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Releases: lballabio/QuantLib-SWIG


23 Jul 07:03
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Main changes for QuantLib-SWIG 1.35

More details on the changes are available in ChangeLog.txt and at

  • Removed deprecated classes DividendVanillaOption and DividendBarrierOption.
  • Removed deprecated constructor of AnalyticDividendEuropeanEngine taking only a process and no dividends.
  • Exported missing CashAnnuityModel parameter for Black and Bachelier swaption engines (@lballabio).
  • Exported Ziggurat Gaussian RNG; thanks to Ralf Konrad Eckel (@ralfkonrad).
  • Exported a few missing CashFlows methods (@lballabio); thanks to GitHub user @heiieh for the heads-up.
  • Exported new IborCoupon::hasFixed method (@lballabio).
  • Exported new FittedBondDiscountCurve::resetGuess method (@lballabio).
  • EuriborSW renamed to Euribor1W, old name still available for a while (@lballabio).
  • Exported lookback days, lockout days and observation shift for overnight-indexed coupons, swaps and helpers (@lballabio).
  • Exported SimpleQuote::reset method; thanks to Eugene Toder (@eltoder).

Full Changelog: v1.34...v1.35


24 Apr 08:09
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Main changes for QuantLib-SWIG 1.34

More details on the changes are available in ChangeLog.txt and at

  • Upgrade to SWIG 4.2.x. This allows to use Python's limited API and thus reduce the number of official wheels to cover the same Python versions.
  • Allow swaptions to use OIS as underlying (@lballabio).
  • Pass explicit base date to inflation curves instead of observation lag (@lballabio).
  • Exported SavedSettings as a context manager in Python; thanks to Eugene Toder (@eltoder).
  • Exported parabolic (Hermite) cubic spline interpolation schemes; thanks to Marcin Rybacki (@marcin-rybacki).
  • Exported additional interpolation schemes for InterpolatedPiecewiseZeroSpreadedTermStructure; thanks to Marcin Rybacki (@marcin-rybacki).
  • Exported Tona index; thanks to Jonghee Lee (@nistick21).
  • Removed inflation index constructors with interpolated parameters as well as the interpolated method in InflationIndex. They're no longer available in C++ (@lballabio).
  • Export a few new methods for MakeOIS and MakeVanillaSwap; thanks to Eugene Toder (@eltoder).
  • Exported cdsMaturity function (@lballabio).
  • Enable different definition of macro QL_JAVA_INTERFACES; thanks to Ralf Konrad (@ralfkonrad).
  • Define a few additional operators in C++ instead of Python; thanks to Eugene Toder (@eltoder).
  • Removed uncallable internal EndCriteria::operator() method (@lballabio).

Full Changelog: v1.33...v1.34


22 Jan 08:46
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Main changes for QuantLib-SWIG 1.33

More details on the changes are available in ChangeLog.txt and at

  • Exported Burley 2020 Sobol generator (@lballabio).
  • Allowed different calendars and frequencies for different legs in OISRateHelper; thanks to Eugene Toder (@eltoder).
  • Exported convex-monotone forward-rate curve (@lballabio).
  • Exported support for angled contour shift integrals in Heston model; thanks to Klaus Spanderen (@klausspanderen).
  • Allowed negative payment lag in swap legs; thanks to Fredrik Gerdin Börjesson (@gbfredrik).
  • Exported reset method in calendars; thanks to Fredrik Gerdin Börjesson (@gbfredrik).
  • Added Python tests for BondFunctions; thanks to Francois Botha (@igitur).

Full Changelog: v1.32...v1.33


20 Oct 07:36
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Main changes for QuantLib-SWIG 1.32

More details on the changes are available in ChangeLog.txt and at

  • Avoid using the deprecated distutils module for the Python wrappers; setuptools is now required for building (@lballabio).
  • Exported LastFixingQuote; thanks to Eugene Toder (@eltoder).
  • Added redemptions and paymentLag arguments to amortizing bond constructors; thanks to Gyan Sinha (@gyansinha).
  • Exported utility function to simplify notification graph (@lballabio).
  • Exported a few exotic options (Margrabe, compound, chooser) and related engines (@lballabio).
  • Exported new constructor for OIS (@lballabio).
  • Exported missing parameters for iterative bootstrap (@lballabio).
  • Exported Xoshiro256** RNG (@lballabio).

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.31.1...v1.32


24 Jul 08:26
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Changes for QuantLib-SWIG 1.31.1

QuantLib-SWIG 1.31.1 is a bug-fix release for version 1.31.

It includes a change in the underlying C++ library that fixes a regression that could cause a segmentation fault when bootstrapping an interest-rate curve using OIS rates.

Full Changelog: v1.31...v1.31.1


18 Jul 12:47
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Main changes for QuantLib-SWIG 1.31

More details on the changes are available in ChangeLog.txt and at

  • Removed deprecated features no longer available in the underlying C++ library:
    • The CPICoupon constructor taking a number of fixing days and its adjustedFixing method.
    • The withFixingDays methods of CPILeg.
    • The ZeroInflationCashFlow constructor taking a calendar and business-day convention.
    • The LexicographicalView class.
  • Exported new U.S. SOFR calendar (@lballabio).
  • Exported new constructors and indexRatio method for CPICoupon (@lballabio).
  • Exported new constructors and underlyingIndex method for YoYInflationIndex (@lballabio).
  • Exported new constructors for ForwardRateAgreement (@lballabio).
  • Rework Python tests to follow standard conventions; thanks to Eugene Toder (@eltoder).
  • Updated constructor of DatedOISRateHelper to take new parameters; thanks to Eugene Toder (@eltoder).
  • Exported missing currencies and crypto; thanks to Fredrik Gerdin Börjesson (@gbfredrik).
  • Exported LogMixedLinearCubic interpolator and corresponding discount curves; thanks to Eugene Toder (@eltoder).
  • Exported ArithmeticAverageOIS and the corresponding rate helper; thanks to Eugene Toder (@eltoder).
  • Exported a few missing inspectors for Swap; thanks to Eugene Toder (@eltoder).
  • Exported CORRA, SWESTR and DESTR indexes; thanks to Fredrik Gerdin Börjesson (@gbfredrik).
  • Exported new constructor and Python tests for JointCalendar; thanks to Fredrik Gerdin Börjesson (@gbfredrik).
  • Exported new LazyObject interface (@lballabio).
  • Added Python examples for callable bonds and caps; thanks to Nijaz Kovacevic (@NijazK).
  • Added convenience methods of and toLocalDate to Java wrappers that convert QuantLib dates from and to java.time.LocalDate; and example is provided. Thanks to Ralf Konrad (@ralfkonrad).

New Contributors

Full Changelog: QuantLib-SWIG-v1.30...v1.31


19 Apr 07:18
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Main changes for QuantLib-SWIG 1.30

More details on the changes are available in ChangeLog.txt and at

  • Removed deprecated features no longer available in the underlying C++ library:
    • the WulinYongDoubleBarrierEngine alias for SuoWangDoubleBarrierEngine;
    • the spotIncome and spotValue methods of ForwardRateAgreement;
    • constructors for InterpolatedZeroInflationCurve and PiecewiseZeroInflationCurve taking an indexIsInterpolated parameter;
    • the indexIsInterpolated method of InflationTermStructure;
    • some overloaded constructors of SofrFutureRateHelper.
  • Renamed SwaptionVolCube1 to SabrSwaptionVolatilityCube and SwaptionVolCube2 to InterpolatedSwaptionVolatilityCube, as in the underlying C++ library; the old names remain available in Python but not in other languages.
  • Exported new EquityCashFlow, EquityIndex and EquityTotalReturnSwap classes with a few tests; thanks to Marcin Rybacki (@marcin-rybacki).
  • Exported constructors for vanilla and barrier pricing engines taking discrete dividends; this makes DividendVanillaOption and DividendBarrierOption obsolete (@lballabio).
  • Exported new calendars for Austria, Botswana and Romania; thanks to Fredrik Gerdin Börjesson (@gbfredrik).
  • Exported new ASX calendar for Australia (@lballabio).
  • Exported FixedLocalVolSurface and GridModelLocalVolSurface classes with a test; thanks to Klaus Spanderen (@klausspanderen).
  • Exported new CPICoupon constructors (@lballabio).
  • Exported UKHICP index (@lballabio).
  • Exported a few African currencies (@lballabio).

Full Changelog: QuantLib-SWIG-v1.29...QuantLib-SWIG-v1.30


17 Jan 09:37
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Main changes for QuantLib-SWIG 1.29

More details on the changes are available in ChangeLog.txt and at

  • Enabled autodoc feature in Python; exported methods and classes have now docstrings reporting their interface and the types of the parameters.
  • Enabled CI build and tests for the R wrappers; thanks to @AndLLA.
  • Removed deprecated features no longer available in the underlying C++ library:
    • the constructor of UnitedStates missing an explicit market;
    • the nominalTermStructure method of InflationTermStructure;
    • the CrossCurrencyBasisSwapRateHelper class.
  • Added compounding and compoundingFrequency parameters to FixedRateLeg (@lballabio).
  • Exported CashFlows::npvbps method (@lballabio).
  • Exported baseFixing and indexFixing methods in IndexedCashFlow (@lballabio).
  • Exported new constructors for zero-inflation indexes (@lballabio).
  • Exported missing arguments in CreditDefaultSwap constructor (@lballabio).
  • Exported Nearest business-day convention (@lballabio).
  • Exported AmortizingCmsRateBond; thanks to @chenyanlann.
  • Exported QuantoBarrierOption and QuantoBarrierEngine; thanks to @chenyanlann.
  • Avoided out-of-bound access to Matrix elements (@lballabio).
  • Exported a number of LMM-related classes (@lballabio).
  • Exported YoY inflation coupons and related classes (@lballabio).
  • Exported the CPI::laggedFixing method; thanks to Marcin Rybacki (@marcin-rybacki).
  • Exported QdPlusAmericanEngine, QdFpAmericanEngine and related classes; thanks to Klaus Spanderen (@klausspanderen).
  • Added Python test case for Andreasen-Huge local volatility; thanks to Klaus Spanderen (@klausspanderen).

New Contributors

Full Changelog: QuantLib-SWIG-v1.28...QuantLib-SWIG-v1.29


25 Oct 07:27
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Main changes for QuantLib-SWIG 1.28

More details on the changes are available in ChangeLog.txt and at

  • Removed deprecated features no longer available in the underlying C++ library:
    • the constructors of ZeroCouponInflationSwap and ZeroCouponInflationSwapHelper missing an explicit CPI interpolation type;
    • the constructors of ActualActual and Thirty360 missing an explicit choice of convention.
  • Renamed RelinkableYoYOptionletVolatilitySurface to RelinkableYoYOptionletVolatilitySurfaceHandle. The old name is still available in Python as deprecated. Currently we have no way to do so in other languages.
  • Added an implicit conversion in C# from bool to boost::optional<bool>, making it possible to pass parameters of this type. Python already had typemaps defined. Other languages can pass OptionalBool(b) where b is the desired bool.
  • Exported the Gaussian1dCapFloorEngine class; thanks to @jacek-bator.
  • Exported LazyObject methods in PiecewiseYieldCurve; thanks to Francois Botha (@igitur).
  • Exported Act/366 and Act/365.25 day counters; thanks to Ignacio Anguita (@IgnacioAnguita).
  • Exported PartialTimeBarrierOption class and related engine; thanks to Ignacio Anguita (@IgnacioAnguita).
  • Added missing operator- to Date in C#.
  • Added a few default parameters to the SABRInterpolation constructor.
  • Exported new constructor for SabrSmileSection.
  • Exported new sinkingSchedule and sinkingNotionals functions.
  • Exported new overload for CallableBond::impliedVolatility.
  • Exported missing end-of-month optional parameter for OISRateHelper constructor.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: QuantLib-SWIG-v1.27...QuantLib-SWIG-v1.28


22 Jul 07:01
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Main changes for QuantLib-SWIG 1.27

More details on the changes are available in ChangeLog.txt and at

  • Fixed code generation when Java's AutoCloseable support is enabled through the --enable-java-autocloseable configure switch (@lballabio).
  • Exported the SviSmileSection and SviInterpolatedSmileSection classes; thanks to Fredrik Gerdin Börjesson (@gbfredrik).
  • Exported the QuantoTermStructure class; thanks to Sebastian Bohlen (@BohlSeb).
  • Exported the TurnbullWakemanAsianEngine class; thanks to Jack Gillett (@jackgillett101).
  • Exported shorter name (the same as in C++) for PiecewiseZeroSpreadedTermStructure (@lballabio). The older and uglier SpreadedLinearZeroInterpolatedTermStructure is still available.
  • Exported the previousCashFlowAmount and nextCashFlowAmount methods from the CashFlows class; thanks to Marcin Rybacki (@marcin-rybacki).
  • Exported a few missing methods from the CreditDefaultSwap class (@lballabio).
  • Removed the FDShoutEngine class, no longer available in the underlying C++ library; thanks to Fredrik Gerdin Börjesson (@gbfredrik).
  • Removed reference to the deprecated Disposable class from interface files; thanks to Jonathan Sweemer (@sweemer).

New Contributors

Full Changelog: QuantLib-SWIG-v1.26...QuantLib-SWIG-v1.27