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Simple, highly configurable flash messages for ember-cli.

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This ember-cli addon adds a simple flash message service to your app. It's injected into all Controllers, Routes, Views and Components by default (you can change this), or lazily injected with Ember.inject.service.


You can install either with ember install:addon:

ember install:addon ember-cli-flash

or npm:

npm install ember-cli-flash --save


Usage is very simple. From within the factories you injected to (defaults to Controller, Route, View and Component):

Convenience methods (Bootstrap / Foundation alerts)

You can quickly add flash messages using these methods from the service:


  • .success
  • .warning
  • .info
  • .danger


  • .success
  • .warning
  • .info
  • .alert
  • .secondary

These will add the appropriate classes to the flash message component for styling in Bootstrap or Foundation. For example:

// Bootstrap: the flash message component will have 'alert alert-success' classes
// Foundation: the flash message component will have 'alert-box success' classes
Ember.get(this, 'flashMessages').success('Success!');

Custom messages

If the convenience methods don't fit your needs, you can add custom messages with add:

Ember.get(this, 'flashMessages').add({
  message: 'Custom message'

Custom messages API

You can also pass in options to custom messages:

Ember.get(this, 'flashMessages').add({
  message      : 'I like alpacas',
  type         : 'alpaca'
  timeout      : 500,
  priority     : 200,
  sticky       : true,
  showProgress : true

Ember.get(this, 'flashMessages').success('This is amazing', {
  timeout      : 100,
  priority     : 100,
  sticky       : false,
  showProgress : true
  • message: string

    Required. The message that the flash message displays.

  • type?: string

    Default: info

    This is mainly used for styling. The flash message's type is set as a class name on the rendered component, together with a prefix. The rendered class name depends on the message type that was passed into the component.

  • timeout?: number

    Default: 3000

    Number of milliseconds before a flash message is automatically removed.

  • priority?: number

    Default: 100

    Higher priority messages appear before low priority messages. The best practise is to use priority values in multiples of 100 (100 being the lowest priority).

  • sticky?: boolean

    Default: false

    By default, flash messages disappear after a certain amount of time. To disable this and make flash messages permanent (they can still be dismissed by click), set sticky to true.

  • showProgress?: boolean

    Default: false

    To show a progress bar in the flash message, set this to true.

Service defaults

In config/environment.js, you can override service defaults in the flashMessageDefaults object:

module.exports = function(environment) {
  var ENV = {
    flashMessageDefaults: {
      timeout            : 5000,
      priority           : 200,
      sticky             : true,
      showProgress       : true,
      type               : 'alpaca',
      types              : [ 'alpaca', 'notice', 'foobar' ],
      injectionFactories : [ 'route', 'controller', 'view', 'component' ]

See the options section for detailed option information. This lets you override defaults for various options – most notably, you can specify exactly what types you need, which means in the above example, you can do Ember.get('flashMessages').{alpaca,notice,foobar}.

Injection factories

The key injectionFactories lets you choose which factories the service injects itself into. If you only need to access the flash message service from inside controllers, you can do so by changing the injectionFactories prop to [ 'controller' ]. Note that this will also work with any valid registry name on the container, e.g. [ 'component:foo', 'controller:bar', 'route:baz' ].

Lazy service injection

If you're using Ember 1.10.0 or higher, you can opt to inject the service manually on any Ember.Object registered in the container:

export default {
  flashMessages: Ember.inject.service()

Clearing all messages on screen

It's best practise to use flash messages sparingly, only when you need to notify the user of something. If you're sending too many messages, and need a way for your users to clear all messages from screen, you can use this method:

Ember.get(this, 'flashMessages').clearMessages();


You can take advantage of Promises, and their .then and .catch methods. To add a flash message after saving a model (or when it fails):

actions: {
  saveFoo() {
    const flashMessages = Ember.get(this, 'flashMessages');

    Ember.get(this, 'model').save()
    .then((res) => {
      flashMessages.success('Successfully saved!');
    .catch((err) => {
      flashMessages.danger('Something went wrong!');

Displaying flash messages

Then, to display somewhere in your app, add this to your template:

{{#each flashMessages.queue as |flash|}}
  {{flash-message flash=flash}}

It also accepts your own template:

{{#each flashMessages.queue as |flash|}}
  {{#flash-message flash=flash as |component flash|}}
    {{#if component.showProgressBar}}
      <div class="alert-progress">
        <div class="alert-progressBar" {{bind-attr style="component.progressDuration"}}></div>

Styling with Foundation or Boostrap

By default, flash messages will have Bootstrap style class names. If you want to use Foundation, simply specify the messageStyle on the component:

{{#each flashMessages.queue as |flash|}}
  {{flash-message flash=flash messageStyle='foundation'}}

Sort messages by priority

To display messages sorted by priority, add this to your template:

{{#each flashMessages.arrangedQueue as |flash|}}
  {{flash-message flash=flash}}

Rounded corners (Foundation)

To add radius or round type corners in Foundation:

{{#each flashMessages.arrangedQueue as |flash|}}
  {{flash-message flash=flash messageStyle='foundation' class='radius'}}
{{#each flashMessages.arrangedQueue as |flash|}}
  {{flash-message flash=flash messageStyle='foundation' class='round'}}


This addon is minimal and does not currently ship with a stylesheet. You can style flash messages by targetting the appropriate alert class (Foundation or Bootstrap) in your CSS.


Please read the Contributing guidelines for information on how to contribute.




  • git clone this repository
  • npm install
  • bower install


Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit


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  • JavaScript 59.9%
  • CSS 33.6%
  • HTML 4.5%
  • Handlebars 2.0%