A Chrome plugin to add tags to Hacker News links similar to reddit submission flairs.
Ideally this plugin will assist users in quickly selecting a relevant post to spend their time reading by categorizing useful posts.
Post titles will be searched for common categories and appended to the row.
- Programming Languages
- News Websites (NY Times, CNN, etc...)
- Frameworks
- Questions/Opinions
- Jobs
- ...
The first iteration of this project will likely accomplish:
- Successful parsing of CSS selectors to generate tags.
- sitestr - to grab the source url.
- rank - to grab the correct post number per page.
- title - to grab/parse for recognizable words.
- Successfully appending tags to existing div's
- Accomplishing 1 and 2 on every new page.
- Sorting posts based on tags - Also ignoring posts based on their source.
Instead of following the above we chose to style the existing element rather than appending our own - and just fousing on appending releveant tags.
(Note: XPath's may be used for this as well - but currently seem overkill since the selectors already exist. If we were searching for elements within the DOM it may be useful to use XPaths)
- If your contentscript.js file is not running (but is valid js) check your manifest.json file to see how/when your script is being run (document_end).