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/ pokedex Public

Repository for Technical Test at Tentang Anak

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  • Role Admin
username: "admin",
password: "password"
  • Role User
username: "user",
password: "password"

How To Run

Run development mode

Run development mode is use this code for run app in local machine.

  • Use makefile
make up_build
  • If don't use makefile
docker-compose up -d

Run production mode

Running production mode uses an image from docker hub which is created and pushed by workflows github ci and also used database with AWS RDS.

  • Use makefile
make up_prod
  • If don't use makefile
docker-compose -f up -d 

Run test

Note: To run test please run Run development mode first, for running database into container.

  • Use makefile
make test 
  • If don't use makefile
go test -v ./...


Database Schema

Postman Documentation

Swagger/API Spesification

Tech Stack

  • Golang
  • PostgreSQL
  • AWS S3
  • Docker


  • Documentation
    • Swagger
    • Postman
    • Database Schema
  • CRUD
    • Get all of list monsters
      • Search by name
      • Filter by type
      • Filter by type catched or uncatched (options)
      • Sort by name, id
      • Order by ascending or descending
    • Get profile detail monster by id
    • Add (admin only)
      • Upload image to aws s3
    • Update (admin only)
    • Update as mark a moster as captured (user only)
    • Delete (admin only)
    • Get all of list categories (admin only)
    • Get all of list types (admin only)
    • Login
      • Generate Token JWT
  • Containerization
  • Github Workflows
    • Test
    • Create image docker and push into docker hub
      • Database use aws RDS