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Autobahn wrapper for Vue, served as a plugin

  • Calls to subscribe, register, publish, call, unsubscribe, unregister are deferred, so that they are executed as soon as the Session object of Autobahn is available
  • Plugin packaging
  • Global, static methods
  • Vue mixin methods
  • Automatic garbage collection for Registration and Subscription objects component-wise when used through option (acknowledge option is forced)

Since v2.0.0:

  • Automatic re-subscribe/register if the connection was lost then re-established (only works with mixin methods and component config)
  • Reactive global state
  • Events

Since v3.0.0:

  • wampIsOpen, wampIsConnected and wampIsRetrying are only available on the $root component, to avoid data pollution. (Events are still emitted on all components)
  • Scrapped bundling, use your own toolchain to transpile to the desired compatibility level
  • Deprecated config options:
    • onopen {function}
    • onclose {function}
    • debug {boolean}
  • New config options:
    • namespace {string}: The namespace for the plugin, default: wamp
    • auto_reestablish {boolean}: Automatically re-registers and re-subscribes after reconnection
    • auto_close_timeout {number}: Will close the WS connection after amount of idle milliseconds
  • Rudimentary TypeScript support


npm install --save vue-wamp


// entry.js
import VueWamp from 'vue-wamp'

Vue.use(VueWamp, {
    url: 'ws:',
    realm: 'realm1',

    // change this in case of naming conflict
    namespace: 'wamp',
    // automatically re-registers and re-subscribes after reconnection (on by default)
    auto_reestablish: true,
    // automatically closes WS connection after amount of idle milliseconds (off by default)
    auto_close_timeout: -1,

Global status

        <span v-if="$root.wampIsOpen">Connected</span>
        <span v-else-if="$root.wampIsRetrying">Retrying...</span>
        <span v-else>Disconnected</span>    


export default {
  mounted() {
    this.$on('$wamp.status', ({status, lastStatus, details}) => {});
    this.$on('$wamp.opened', ({status, lastStatus, details}) => {});
    this.$on('$wamp.closed', ({status, lastStatus, details}) => {});
    this.$on('$wamp.retrying', ({status, lastStatus, details}) => {});
    this.$on('$wamp.reconnected', ({status, lastStatus, details}) => {});


// component.vue
export default {
    data() {
        return {
            someValue: 'foobar'
    watch: {
        someValue(val, old) {
            this.$wamp.publish('some-topic', [], {val, old});
    wamp: {
        subscribe: {
            'some-topic'(args, kwArgs, details) {
                this.someValue = kwArgs.val;
            'another-topic': {
                acknowledge: true,
                handler(args, kwArgs, details) {
                    // do stuff
        register: {
            'some-rpc'(args, kwArgs, details) {
                return args[0] + ' I am useful!';
            'another-rpc': {
                invoke: 'random',
                handler(args, kwArgs, details) {
                    // more stuff

Static methods

Vue.$wamp.subscribe, Vue.$wamp.publish, Vue.$wamp.register, Vue.$, Vue.$wamp.unsubscribe, Vue.$wamp.unregister

// main.js
Vue.$wamp.subscribe('some-topic', function(args, kwArgs, details) {
        // context is empty
        console.log(this); // = null
    }, {
    acknowledge: true // option needed for promise
}).then(function(s) {
    console.log('AutobahnJS Subscription object: ', s); 

Mixin methods

this.$wamp.subscribe, this.$wamp.publish, this.$wamp.register, this.$, this.$wamp.unsubscribe, this.$wamp.unregister

export default {
    data() {
      return {
        foo: 'bar',
    mounted() {
        this.$wamp.subscribe('some-topic', function(args, kwArgs, details) {
            // component context is available
        }, {
            acknowledge: true // option needed for promise, automatically added
        }).then(function(s) {
            console.log('AutobahnJS Subscription object: ', s); 


  • Example
  • Tests
  • Vuex integration
  • Re-authentication