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JS-CardEditor Build Status

JS-CardEditor is a React component used to create/edit card printing templates. It works with node.js and web browsers (once packaged with webpack).

CardEditor Demo Run demo from here

Related projects:


You need React >= 18


npm install @leosac/js-cardeditor --save


import { CardDesigner } from "@leosac/js-cardeditor";

/* Import bootstrap css if missing */
import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";

const App = () => (
  <CardDesigner enableDownload="true" enablePrint="true" />

const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root"));
root.render(<App />);

From source

git clone
cd "js-cardeditor"
npm install

Build for redistribution

npm run build

Start in development mode

npm start

Run tests

npm run test


Several parameters can be optionally passed to the component.

- content [`Object`]: Card Template
- draggableFields [`Array`] (`{name : String, default_value: String}`): List of draggable fields
- formatVersion [`String`] (`Default: Undefined`): Force a specific format version for the output (default to latest version)
- enabledCardSizes [`Object` : Select cards templates you want to authorize. (more informations inside "Card Templates" section)
- enableDownload [`Boolean`] (`Default: false`): Enable/Disable Download features
- enableName [`Boolean`] (`Default:true`): Enable/Disable Name input
- maxNameLength [`Number`]: Set name max length
- enablePrint [`Boolean`] (`Default:false`): Enable/Disable Printing features
- enableUnprintable [`Boolean`] (`Default:false`): Active unprintable objects, like fingerprint
- onEdit [`Function`] (`Param 1: Snapshot): Function called at each template changed / field edition (created, removed, resized, moved...)
- onSubmit [`Function`] (): Enable the Submit button and trigger this function on submition

Enable Card Sizes

Parameter enabledCardSizes enable/disable templates size. To customize the allowed size list, create an Object like:

enabledCardSizes: {
  cr80: true,
  res_4to3: false,
  res_3to2 : false,
  res_16to9 : true,
  custom: false

Current list of supported sizes:

  • cr80 : Standard card size
  • res_4to3 : 4/3 visual
  • res_3to2 : 3/2 visual
  • res_8to5 : 8/5 visual
  • res_5to3 : 5/3 visual
  • res_16to9 : 16/9 visual
  • custom : Allow custom size

Load Card Templates

The function can take a card template in parameter content, useful if you want to edit a card directly after loading.

It is recommended to use JSON format.

XML import and export is supported as well for compatibility reasons (.dpf files).


Jquery is being used for some specific aspects of this component. This is not a best practice as it may conflict with React DOM management. Ideally, it will be further removed on a later version.


This project has been created by Leosac SAS. The source code of this library is released under LGPLv3 license.


JavaScript card editor for CR-80 printing template







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