The dmarc_mail_app will fetch email from a server via port 110. It will parse and process the data that is typically found in a dmarc notifications from,, etc. At this point it will download all the emails of the account and parse the information into a set of text files to the folder 'test_files'.
boost is used extensively. filesystem, spirit::x3, asio, archive... You will need to run boost b2 and add at the least at this time, bzip2, as I wrote the zlib decompresser in the app, you don't necessarily need that below.
b2.exe --with-iostreams -s BZIP2_SOURCE=C:\cpp\bzip2-1.0.6 -s ZLIB_SOURCE=C:\cpp\zlib-1.2.11
zlib.lib Eventually, openssl.
- Add the SSL layer.
- Use a database such as sqlite for storage.
- A UI, probably wxWidgets, to operate the whole thing and present the data as tables.
- Create a cmake file.