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This project's challenge is to sort data on a stack, with a limited set of instructions, using the lowest possible number of actions. To succeed you’ll have to manipulate various types of algorithms and choose the most appropriate solution (out of many) for an optimized data sorting.

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🔄 push_swap

This repository contains the implementation of the push_swap project, which focuses on sorting a stack of numbers using a limited set of actions.


🌳 Folder Structure

├── Makefile
├── en.subject.pdf
├── ft_printf
│   ├── ...
│   └── libft
│       └── ...
├── include
│   └── push_swap.h
└── src
    ├── checker
    │   ├── checker.c
    │   ├── checker.h
    │   └── get_next_line
    │       ├── get_next_line.c
    │       ├── get_next_line.h
    │       └── get_next_line_utils.c
    ├── main.c
    └── stack
        ├── big_sort_utils.c
        ├── errors.c
        ├── free.c
        ├── getters.c
        ├── optimiser.c
        ├── print.c
        ├── push.c
        ├── reverse_rotate.c
        ├── rotate.c
        ├── scan.c
        ├── sort.c
        ├── stack.c
        ├── stack.h
        └── swap.c

⚙️ Algorithm Logic

🙇🏻‍♂️ The algorithm used in this project is based on the concepts described in the following article:

📖 Push Swap: The Least Amount of Moves with Two Stacks

Please refer to the article for a detailed explanation.

3️⃣ Sorting 3 Numbers

The goal is to sort 3 random numbers from smallest to largest in no more than 2 actions.

  • In this scenario, there are only five possible cases.

  • The algorithm uses a naive if/else approach to cover all the different cases in the least amount of moves possible.

5️⃣ Sorting 5 Numbers

When dealing with 5 random numbers, the algorithm leverages the logic from sorting 3 numbers.

  • It moves the first 2 numbers from the top of Stack A to Stack B and sorts the remaining 3 numbers in Stack A using the previous algorithm.

  • Once the 3 numbers are sorted, the algorithm pushes back the numbers from Stack B to Stack A in the most efficient way possible.

💯 Sorting 100+ Numbers

  • The program uses a variant of the Insertion Sort algorithm to sort 100 random numbers.

  • However, it splits the task into smaller chunks.

  • It scans Stack A to identify numbers from a chunk (between chunk_start and chunk_end), compares their positions, and determines whether to use ra or rra to bring the number to the top of Stack A.

  • The algorithm repeats this process for all the chunks until Stack A is empty.

  • Then, it moves the biggest number from Stack B to the top (in the most optimised way too) and pushes it to Stack A, repeating this step until Stack B is empty.

  • The number of chunks is determined by the size of Stack A. The bigger the stack, the more chunks are used:

    • Between 6 and 100 numbers: 5 chunks
    • Between 101 and 1024 numbers: 11 chunks

🔎 Detailed Procedure

  1. 💯 big_sort() : The algorithm splits the stack into chunks and calls the sort_chunk function.

  2. 🔢 sort_chunk() : For every chunk, the algorithm will scan the stack A (both from the top and the bottom) until it finds a number that belongs to the desired range.

  3. 🆙 move_in_range_to_top() : It will then check the positions of the number found from the top and the one from the bottom, and determines which one costs the least operations to move to the top, using either ra or rra.

  4. 🫸🏼 smart_push_b() : Once the number is at the top, the algorithm will push it to stack B in the most efficient way possible.

    • If the number is bigger than all the numbers in stack B, it will be pushed either on top of the smallest or the biggest one, once again depending on which one costs less to bring to the top.
    • If the number is smaller than all the numbers in stack B, it will be pushed on top of the smallest one.
    • Otherwise, the number is just pushed on top of stack B.
  5. 🔄 Operation is repeated until stack A is empty.

  6. 🗑️ dump_back() : The algorithm will then move all the numbers from stack B to stack A, starting from the maximum number, until stack B is empty.

👀 Visual Demo


🚀 Performance

The performance is based on the 📖 42 Correction sheet of push_swap.

The testing is conducted using the objectives for the highest grade possible:

  • 3 numbers: 2 instructions
  • 5 numbers: 12 instructions
  • 100 numbers: 700 instructions
  • 500 numbers: 5500 instructions

🟢 3 random numbers

3 elements, 1000 iterations (seed 616495953)

Worst = 2 instructions
Median = 1 instructions
Best = 0 instructions
Std. deviation = 0.7 instructions
Objective = 100 % under 2 (0 above)
Precision = 100 % OK (0 KO)
100 % effective

🟢 5 random numbers

5 elements, 1000 iterations (seed 948434234)

Worst = 12 instructions
Median = 9 instructionss
Best = 0 instructionss
Std. deviation = 1.8 instructions
Objective = 100 % under 12 (0 above)
Precision = 100 % OK (0 KO)
100 % effective

🟠 100 random numbers

100 elements, 1000 iterations (seed 2718693033)

Worst = 960 instructions
Median = 844 instructions
Best = 765 instructions
Std. deviation = 32.0 instructions
Objective = 0 % under 700 (1000 above)
Precision = 100 % OK (0 KO)
100 % effective

🔴 500 random numbers

500 elements, 1000 iterations (seed 1977831745)

Worst = 8486 instructions
Median = 7950 instructions
Best = 7504 instructions
Std. deviation = 159.1 instructions
Objective = 0 % under 5500 (1000 above)
Precision = 100 % OK (0 KO)
100 % effective


This project's challenge is to sort data on a stack, with a limited set of instructions, using the lowest possible number of actions. To succeed you’ll have to manipulate various types of algorithms and choose the most appropriate solution (out of many) for an optimized data sorting.





