##The Graphic Box Library
gbox is a mutli-platform c graphic library.
It is now in the early stages of development only for reference and learning.
If you are interesting to this project, please view the source code.
- Support 2d vector drawing
- Support matrix transform
- Support fill and stroke for solid, gradient and image
- Support custom path and drawing
- Support float and fixed point computation
- Provide custom drawing devices
- Support OpenGL ES 1.0/2.0
- Support soft algorithm for drawing
- Implement mesh structure and algorithm
- Implement complex polygon tessellator and triangulation
- Support odd and nonzero fill
- Implement polygon scanning algorithm
- Provide multi-platform windows(.e.g glut, sdl and x11, framebuffer, ios, android in the feature)
####In the plans
- Draw svg images
- Implement anti-aliasing
- More drawing devices and windows
- Draw text
- Development ui and game engine
please install xmake first: xmake
cd ./gbox
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- Website:
- 矢量2d渲染,支持矩阵变换,画刷、画笔的设置和渲染
- 支持复杂矢量路径渲染和填充
- 支持纯色填充、梯度填充、图像填充(正在重构)
- 支持全定点或者浮点计算(可配置切换)
- 实现渲染设备扩展,目前支持gpu加速的opengl es 1.0/2.0设备、纯算法渲染的bitmap设备
- 实现复杂多边形分割(三角形分割、凸多边形分割),支持奇偶填充、非零填充等填充规则(这个算法花了我一年时间 =。=)
- 实现mesh结构和封装
- 实现多边形扫描算法
- 支持多平台窗口扩展,目前支持glut、sdl窗口,后续会支持(x11,framebuffer, ios/android,windows等原生窗口)
- svg矢量图形渲染(之前的版本实现过一整套,最近正在重构,所以暂时移除了)
- 反走样支持
- 实现更多平台窗口和渲染设备
- 实现字体渲染
- ui框架的实现
- 有时间的话,再整整游戏引擎,当然这个是后话,看心情和时间了。
- 目前基于opengl的渲染设备,绘制tiger.svg可达到60fps
- 基于bitmap的纯算法渲染设备,绘制tiger.svg可达到30-40fps(pc上测试,数据仅供参考)
请先安装: xmake
cd ./gbox
- Email:
- Website: