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Tags: latex3/unicode-math



Toggle v0.8r's commit message
 * Revise definitions of `\\setminus` and `\\smallsetminus` (#181, #583…

…) — long overdue.

    Note that there are compatibility considerations with this change.
  * Add `\\diagup` and `\\diagdown` (#604).
  * Make `\\operator@font` protected to allow operators (e.g., `\\cos`) in section headings (etc). (#550)
  * Allow `\\symcal` to handle lowercase Latin (#589).
  * Add additional fonts to the symbol listing document (#597).


Toggle v0.8q's commit message
 * Update to adapt to / support new features in the upcoming 2e kernel.

  * Give a better error message if used on non-supported engines that are not pdfTeX.


Toggle v0.8p's commit message
 * Remove dependency on `filehook` package. Just to simplify.

  * Remove patch code for the `colonequals` package; now if you use that package
    you will simply receive its standard ‘constructed’ symbols.
  * Load `amsmath` automatically. This is not intended to save time for the user,
    but to simplify the code logic. Users should continue to load `amsmath` explicitly IMO.


Toggle v0.8o's commit message
 * Avoid `'Dimension too large' error` for some (unpredictable) combi…

…nations of font

    choice and the `Scale` option. Problems are still known to occur for very large or
    very small values of `Scale`.
  * Documentation is now run through ‘continuous integration’ (viz, *Travis* for the time being)
    as well as the test suite.


Toggle v0.8n's commit message
 * Add note to readme that the `lm-math` package is required for mini…

…mal functionality.

  * Spacing fixed for maths fonts loaded with the `Scale` fontspec feature (#287).
  * Commands like `\crampedtextstyle` now longer lead to an infinite loop under XeTeX (#505).
  * Improvements to the functionality of the test suite. (Although more tests would be nice.)
  * Test suite is now (successfully) run with `expl3` debug mode enabled.


Toggle v0.8m's commit message
 * Restore behaviour of legacy syntax `x_\mathrm{x}` (i.e., with no b…


    While strictly ‘incorrectly’, this usage is widely used.
    N.B. this syntax is not supported for the `\symXX` commands.
  * Add `\cuberoot` and `\fourthroot` as proper radicals.
  * Some additional input subscripts/superscripts.
  * Some documentation additions (thanks for the contributions).
  * Deprecation warning: the *internal* `\__um_switchto_XX:` commands will be dropped in
    a future release in favour of `\__um_switch_to:n {XX}` (or similar). These are internal
    commands and shouldn't be used by third-parties; please write if you have a use case.


Toggle v0.8l's commit message
 * Issue an error message if `\setmathfont{...}[range=...]` is used f…

…irst; a `range`

    declaration inherently implies a subset, so a ‘main’ math font needs to be set up first.
  * Fix issue when nesting `\mathXX` and `\symZZ` commands. (#356, #435, #438)
  * Fix another issue when using `mathXX` or `\symXX` inside `\DeclareMathOperator`. (#449)
  * Document incompatibility with the `mathspec` package. (#436)
  * Fix bugs for using `range=\partial` and `range=\nabla`. (#441)


Toggle v0.8k's commit message
 * Eliminate warnings `Variant form 'NV' invalid for base form`... (#430


  * Fix issue when loading the `cal` range (#431).
  * Fix issue with `\sqrt[n]{x}` with `amsmath` (#432).
  * Error when loading on (really) old versions of XeTeX/LuaTeX removed.
  * More UM fonts listed in the README (#425).


Toggle v0.8j's commit message
- v0.8j (2018/01/07)

  * NEW

    * Numbers and latin letters in the fullwidth Unicode range are now supported
      as aliases to their ASCII counterparts (#337).
    * New commands `\(New|Renew)NegationCommand \foo` for defining custom negations
      accessed via `\not\foo`.


    * `\typecolon` is now `\mathrel` instead of `\mathbin` (#360).
    * New symbol `\mathhyphen` which acts like a ‘letter’ (#313).
    * `\nabla` and `\partial` have corrected documentation (#257).
    * The following legacy commands are listed as ‘unsupported’ and will result
      in sensible error messages rather than the old behaviour of meaningless
      output: `\arrowvert`, `\Arrowvert`, `\bracevert`. (#411).

  * BUGS

    * LuaTeX bug with shifted `\underbrace` when it contains accented symbols worked around (#391).
    * When using the `range` feature, users commonly found they needed to call
      `\setmathfont` a final time with the original font to ensure correct
      formatting and correct selection of symbol alphabets. I hope the issues
      that required this have now been corrected (#331, #387).
    * If `\setmathfont` is called a second time in a document, it tries harder
      to more properly reset the maths font setup for the new font (#224).
    * Properly hard-coded the `\delcode` of the period to ensure `\left`/`\right`
      behave correctly in all circumstances (#344, #351, #420).
    * Correct `\mathrm` (etc.) situation when no fonts loaded explicitly by the user (#330).
    * Various bug fixes to `\not` (#126, #343, #363)
    * `\std@minus` & `\std@equal` now properly corrected (#332).
    * Fix problem with infinite loop with `\cdots` when `amsmath` loaded after `unicode-math` (#227).
    * If `\setmath(rm|sf|tt)` is called *before* loading `unicode-math`, the setting
      is now remembered (#407).


    * A number of improvements to efficiency when loading subsequent math fonts
      using the `range` feature.
    * No longer loads the `ucharcat` package.
    * Test suite re-implemented for better portability and use with Travis CI.
      See <> for the up-to-date status
      of whether the test suite is passing.


Toggle v0.8i's commit message
- v0.8i (2017/11/18)

  * Many internal changes to support future work.
  * Improved documentation describing the `\mathXX` and `\symXX` commands.
  * Documentation is now split into `unicode-math.pdf` (for the user)
    and `unicode-math-code.pdf` (for the typeset source code).