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AWS Tower give the ability to discover and monitor AWS account to find vulnerabilities or misconfigurations. Give also a brief overview for non-AWS expert. Not related at all of the AWS Trusted Advisor.


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AWS Tower

AWS Tower give the ability to discover and monitor AWS account to find vulnerabilities or misconfigurations. Give also a brief overview for non-AWS expert.

Not related at all of the AWS Trusted Advisor.

AWS Services monitored:

  • API Gateway
  • CloudFront
  • EC2
  • EKS
  • IAM
  • MQ
  • RDS
  • S3
  • VPC


$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cp config/rules.yaml.sample config/rules.yaml # if you want to use "audit"
$ cp config/subnet_allow_list.txt.sample config/subnet_allow_list.txt # if you want to use a subnet allow list
$ cp config/trusted_accounts_list.txt.sample config/trusted_accounts_list.txt # if you want to use an aws account allow list


$ alias aws-tower='<path>/'
$ aws-tower --help
usage: [-h] [--version] [--no-color] [--no-cache] [--clean-cache] [-l] [-p] {audit,discover,draw,iam} ...

positional arguments:
    audit               Audit AWS account to find security issues
    discover            Discover assets in an AWS account
    draw                Draw a threat model of your AWS account
    iam                 Display IAM info for an AWS account

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --no-color            Disable colors
  --no-cache            Disable cache
  --clean-cache         Erase current cache by a new one
  -l, --layer           [BETA] Generate a layer for the ATT&CK navigator
  -p, --list-profiles   List available profiles
$ aws-tower audit --help
usage: audit [-h] [-t {APIGW,CLOUDFRONT,EC2,EKS,ELB,IAM,MQ,RDS,S3,VPC}] [-m {info,low,medium,high,critical}] [-M {info,low,medium,high,critical}] [-f FILTER] [-v] [-b]
                              [-s] [-o OUTPUT]

positional arguments:
  profile               A valid profile name configured in the ~/.aws/config file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Types to display (default: display everything)
  -m {info,low,medium,high,critical}, --min-severity {info,low,medium,high,critical}
                        min severity level to report when security is enabled (default: medium)
  -M {info,low,medium,high,critical}, --max-severity {info,low,medium,high,critical}
                        max severity level to report when security is enabled (default: high)
  -f FILTER, --filter FILTER
                        Filter by asset value (Ex: "something", "port:xxx", "engine:xxx", "version:xxx", "os:xxx"
  -v, --verbose         Verbose output of the account assets
  -b, --brief           Brief output of the account assets
  -s, --summary         Summary of the account assets
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Save the JSON output inside the specified file
$ aws-tower discover --help
usage: discover [-h] [-t {APIGW,CLOUDFRONT,EC2,EKS,ELB,IAM,MQ,RDS,S3,VPC}] [-p] [-f FILTER] [-v] [-b] [-s] [-o OUTPUT] profile

positional arguments:
  profile               A valid profile name configured in the ~/.aws/config file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Types to display (default: display everything)
  -p, --public-only     Display public assets only
  -f FILTER, --filter FILTER
                        Filter by asset value (Ex: "something", "port:xxx", "engine:xxx", "version:xxx", "os:xxx"
  -v, --verbose         Verbose output of the account assets
  -b, --brief           Brief output of the account assets
  -s, --summary         Summary of the account assets
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Save the JSON output inside the specified file
$ aws-tower draw --help
usage: draw [-h] [-t {APIGW,CLOUDFRONT,EC2,EKS,ELB,IAM,MQ,RDS,S3,VPC}] [--limit] [--all] [--vpc-peering-dot VPC_PEERING_DOT] profile

positional arguments:
  profile               A valid profile name configured in the ~/.aws/config file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Types to display (default: display everything)
  --limit               Restrict to only interesting assets among vulnerable
  --all                 All assets, without lonely nodes
  --vpc-peering-dot VPC_PEERING_DOT
                        Save VPC peering dot file
$ aws-tower iam --help
usage: iam [-h] [-s SOURCE] [-a ACTION] [--min-rights {admin,poweruser,reader}] [--service SERVICE] [-d] [--only-dangerous-actions] [-v] profile

positional arguments:
  profile               A valid profile name configured in the ~/.aws/config file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
                        Source arn
  -a ACTION, --action ACTION
                        Action to match
  --min-rights {admin,poweruser,reader}
                        Minimum actions rights
  --service SERVICE     Action Category to match
  -d, --display         Display informations about the source ARN
                        Display IAM dangerous actions only
  -v, --verbose         Verbose output of the account assets

Usage (lambda)

$ pip install -r requirements.lambda.txt --target ./package

$ cp config/lambda.config.sample config/lambda.config
$ export PATROWL_APITOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
$ export PATROWL_PRIVATE_ENDPOINT=http:https://localhost/
$ export PATROWL_PUBLIC_ENDPOINT=http:https://localhost/

$ python -c 'from monitoring.aws_lambda import aws_tower_child; aws_tower_child.main({ "my-account-profile": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxxx:role/readonly", "env": "pro|pre|dev", "region_name": "eu-west-1", "meta_types": ["S3"] })'

Usage (layers)

$ aws-tower --layer > /tmp/aws-tower-layer.json

Then, go to Attack Navigator

Click on "Open Existing Layer" -> "Upload from local"

Upload your generated file, /tmp/aws-tower-layer.json

You will have a warning, Click No to refuse the upgrade on Att&ck v12, stay in v11.

Usage (draw)

# Display demo-account with only medium, high and critical findings
$ aws-tower draw demo-account

# Display demo-account, with all assets
$ aws-tower draw demo-account --all

# Display VPC peering connexion in demo-account
$ aws-tower draw demo-account --vpc-peering-dot /tmp/
$ dot -Tjpg /tmp/ -o /tmp/_vpc_demo_account.jpg

# Display VPC peering connexion in all accounts
$ for account in $(aws-tower -p); do aws-tower draw $account --vpc-peering-dot "/tmp/_${account}.dot"; done
$ (echo 'graph {'; grep -h -- ';' /tmp/_*.dot | sort -u; echo '}')> /tmp/
$ dot -Tjpg /tmp/ -o /tmp/graph.jpg


Some rules already exists in config/rules.yaml.sample, but you can add your own too.

Define finding

You need to add your findings in config/rules.yaml with the following format:

- message:
    text: '{arg1}: Your text ({arg2}, {arg3}), your text'
        type: dict
        key: key_in_dict
        variable: dict
        type: variable
        variable: my_variable
        type: variable
        variable: my_other_variable
    - type: in # not_in, is_cidr, is_private_cidr, ...
      description: Check if 'all' is 'IN' 'ports'
        - type: constant
          name: data_element
          value: all
        - type: variable
          name: data_list
          value: ports
  severity: medium # info, medium, high, critical


Types already presents:

  • in: check if data_element is in data_list
  • not_in: check if data_element is not in data_list
  • has_attribute: check if data_sources['asset'] has the attribute conditions['attribute']
  • has_not_attribute: check if data_sources['asset'] hasn't the attribute conditions['attribute']
  • has_attribute_equal: check if data_sources['attribute_value'] has the attribute equal to conditions['attribute_value']
  • has_attribute_equal: check if data_sources['attribute_value'] has the attribute not equal to conditions['attribute_value']
  • is_cidr: check if source is a CIDR (example: is a valid cidr).
  • is_private_cidr: check if source is a private CIDR (rfc 1918)
  • is_in_networks: check if source is one the networks in networks
  • is_ports: check if source is a port or range ports (example: 9000-90001 is valid)
  • engine_deprecated_version: check if engine version is higher than versions

To add a new type, you must define it in libs/ with the following format:

  • The method name must be: _check_rule_{type} where type is the name you want (like is_cidr, type_regex, ...)
  • Use 2 arguments for your method (will be changed in next update)

Developers documentation

To generate the documentation:

$ cd docs && make html

To update the documentation:

$ sphinx-apidoc -o docs/source .


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").


Copyright 2020-2023 Leboncoin


AWS Tower give the ability to discover and monitor AWS account to find vulnerabilities or misconfigurations. Give also a brief overview for non-AWS expert. Not related at all of the AWS Trusted Advisor.








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