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PPML: Machine Learning on Data you cannot see

Repository for the tutorial on Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning (PPML) presented at PyCon Italia 2024


Privacy guarantees are the most crucial requirement when it comes to analyse sensitive data. These requirements could be sometimes very stringent, so that it becomes a real barrier for the entire pipeline. Reasons for this are manifold, and involve the fact that data could not be shared nor moved from their silos of resident, let alone analysed in their raw form. As a result, data anonymisation techniques are sometimes used to generate a sanitised version of the original data. However, these techniques alone are not enough to guarantee that privacy will be completely preserved. Moreover, the memoisation effect of Deep learning models could be maliciously exploited to attack the models, and reconstruct sensitive information about samples used in training, even if these information were not originally provided.

Privacy-preserving machine learning (PPML) methods hold the promise to overcome all those issues, allowing to train machine learning models with full privacy guarantees.

This workshop will be mainly organised in three main parts. In the first part, we will introduce the main threats to data and machine learning models (e.g. membership inference attack ) for privacy. In the second part, we will work our way towards differential privacy: what is it, and how this method works, and how differential privacy could be used with Machine learning. Lastly, we will conclude the tutorial considering more complex ML scenarios to train Deep learning networks on encrypted data, with specialised distributed settings for remote analytics.


  • Introduction: Brief Intro to PPML and to the workshop (10 mins) SLIDES

  • Part 1: Data and ML models Threats (45 mins)

    • De-identification
    • K-anonimity and limitations
    • ML Model vulnerabilities: Adversarial Examples and inference attack
  • Part 2: Short Introduction to Differential Privacy (45 mins)

    • Intro to Differential Privacy
    • Properties of Differential Privacy
    • DL training with Differential Privacy
  • Break (5 mins)

  • Part 3: Primer on Remote Data Science & PySyft (25 mins)

    • Intro to Federated Learning
    • DL training on (Homomorphically) Encrypted Data
    • Remote Data Science using PySyft

Get the material

Clone the current repository by running the following instructions:

cd $HOME  # This will make sure you'll be in your HOME folder
git clone

Note: This will create a new folder named ppml-tutorial. Move into this folder by typing:

cd ppml-tutorial

Well done! Now you should do be in the right location. Bear with me for another few seconds, following instructions reported below 🙏

Installation Instructions

All the materials in this tutorial (code, and lecture notes) are made available as Jupyter notebooks.

(1) There is no specific hardware requirement to execute the code, i.e. running everything on your laptop should be more than fine 😊.

(2): As for the software requirements, we will be using a pretty standard Python/PyData stack: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, and scikit-learn for all the data science and Machine learning parts, along with pytorch and torchvision to work on the Deep Learning examples.

Moreover, a few extra / specialised packages will be also featured:

  • PySyft: A platform for Remote Data Science
  • Opacus: A library to train PyTorch models with differential privacy
  • PHE: A Python 3 library implementing the Paillier Partially Homomorphic Encryption

Please refer to the document for step-by-step instructions to set up the environment on your computer.

If you spot any error/mistake, please feel free to reach out directly to me, or to open an Issue on the repository.

Any feedback will be very much appreciated!

Thank you! 🙏


Author: Valerio Maggio (@leriomaggio), Researcher, SSI Fellow, and Education Lead at Open Mined.

All the Code material is distributed under the terms of the Apache License. See LICENSE file for additional details.

All the instructional materials in this repository are free to use, and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution license. The following is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the full legal text of the CC BY 4.0 license.

You are free:

  • to Share---copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • to Adapt---remix, transform, and build upon the material

for any purpose, even commercially.

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

  • Attribution --- You must give appropriate credit, and provide a link to the LICENSE cc-by-human, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

  • No additional restrictions --- You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Acknowledgment and funding

The material developed in this tutorial has been supported by the Software Sustainability Institute (SSI), as part of my SSI fellowship on PETs (Privacy Enhancing Technologies).

Please see this deck to know more about my fellowship plans.

Public shout out to all the people at OpenMined for all the encouragement and support with the preparation of this tutorial. I hope the material in this repository could contribute to raise awareness about all the amazing work on PETs it's being provided to the Open Source and the Python communities.



For any questions or doubts, feel free to open an issue in the repository, or drop me an email @ valerio_at_openmined_dot_org.