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fireguard - Firecracker MicroVMs management application.


fireguard [ --config CONFIG_FILE ]  <COMMAND>

CONFIG_FILE is a path to fireguard config file (default is ~/.fireguard)

COMMAND is one of the following: vm, net


vm command accepts following arguments:

  • create [JQ_EXPRESSION] -- create a new VM by copying ORIGIN to a STAGE. If JQ_EXPRESSION is given then update its vm_config.json with accordance to it.
  • showAll -- show information about all available VMs
  • start VM_ID -- start a VM with given id. Once VM is started its console available through screen utility
  • stop VM_ID -- stop a VM with given id
  • startAll -- start all VMs
  • stopAll -- stop all VMs (right now it is done by killing the process)
  • restart VM_ID -- restart VM with given id


JQ_EXPRESSION -- it is a jq expression which will be sent to jq together with vm_config.json. It allows you to change certain VM configuration parameters.


net command accepts following arguments:

  • create SUBNET NETMASK -- create a new network with given SUBNET and NETMASK. You cannot have two networks with same SUBNET.
  • attach VM_ID NETWORK_ID -- attach virtual machine VM_ID to the network NETWORK_ID. You need to restart the VM after so it will join the network.




Release versions

lambdaprime [email protected]