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C#'s fastest parser combinator library, developed at Stack Overflow.


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A lightweight, fast, and flexible parsing library for C#, developed at Stack Overflow.


Pidgin is available on Nuget. API docs are hosted on my website.


Getting started

Pidgin is a parser combinator library, a lightweight, high-level, declarative tool for constructing parsers. Parsers written with parser combinators look like a high-level specification of a language's grammar, but they're expressed within a general-purpose programming language and require no special tools to produce executable code. Parser combinators are more powerful than regular expressions - they can parse a larger class of languages - but simpler and easier to use than parser generators like ANTLR.

Pidgin's core type, Parser<TToken, T>, represents a procedure which consumes an input stream of TTokens, and may either fail with a parsing error or produce a T as output. You can think of it as:

delegate T? Parser<TToken, T>(IEnumerator<TToken> input);

In order to start building parsers we need to import two classes which contain factory methods: Parser and Parser<TToken>.

using Pidgin;
using static Pidgin.Parser;
using static Pidgin.Parser<char>;  // we'll be parsing strings - sequences of characters. For other applications (eg parsing binary file formats) TToken may be some other type (eg byte).

Primitive parsers

Now we can create some simple parsers. Any represents a parser which consumes a single character and returns that character.

Assert.AreEqual('a', Any.ParseOrThrow("a"));
Assert.AreEqual('b', Any.ParseOrThrow("b"));

Char, an alias for Token, consumes a particular character and returns that character. If it encounters some other character then it fails.

Parser<char, char> parser = Char('a');
Assert.AreEqual('a', parser.ParseOrThrow("a"));
Assert.Throws<ParseException>(() => parser.ParseOrThrow("b"));

Digit parses and returns a single digit character.

Assert.AreEqual('3', Digit.ParseOrThrow("3"));
Assert.Throws<ParseException>(() => Digit.ParseOrThrow("a"));

String parses and returns a particular string. If you give it input other than the string it was expecting it fails.

Parser<char, string> parser = String("foo");
Assert.AreEqual("foo", parser.ParseOrThrow("foo"));
Assert.Throws<ParseException>(() => parser.ParseOrThrow("bar")));

Return (and its synonym FromResult) never consumes any input, and just returns the given value. Likewise, Fail always fails without consuming any input.

Parser<char, int> parser = Return(3);
Assert.AreEqual(3, parser.ParseOrThrow("foo"));

Parser<char, int> parser2 = Fail<int>();
Assert.Throws<ParseException>(() => parser2.ParseOrThrow("bar"));

Sequencing parsers

The power of parser combinators is that you can build big parsers out of little ones. The simplest way to do this is using Then, which builds a new parser representing two parsers applied sequentially (discarding the result of the first).

Parser<char, string> parser1 = String("foo");
Parser<char, string> parser2 = String("bar");
Parser<char, string> sequencedParser = parser1.Then(parser2);
Assert.AreEqual("bar", sequencedParser.ParseOrThrow("foobar"));  // "foo" got thrown away
Assert.Throws<ParseException>(() => sequencedParser.ParseOrThrow("food")));

Before throws away the second result, not the first.

Parser<char, string> parser1 = String("foo");
Parser<char, string> parser2 = String("bar");
Parser<char, string> sequencedParser = parser1.Before(parser2);
Assert.AreEqual("foo", sequencedParser.ParseOrThrow("foobar"));  // "bar" got thrown away
Assert.Throws<ParseException>(() => sequencedParser.ParseOrThrow("food")));

Map does a similar job, except it keeps both results and applies a transformation function to them. This is especially useful when you want your parser to return a custom data structure. (Map has overloads which operate on between one and eight parsers; the one-parser version also has a postfix synonym Select.)

Parser<char, string> parser1 = String("foo");
Parser<char, string> parser2 = String("bar");
Parser<char, string> sequencedParser = Map((foo, bar) => bar + foo, parser1, parser2);
Assert.AreEqual("barfoo", sequencedParser.ParseOrThrow("foobar")));
Assert.Throws<ParseException>(() => sequencedParser.ParseOrThrow("food")));

Bind uses the result of a parser to choose the next parser. This enables parsing of context-sensitive languages. For example, here's a parser which parses any character repeated twice.

/// parse any character, then parse a character matching the first character
Parser<char, char> parser = Any.Bind(c => Char(c));
Assert.AreEqual('a', parser.ParseOrThrow("aa"));
Assert.AreEqual('b', parser.ParseOrThrow("bb"));
Assert.Throws<ParseException>(() => parser.ParseOrThrow("ab")));

Pidgin parsers support LINQ query syntax. It may be easier to see what the above example does when it's written out using LINQ:

Parser<char, char> parser =
    from c in Any
    from c2 in Char(c)
    select c2;

Parsers written like this look like a simple imperative script. "Run the Any parser and name its result c, then run Char(c) and name its result c2, then return c2."

Choosing from alternatives

Or represents a parser which can parse one of two alternatives. It runs the left parser first, and if it fails it tries the right parser.

Parser<char, string> parser = String("foo").Or(String("bar"));
Assert.AreEqual("foo", parser.ParseOrThrow("foo"));
Assert.AreEqual("bar", parser.ParseOrThrow("bar"));
Assert.Throws<ParseError>(() => parser.ParseOrThrow("baz"));

OneOf is equivalent to Or, except it takes a variable number of arguments. Here's a parser which is equivalent to the one using Or above:

Parser<char, string> parser = OneOf(String("foo"), String("bar"));

If one of Or or OneOf's component parsers fails after consuming input, the whole parser will fail.

Parser<char, string> parser = String("food").Or(String("foul"));
Assert.Throws<ParseError>(() => parser.ParseOrThrow("foul"));  // why didn't it choose the second option?

What happened here? When a parser successfully parses a character from the input stream, it advances the input stream to the next character. Or only chooses the next alternative if the given parser fails without consuming any input; Pidgin does not perform any lookahead or backtracking by default. Backtracking is enabled using the Try function.

// apply Try to the first option, so we can return to the beginning if it fails
Parser<char, string> parser = Try(String("food")).Or(String("foul"));
Assert.AreEqual("foul", parser.ParseOrThrow("foul"));

Recursive grammars

Almost any non-trivial programming language, markup language, or data interchange language will feature some sort of recursive structure. C# doesn't support recursive values: a recursive referral to a variable currently being initialised will return null. So we need some sort of deferred execution of recursive parsers, which Pidgin enables using the Rec combinator. Here's a simple parser which parses arbitrarily nested parentheses with a single digit inside them.

Parser<char, char> expr = null;
Parser<char, char> parenthesised = Char('(')
    .Then(Rec(() => expr))  // using a lambda to (mutually) recursively refer to expr
expr = Digit.Or(parenthesised);
Assert.AreEqual('1', expr.ParseOrThrow("1"));
Assert.AreEqual('1', expr.ParseOrThrow("(1)"));
Assert.AreEqual('1', expr.ParseOrThrow("(((1)))"));

However, Pidgin does not support left recursion. A parser must consume some input before making a recursive call. The following example will produce a stack overflow because a recursive call to arithmetic occurs before any input can be consumed by Digit or Char('+'):

Parser<char, int> arithmetic = null;
Parser<char, int> addExpr = Map(
    (x, y) => x + y,
    Rec(() => arithmetic),
    Rec(() => arithmetic)
arithmetic = addExpr.Or(Digit.Select(char.GetNumericValue));

arithmetic.Parse("2+2");  // stack overflow!

Derived combinators

Another powerful element of this programming model is that you can write your own functions to compose parsers. Pidgin contains a large number of higher-level combinators, built from the primitives outlined above. For example, Between runs a parser surrounded by two others, keeping only the result of the central parser.

Parser<TToken, T> InBraces<TToken, T, U, V>(this Parser<TToken, T> parser, Parser<TToken, U> before, Parser<TToken, V> after)
    => before.Then(parser).Before(after);

Parsing expressions

Pidgin features operator-precedence parsing tools, for parsing expression grammars with associative infix operators. The ExpressionParser class builds a parser from a parser to parse a single expression term and a table of operators with rules to combine expressions.

More examples

Examples, such as parsing (a subset of) JSON and XML into document structures, can be found in the Pidgin.Examples project.


A note on variance

Why doesn't this code compile?

class Base {}
class Derived : Base {}

Parser<char, Base> p = Return(new Derived());  // Cannot implicitly convert type 'Pidgin.Parser<char, Derived>' to 'Pidgin.Parser<char, Base>'

This would be possible if Parser were defined as a covariant in its second type parameter (ie interface Parser<TToken, out T>). For the purposes of efficiency, Pidgin parsers return a struct. Structs and classes aren't allowed to have variant type parameters (only interfaces and delegates); since a Pidgin parser's return value isn't variant, nor can the parser itself.

In my experience, this crops up most frequently when returning a node of a syntax tree from a parser using Select. The least verbose way of rectifying this is to explicitly set Select's type parameter to the supertype:

Parser<char, Base> p = Any.Select<Base>(() => new Derived());

Speed tips

Pidgin is designed to be fast and produce a minimum of garbage. A carefully written Pidgin parser can be competitive with a hand-written recursive descent parser. If you find that parsing is a bottleneck in your code, here are some tips for minimising the runtime of your parser.

  • Avoid LINQ query syntax. Query comprehensions are defined by translation into core C# using SelectMany, however, for long queries the translation can allocate a large number of anonymous objects. This generates a lot of garbage; while those objects often won't survive the nursery it's still preferable to avoid allocating them!
  • Avoid backtracking where possible. If consuming a streaming input like a TextReader or an IEnumerable, Try buffers its input to enable backtracking, which can be expensive.
  • Use specialised parsers where possible: the provided Skip* parsers can be used when the result of parsing is not required. They typically run faster than their counterparts because they don't need to save the values generated.
  • Build your parser statically where possible. Pidgin is designed under the assumption that parser scripts are executed more than they are written; building a parser can be an expensive operation.
  • Avoid Bind and SelectMany where possible. Many practical grammars are context-free and can therefore be written purely with Map. If you do have a context-sensitive grammar, it may make sense to parse it in a context-free fashion and then run a semantic checker over the result.

Comparison to other tools

Pidgin vs Sprache

Sprache is another parser combinator library for C# and served as one of the sources of inspiration for Pidgin. Pidgin's API is somewhat similar to that of Sprache, but Pidgin aims to improve on Sprache in a number of ways:

  • Sprache's input must be a string. This makes it inappropriate for parsing binary protocols or tokenised inputs. Pidgin supports input tokens of arbitrary type.
  • Sprache's input must be a string - an in-memory array of characters. Pidgin supports streaming inputs.
  • Sprache automatically backtracks on failure. Pidgin uses a special combinator to enable backtracking because backtracking can be a costly operation.
  • Pidgin comes bundled with operator-precedence tools for parsing expression languages with associative infix operators.
  • Pidgin is faster and allocates less memory than Sprache.
  • Pidgin has more documentation coverage than Sprache.

Pidgin vs FParsec

FParsec is a parser combinator library for F# based on Parsec.

  • FParsec is an F# library and consuming it from C# can be awkward. Pidgin is implemented in pure C#, and is designed for C# consumers.
  • FParsec only supports character input streams.
  • FParsec supports stateful parsing - it has an extra type parameter for an arbitrary user-defined state - which can make it easier to parse context-sensitive grammars.
  • FParsec is faster than Pidgin (though we're catching up!)


C#'s fastest parser combinator library, developed at Stack Overflow.







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