Official FastJet bindings to Python and Awkward Array.
Main features of Fastjet:
- Contains Vectorized, Out-of-core Vectorized (dask), as well as Non-Vectorized interface for Fastjet.
- Compiled against the complete Fastjet library in C++.
- Has Awkward Array, Vector, and optionally Dask as dependencies.
- Provides the functionality to cluster multiple events at a time.
- Input data can be in any coordinate system.
The package can be installed from PyPI using the following command:
python -m pip install fastjet
For a tutorial please look at the tutorial section of readthedocs page of this package.
Clone this repository recursively to get the dependencies.
git clone --recursive
There are still external build-time dependencies for the C++ components of fastjet
that need to be installed on the build machine.
To install the build-time dependencies run the following installation commands for your respective operating system:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y libboost-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev swig autoconf libtool
Then you can build it using the following command:
python -m pip install '.[test]'