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Sander Health App

dependencies Status Build Status devDependency Status Open Source Love

Get the App: Sander Health

Heroku: sanderhealth-development sanderhealth-production

Still need to set up heroku & Travis

Getting Started

These instructions will provide information on the overall design and project structure. They will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.



  • Run mongo --version and should get a response if installed correctly.



  • (Helpful but not required)
  • Run npm install -g nodemon to install.
  • Can now edit package.json or simply run nodemon server.js


To get involved with this project, you'll need to do a few things:

  1. Download Node.js.
  2. Clone this repository by running git clone in the location of your choice.
  3. Download the dependencies by running npm install when you're in the project directory.
  4. Create new '.env' file following the example.env and input your api keys and environmental variables accordingly.
  5. To start run npm start or nodemon server.js
  6. The server should be accessible at localhost:3000
  7. Get the electron app link
  8. Deploy server.

Running the tests

Tests are run using mocha

Create Tests

Add new .js file to /tests folder.

Run Test

npm test

Project structure

Name Description / Purpose
server.js The main application file and entrypoint.
config/passport.js Passport strategies and middleware to manage login.
models/User.js Mongoose schema and model for User.
public/ Static assets (fonts, css, js, img).
views/ All the handlebars layouts and views
controllers/api.js Controller for /api route and to manage twilio requests.
controllers/home.js Controller for home.
controllers/user.js Controller for user account management.
controllers/notification.js Controller to manage notifications
controllers/entry.js Controller for entries.
test/ Folder containing all our unit tests for mocha.
example.env Your API keys, tokens, passwords and database URI.
package.json npm package dependencies & node config
.travis.yml Contains travis ci configuration settings

Tools Used

  • Time/Date - moments
  • User Management/Sessions - passport
  • DB - mongodb / mongoose mlab
  • CI - travis ci
  • Hosting - heroku
  • Dependency Management - david
  • Tasks - cron
  • web notifications - node-pushnotifications
  • Voice / SMS - twillio
  • Email - sendGrid
  • Notifications - google cloud messaging (polymer component)
  • Front-end / Templating - electron / polymer & handlebars
  • Package Manager - npm / yarn


(See package.json) but at a glance, the following packages are / will be used.

  • async
  • bcrypt
  • chalk
  • compression
  • connect-mongo
  • dotenv
  • express
  • errorhandler
  • lodash
  • passport-local
  • moments
  • supertest
  • sinon
  • eslint
  • express-session
  • body-parser
  • express-validator
  • serve-favicon
  • mongoose
  • mocha
  • nodemailer
  • passport
  • passport-google-oauth
  • request
  • twilio
  • validator


  1. Clone repo. We work off the development branch.
  2. Create new branch for your feature.
  3. Submit pull request for your branch into development.


0.0.1 (Mar 21, 2017)

  • Updated project & uploaded to github

0.0.0 (Nov 02, 2016)

  • Initial Setup


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


