A utility controlling ITE Device(8291) Rev 0.02 RGB keyboard backlight in Linux. The keyboard control code is ported from tongfang-utility.
This utility only works for rev 0.02. Please confirm your device.
sudo hwinfo --keyboard
Hardware Class: keyboard
Model: "Integrated Technology Express ITE Device(8291)"
Hotplug: USB
Vendor: usb 0x048d "Integrated Technology Express, Inc."
Device: usb 0xce00 "ITE Device(8291)"
Revision: "0.02" <-----------------------
By default you need root privileges if you want to use this utility. you can create a udev
rule to allow everyone on your system to access this particular USB device, and thus you won't need to run the program as root
If you want to do that, create a file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-ite8291.rules
KERNEL=="hidraw*", SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", ATTRS{idVendor}=="048d", ATTRS{idProduct}=="ce00", TAG+="uaccess"
after creating the file, reboot.
Usage: ite8291r2ctl [OPTIONS] --effect <EFFECT>
-e, --effect <EFFECT> keyboard backlight effect [possible values: mono, breath, wave, rainbow, flash, mix, disable]
-S, --save save settings
-b, --brightness <BRIGHTNESS> keyboard backlight brightness [default: 3] [possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
-c, --color <COLOR> keybarod backlight color hex code, e.g. #ff0000
-d, --direction <DIRECTION> keybarod backlight moving direction [possible values: left, right]
-s, --speed <SPEED> keybarod backlight moving speed [possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
e.g. ite8291r2ctl --effect rainbow