USB Drive - Ubuntu Server 18.04 (Mount USB storage devices available to the system)
Why? Mounting USB disk drives in Linux is a common task. In my case, Ubuntu servers; found it is quite a tedious task...
- Needed a quick and simple command to mount only USB storage devices.
- Ensure critical storage (e.g. ZFS pools) and other devices on the servers were not touched.
Simple bash script to mount any and all available USB drive partitions by invoking a simple command .
The program enumerates available USB disk partitions and mountpoints.
- The program will look for and mount ONLY USB storage devices.
- It can easily be expanded to mount other disk types (not tested).
- The LABEL of the partition is used; if it exists.
- Mountpoin is set to /media/$LABEL. (It can be set to any other folder if needed).
- A folder named $LABEL (disk's label) is created if it does not exist.
- If the partition does not have a label, the program will attempt to use USB$NAME (USB + Partition logical block name)
- e.g. /media/USBsdb1
- The LABEL of the partition is used; if it exists.
- It's chosen by looking at the filesystem of the partition itself.
- e.g. ntfs, ext4, etc.
- It's chosen by looking at the filesystem of the partition itself.
Logs: Added logging and conf file as I was initially planning on having it run as a daemon with more functionality, but realized it was unnecessary.
- Label your USB disk partitions as you want to be mounted by the system.
- Install script at /usr/local/bin (for convenience)
- Run command:
- ud -a [add: mount partitions of USB disks connected to the system]
- ud -c [check: check what USB drives are available in the system]
Only tested on Ubuntu Server 18.04