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Cardiomyopathy Database


Setting up server

# goto install directory
cd install
# start all required containers
docker-compose up -d
# verify if all of them are running
docker ps
# output should look like this:
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                           COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
081595103b04        hasura/graphql-engine:4d2d2ca   "/bin/sh -c ' raven …"   9 seconds ago       Up 8 seconds>8080/tcp   install_raven_1
756ee6ad2abe        postgres                        "docker-entrypoint.s…"   11 seconds ago      Up 9 seconds>5432/tcp   install_postgres_1
4ae80d8130d4        nebelungcat/cmdb-server:v1.1    "gunicorn --config .…"   11 seconds ago      Up 10 seconds>9000/tcp   install_server_1

The following components should be running:

Component Port
Postgres DB 6432
GraphQL API 8080
Server 9000

Starting Hasura Console

cd hasura
hasura console

This will open up the Hasura console on a browser. Explore data and build required query using the console.

Editing server code

The server will be listening on https://localhost:9000 and serving the homepage at /. server/src is mounted into the server container and all edits to any .py file will trigger a server restart. In case any file inside static/ or templates/ are edited, server needs to be restarted manually.

# restart server
docker restart install_server_1

To see server logs, use:

docker logs install_server_1
# use -f to follow logs

Adding new table

  • Create new table with required columns using Hasura console
  • Prepare a csv file with the same column structure, without headers
  • Copy the csv file into the postgres container:
    docker cp data.csv install_postgres_1:/data.csv
  • Execute psql command inside the container to import data from csv file into the table:
    docker exec install_postgres_1 psql -h localhost -p 5432 -d postgres -U postgres -c "copy <hasura-table-name> from '/data.csv' delimiter ',' null 'NULL' csv;"
  • Successfull copy should show the following output:
    COPY <number-of-rows-imported>

Backing up the database

  • Backup the postgres schema:
    docker exec install_postgres_1 pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d postgres --schema public --schema-only > public-schema.sql
  • Backup Hasura metadata:
    hasura metadata export
  • Backup the postgres data:
    docker exec install_postgres_1 pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d postgres --schema public --data-only -Z9 -Fc > public-data.sql.gz

Restoring the database

  • Restore schema:

    # using hasura migrations (recommended)
    hasura migrate apply


    # using postgres backups
    docker exec install_postgres_1 pg_restore -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d postgres --schema public --schema-only < public-schema.sql
    hasura metadata apply
  • Restore the data:

    docker exec install_postgres_1 pg_restore -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d postgres --schema public --data-only -Fc < public-data.sql.gz

Production setup

Clone the repo on the VM:

ssh <user>@<vm-ip>
git clone

Start the services

docker-compose up -d --build

Apply migrations

hasura migrate apply

Updating code

ssh <user>@<vm-ip>
git pull

docker-compose up -d --build

Creating a new table and adding data

Run all the commands on your local machine, unless specified.

Open Hasura console. This will open Hasura console on the local machine, but it will connect to Hasura running on the VM. (because of the VM ip present in hasura/config.yaml)

cd hasura
hasura console

Create the required tables. This will add migration files, which you should commit later. The table is created directly on the Postgres running on VM.

Prepare the CSV file locally (without headers) and copy it to the VM.

scp <local-csv-file.csv> <user>@<vm-ip>:<table-name-data.csv>

Then, SSH into the VM and execute following commands:

ssh <user>@<vm-ip>

Copy the csv file into the postgres container:

docker cp <table-name-data.csv> cmdb_postgres_1:/data.csv

Execute psql command inside the container to import data from csv file into the table:

docker exec cmdb_postgres_1 psql -h localhost -p 5432 -d postgres -U postgres -c "copy <hasura-table-name> from '/data.csv' delimiter ',' quote '"' null 'NULL' csv;"

Successfull copy should show the following output:

COPY <number-of-rows-imported>


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