- 70200, Sri Lanka
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/kusumsiri/
URL_Shortener_Nodejs Public
AWS serverless application for URL Shortener written in Node.js
HCL UpdatedAug 23, 2023 -
kubernetes_github_actions Public
Continuous Deployment to Kubernetes cluster with GitHub Actions with S3 backend and DynamoDB state file locking
Terraform-Dynamodb Public
Creating DynamoDB Table on AWS by Terraform via Github Actions
An application that demonstrates how to use a CI/CD pipeline to automate the Docker image build process.
lambda_layer_github_actions Public
GitHub action to build and deploy lambda layers
A real-time news translator application with Amazon serverless technology using Terraform and Python3
A real-time news translator application with Amazon serverless technology using Terraform and Node.js
AWS_Lambda_App_Python_Boto3 Public
AWS Lambda Application with Python & Boto3
live-chat-app Public
Live chat application with AWS websockets
A WebSocket API Gateway
ccTalk Public
PayLink ccTalk repository
AWS_Lambda_ExpressJS_API Public
AWS Lambda invoke Node Express.js API with Serverless Framework
Create a lambda function on Amazon Web Services by Serverless-framework