have created an anime series website with responsive design for three different screen sizes. I have divided the web page into two parts, on the one hand the part of the input to search for the user with the search button and the reset button, both with their corresponding click functions. And in the other part I have made two large sections on the left part favorite series (main1) and on the right results (main 2).
- left section: show the series selected as favorites from the results section together with a button to delete the series individually and another at the end to delete all the favorite series, both functions with click events but without deleting from local storage.
- right part: show list of API results according to the text entered by the user. When clicking on a series add the favorites class to change the color title, add a border to the series and show it on the left side as well. When you click again you have to remove the favorites class to remove the color border, change the color of the title and remove the series from the left side.
- reset button : when clicking delete user text, left part of favorites, right of results and local storage.