GistLive is a simple viewer for sharing live code examples hosted on GitHub Gist.
For example, if your Gist URL is:
Replace “gist.github.com” with “kyshel.github.io/GistLive/?id=” in the URL to view it:
Your Gist need:
- index.html (essential)
- README.md (optional)
- .json (optional)
The main source for your example is in index.html. You can use absolute links, such as CDN-hosted D3, jQuery or Leaflet.
To explain your example, add a README.md written in Markdown.
Customize the appearance of your GistLive by adding a .json file. The following options are supported:
- license - a supported SPDX License Identifier
- height - the iframe height in pixels; defaults to 700
GistLive is run by Kyshel.
GistLive is inspired by bl.ocks.org
Code highlighting by Highlight.js.
Markdown formatting by Showdown.