String {} Path to the templates files, json format, see Templates
fileNameSeparator false . or - or _ . Filename separator strategy
reExport false Boolean true Creates index file, which re-export fn from the main
middlewares false Array<Function> [] Array of middlewares which would be executed on transform files, Available only in .js file


Your config file with your own templates to every file, or exactly for only one.

Template filename and extension:

  • *.js

Accepted exports:

  • export const ...

  • export {...}

  • export default {...}

Allowed variables:

  • $FILENAME$ - filename

  • $EXTENSION$ - file extension

  • $relation$ - relation to the main file, used only in index template


If you set to the config adjustVars, for example, index and style you can provide the same vars to the template, like this:

const index = `some template`
const style = 'styles template'

export default { style, index }

Also you can pass variables, like this:

export const props = '$FILENAME$ is a props file with $EXTENSION$ extension'
export const index = `$relation$ relation to main file`


Available only in tb.config.js file

Middlewares conception available via config file. You can use custom framework agnostic middlewares.

Examples path from the root repository - examples/middlewares

Currently middlewares accepting all transformed files and config object with methods to manipulate config (without modifying)


All types available in examples/middlewares directory

Middlewares can be used only via config file. Set a property middlewares which allow Array<Middleware>, so for example:

const Middleware = (config) => (files) => files
module.exports = () => ({
  middlewares: [Middleware, Middleware, Middleware],


  • Files with or without folders

  • Each file have a template, also u can provide variables: $filename$

  • Result may vary because config may vary

VSCode Extension

This package have a VSCode extension to autocomplete your config file, generate templates folder from current config and create it from scratch..

Usage and Installation


Easiest way - use tb-ext from the shell.

First Way - follow this link and click install: tb-config

Second Way - search via VSCode extension store, extension name: tb-cfg

Third Way - manually install: ext install lgtome.tb-config


Full autocomplete for config file by default. Commands (use ctrl\cmd + shift + p):

  • Templates Builder: Create config - create config file with default structure

  • Templates Builder: Create template file from config- generate templates folder from config


In an active search for contributors and I will be glad to support the package.

Follow this flow:

  • Fork this repository
  • git clone your fork
  • npm install or yarn install make your changes
  • Update commit and make a pull request

Currently working on

  • Tests
  • Support folder file structure

