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Copier Python Package Template

A copier template to create a Python package.

Host Dependencies

To use a project generated by this template, you will need to have the following tools installed and available on the path:

  • copier with template extensions
    • pipx install copier
    • pipx inject copier copier-templates-extensions
  • mise
    • Set WORKON_HOME environment variable to location virtualenvs should be created
  • reqs

All other project dependencies should be managed by these tools:

  • reqs/virtualenv for python deps
  • Mise for everything else, e.g. terraform


From GH repo (preferred):

copier copy --trust gh:level12/copier-py-package .../projects/some-new-pkg

Or, from local repo (mainly for local dev):

copier copy --trust .../copier-py-package .../projects/some-new-pkg

The method you choose (local vs. GH) affects the _src value stored in the copier answers file and will be used by copier update. Using a template stored on the local file system will save a _src that may not be accurate for other users of copier update. You can safely edit the local reference to be the gh reference even though that answers file warns against editing it. Just make sure the gh reference is accurate.

Then bootstrap...assuming mise activates when changing into pkg directory:

cd .../projects/some-new-pkg
mise run bootstrap


To update a project derived from this repo:

  • hatch run copier:update: latest tagged version in GitHub, OR
  • hatch run copier:update-head: head of master in GitHub

The update should be pretty safe and only apply changes from the upstream repo that have happened since this project was last updated. Any conflicts with local changes to the project will show up as git conflicts to be resolved.



  • env-config for environment profiles and 1password integration
  • pre-commit
  • badges
  • review keg-app-cookiecutter


  • Project tasks: mise tasks
  • CI uses a custom image built just for this project
    • See compose.yaml and related
    • Publish image changes to docker hub manually using: mise run publish-ci-img
  • Simulate CI run locally: mise run docker-nox

Versions & releases

Versions are date based. Tools:

  • Current version: hatch version
  • Bump version based on date, tag, push: mise run bump
    • Options: mise run bump -- --help

There is no actual "release" for this project since it only lives on GitHub and no artifacts need to be built.